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Lucky 76

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Everything posted by Lucky 76

  1. Lucky 76

    SSA Icon 12

    The kicker amp is a 2 ohm stable amp so you would have to buy the dual 1 ohm subwoofer. That amp should power it fine as they are underrated. If you could sell the amp I would get the package deal or buy just the sundown amp and buy 1 of my 2 week use d2 ohm icons
  2. Lucky 76

    Chris' Wall Build in the Aviator vids p.35

    Ya most likely. I was all over the place that day. I must have fallen into the fiberglass insulation like 1000 times lol.
  3. Lucky 76

    Screen Install In Box

    Well you might want to not use the sub until then. If you break your tv you are going to be upset.
  4. Lucky 76

    Screen Install In Box

    why not just cut a whole piece and seal it off to be safe?
  5. Lucky 76

    Ascendant Audio Mayhems?

    what do you consider low output?
  6. Lucky 76

    Screen Install In Box

    You would be better off with mdf in the back however as it is more sturdy.
  7. Lucky 76

    Screen Install In Box

    If you put a piece of plexi over the tv on the inside you will be fine. If you do not have that on think about it. It is 10x worse than having an amplifier mounted to the OUTSIDE of the box. All the internals will eventually become loose, crack, or come apart due to all the vibration inside the box (solder can undo and whatnot as well). You NEED to build the tv inside a separate enclosure so there is less of an effect from the subwoofer. So just throwing a layer of plexi over the back of the tv will allow a separate enclosure for the tv as long as it is properly sealed off and fastened down.
  8. Lucky 76

    Ascendant Audio Mayhems?

    You said you would have them at 1 ohm and wire them to .5 ohm for competition. That is why he is saying you are all over the place. The power is not going to make much of a difference compared to your enclosure. You should spend the extra money on strengthening your enclosure with bracing. You also want your enclosure as large as possible so if you could take dimensions of your trunk that would be a smart idea. I have never heard the btls or mayhems but I was told the mayhems sound better than the btls but have a little bit less output. If you want your system to sound like ass and just be loud then get the btls. Also what are you running for a front stage? You might want to consider spending the extra money on a better front stage.
  9. Lucky 76

    What db

    The higher the frequency at the same db will hurt more. Try listening to a 10 kHz tone play at 140 db and you will die. In fact try listening to it on your comp and it is brain scrambling lol.
  10. Lucky 76

    Screen Install In Box

    In order for this to work you need to seal off where the tv is. If you do not the tv will likely break due to pressure on the internals, the box will definitely leak, and you will not be happy. Just throw a sheet of mdf over the tv and screw it to the sides of the box.
  11. Lucky 76

    Chris' Wall Build in the Aviator vids p.35

    the momz said my subs came in today =) ... she said the ups guy was furious... cant wait to drive back from uconn on friday and take sum pichaz
  12. Lucky 76

    Ascendant Audio Mayhems?

    That will NOT work. It is impossible to get a .5 and 1 ohm load out of the same sub without buying the universal option on the btls. You need to make your box much bigger because you are choking those subs. They need 1.75-3 cu ft EACH. Btw if you dont plan on doing comps the extra 1000 watts is not going to make that big of a difference. You will not be able to audibly tell much of a difference.
  13. Lucky 76

    Exact weight of 12" Fi Q

    the fi q does not weight 46 lbs lmao! it's much less than that.
  14. Ya i have my build log posted - it is titled Chris' Wall Build .... I think. Ya I pretty much ran out of money lol. I budgeted everything out and I had enough but you know how things pop up and never go to plan lol. I have to wait until xmas to get my batteries as well.
  15. I am wondering what sized wire is sufficient to run from my amplifier to my subwoofer. It will be about 6 feet long and delivering approximately 1750-2000 watts rms.
  16. Lucky 76

    Chris' Wall Build in the Aviator vids p.35

    that is why i bought them
  17. Lucky 76

    Chris' Wall Build in the Aviator vids p.35

    I tell myself that every time I put something new in my car. I say to myself "Why should I wash or vacuum the car when I am going to be installing some new stuff and it is going to get dirty again?". Believe it or not I havent cleaned it since the spring I know it is disgusting but once this system is complete it should get vacuumed ahahah
  18. Lucky 76

    Chris' Wall Build in the Aviator vids p.35

    Got some pics from the weekend. Finally got the horns mounted. Wall was started. Hopefully the wall structure is built in a couple weeks. Wednesday my subs come in so next weeks pics should be incredible. Btw that is Josh (JammerJ). He specializes in the woodworking while I do my thing on the electrical.
  19. Lucky 76

    What Are Your Other Hobbies??? (besides Car Audio)

    powerlifting fishing techno/dance/trance
  20. Lucky 76

    Screen Install In Box

    If you make a separate chamber for the tv you will be fine. We installed a 42" hide away lcd in a box and it popped out through the box and nothing happened to it (this was sealed off from the rest of the enclosure). This is just to show you that the magnets will have no effect lcd.
  21. I am running 4 subs individually off their own amplifier.
  22. Ya I will most likely have to trim down the 10 too.
  23. I think I might just go 10 gauge to play it safe. I am pretty sure I should not have a problem fitting that in the terminal.
  24. Pain fitting 8 gauge on the terminal and it does get expensive when you need to buy enough for all your subs. I am buying 50 ft to be safe. I need enough for 4 subs. I am in college and every dollar counts since I only have like $500 spendable right now and it needs to last me until xmas. Having a girlfriend I need to factor out $300 for presents so I have like $200 spendable from now until xmas lol.