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Lucky 76

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Everything posted by Lucky 76

  1. Lucky 76

    filling material besides spray foam

    I don't plan on selling the car for 5 years because that is when I will be out of college =)
  2. Lucky 76

    filling material besides spray foam

    It will be permanent until I sell the car.
  3. Lucky 76

    Chris' Wall Build in the Aviator vids p.35

    Absolutely nothing got done today. All my friends pretty much came over and just talked to josh and I for the time being. The box was supposed to be constructed but we got nowhere. The only progress that was made was the baffle rings were predrilled lol. Tune in for next week. Hopefully the box will be constructed by then =)
  4. Lucky 76

    Chris' Wall Build in the Aviator vids p.35

    GOT SOME PICHAZ!!! Dominating some fabric Had to cut some screws with the roto zip because I got sliced badly with the protruding screws lol. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA Temporarily painted baffle. Will be using herculiner when finished. 60ft of 1/8" thickness angle iron [ Hand bandsaw taking it to the house The cut angle iron I had to drill 700 holes in the angle iron with a bridgeport. Took 4 hours lmao. Ill get more pics up later. The box should be constructed by the end of the night/tomorrow morning.
  5. I planned on putting 4 strobe lights inside my wall (sealed off from box shinning through a plexi window). I wanted to know if it is possible to hook up a music interface to these and if so where can I find one?
  6. I think it will take more than just one XS Power D3100 to keep his voltage nice. Just my .02 It will be plenty. I was recommended by the people at xs that I only needed a d3100 in the back and a d2700 up front with my 260 amp alternator. I also have close to 8000 watts rms pumping. The d3100 also says that it is recommended for power applications 4000/5000 watts rms. This is for daily driving and if you wanted to compete more may be needed depending on whether you can have your car on or off. Keep in mind by adding additional batteries (that are not needed) you would also be putting more of a load on your alternator for no reason. If it dosent work out you can always buy another. Why spend more on another battery when it is not necessary.
  7. Lucky 76

    Keep Your Packaging!

  8. Biggest alt you can find, big 3, and a d3100 in the back. Call it a day at that.
  9. Lucky 76

    Help me decide

  10. Lucky 76

    Help me decide

    Just contact Jacob and ask him about the crossovers. I am pretty sure the 100.4 is flexible enough for you to set the crossovers for the horns and midbasses. Just specify the frequencies you wish to put to them (1.2khz and above to the horns and [50-80hz]-1.2khz to the midbasses) =) Glad I could help
  11. Lucky 76

    Help me decide

  12. Lucky 76

    Help me decide

    You might want to step your game up and go for the 100.4. Then you can set your crossovers without an active crossover and save you money in the long run. Not to mention you would be able to get adequate wattage to the mids =)
  13. Lucky 76

    Help me decide

    If you wanted to run the 50.4's internal crossover you would be limited as far as crossover points are concerned. You need to get an active crossover or go with the 125.2.
  14. Lucky 76

    Help me decide

    To be honest with you I have no clue if bridging is bad or not. It dosent sound like it can be good though. It just seems like it would take away from the quality of the output. I don't have any clue though ahhaah. I would ask Jacob about that as well and share the info you get ahahaha.
  15. Lucky 76

    Help me decide

    Another reason I went with the 125.2 was it was closer to the power range. You do not want to overpower those tweets believe me. They are great but arent meant to handle more than rated power. I talked to this guy named eric at id and he said you want an amp that will output about 75 watts rms @ 4 ohm. I believe I asked Jacob what he said they put out at 8 ohm and I cant remember what he said. I would ask him again. Also are you going to be using an active crossover or are you crossing over through the amp?
  16. Lucky 76

    Help me decide

    I went with the 125.2 for my id horns. I just did not want to have to bridge if it was not necessary. Other than that I would say go with the 50.4.
  17. Lucky 76

    My new box

    I mean if all else fails you could always just clip the shit out of your amps
  18. Lucky 76

    My new box

    You need to test all different tones in your car to find the sweet spot. Your car has a natural peak. You need to test for that peak. To do this you can make a sealed enclosure for 1 of those subs and test the db level at a relatively low volume. This will give you the natural peak in your car. Now put the ported enclosure back into your car and blast it at that frequency. You might want to try tuning to that frequency as well. Also try charging the battery overnight or however many batteries you have =)
  19. Lucky 76

    I'm Having A Really Hard Time Deciding

    Shouldnt need another battery. I would wait until you get everything and then see what the voltage drops are like. The big 3 should take care of this issue though.
  20. Lucky 76

    My new box

    Play around with the head rests and fold down the visors. If you have a sunroof, try and figure out a way to seal that bitch off. Read the rules for the competition (might be able to just tape the sunroof from leakage. How is that bracing in that box? Is that a single baffle? What are you using to achieve these numbers (music or tones? burps at full tilt or unclipped? ohm load?)
  21. Lucky 76

    I'm Having A Really Hard Time Deciding

    The xcons are great woofers and so is the 3000d. This is however way above your price range. May I suggest just getting 2 of the icon 15s and running them off of an saz.2000? This is a little bit closer to your $$$ goal and you wouldn't have to do any more upgrades to your electrical.
  22. Lucky 76

    Running 3000D at .25

    You need to just forget about impedance rise. I was just like you and though impedance rise made a difference. It does make a difference when playing single frequencies because you can measure the impedance rise at that frequency. When playing music, however, this cannot be done because you are constantly playing different frequencies. You can even drop below your nominal impedance! That is why you need to just throw that idea out. Here is an article Jacob referred me to when I was talking to him about impedance rise. Besides that, if you actually knew what happens to the internals of that amplifier when you need to increase the current draw. Not to mention that you will not see that great of a gain. Theoretically, each time you double the wattage you only increase by 3db. This is barely noticeable to most.
  23. Lucky 76

    Chris' Wall Build in the Aviator vids p.35

    4 saz1500s, a 50.4 bridged and a 120.2
  24. Lucky 76

    need help finding plexiglass glue

    i havent painted the wood yet. I ordered a florescent green plexi that will be glued to the port. If I dont pain the mdf will it look stupid?