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Lucky 76

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Everything posted by Lucky 76

  1. Lucky 76

    125.2 @ 8 ohm

    ahahah rip my head off. kinda want to experiment
  2. Lucky 76

    125.2 @ 8 ohm

    These are for my horn tweeters. I would ear match if it was for my mids. When it comes to tweeters, they get damaged a lot easier even if it is a small unnoticeable clip or excessive power. I would rather tune them correctly just to make myself feel better lol. NVM I understand what you are saying now lol - forget what I just posted ahahah.
  3. Lucky 76

    50.4 bridged power

    I understand that the specs on this amp state 160x2 @ 4 ohm bridged and they are underrated. I was just wondering what these amps normally put out at 2 channels @ 4 ohm bridged.
  4. Lucky 76

    125.2 @ 8 ohm

    So would you recommend I tune this with the car on so the input voltage is the same as my car's voltage at idle instead of battery voltage?
  5. Lucky 76

    SAE-100.4 Factory Pictures

    k thanks
  6. Lucky 76

    What size speake wire for 2 BLs and 2600w Amp

    Bigger is always better but keep in mind that the larger the wire the harder it is to fit in the terminals. 12 will be enough. You arent going to notice a difference between using 8 to 12. The only difference is the amount of resistance and you might see like a 20 or 30 watt difference from the amp to sub. A TL meter would not even be able to pick up such a difference in output so don't be worried about it. If you have the wire lying around might as well go with the 8 or 10. It isnt going to hurt. Worse comes to worse just trim some of the wires off to fit it in the terminal.
  7. Lucky 76

    SAE-100.4 Factory Pictures

    Is the only difference the crossover flexibility? Are the internals the same as far as mosfets, transistors, etc goes?
  8. Lucky 76

    50.4 bridged power

  9. Lucky 76

    125.2 @ 8 ohm

    I know the saz amps are unregulated but I am not sure about the sax series. I will have to wait until someone posts something about this. Thanks again. PS - What I posted is exactly what you said just in different variable names lol
  10. Lucky 76

    Component Set

    OK I listen to rap, hip hop, some rock every now and then. My first set of speakers were not loud enough. My budget is $150-250. I am sticking to passive because i cant afford another amp unless someone wants to give me one for free...I have a SAX125.2, and it's going into a 2003 Jeep GCL. The set i originally posted handled more power than the ones i currently have so i figured they would be louder, not a downgrade. Speaker sensitivity is what you need to look at more than power handling. I am not going to type why just call me if you want to know.
  11. Lucky 76

    125.2 @ 8 ohm

    Also what should my input voltage be at when I tune this? Should the input voltage be whatever my car's voltage is at idle?
  12. Lucky 76

    Component Set

    Well put. Lets get on with this before nobody wants to post recommendations n e more lol. Josh stop the arguing before you get banned. I got like 20 emails this morning because of this thread lol.
  13. Lucky 76

    Component Set

    If not, why not active? - stated he want passive Have you looked into a used 125.2? Like this. SAX125.2 used - budget = 150-250 total I know that. I meant buying another. If you have the money to buy more speakers, then why not an amp? = once again budget = 150-250 total This was all said by you on 3 different occasions after he said he didnt want active, he didnt have the money to go active, .... hes not going active. He simply wants recommendations on components. I am done arguing and am going to bed
  14. Lucky 76

    Component Set

    - ahahaha j/p
  15. Lucky 76

    Component Set

    Josh is going to listen to the midbasses on saturday. I need to clean out the voice coil first because they sound like ass as of now (scratchiness). I told him to get the id 6.5s depending on if he likes mine or not. All the polks I have heard have sounded amazing. The only problem is, nobody really sells polk around where we live and there isnt too many shops around us to listen to speakers. If it was as easy as going to a shop there would be no need to post. That is why he is asking everyone what there opinions are on speakers and what they think sounds good based on experience.
  16. Lucky 76

    Component Set

    Lmao. - was @ you both and i simply stated the obvious because I am sick and tired of everyone convincing people to go active when most of them have never tuned an active system themselves. Active is very involved and most people will fudge up their system because they wont know where to xover, which mids and tweets to match, how to eq properly, etc. For the beginner a passive system is fine until they become more knowledgeable about how things work. and btw
  17. Lucky 76

    Component Set

    Ok and that's why i listed what I wanted in the beginning, so I didn't have to look through lots of pages and thousands of posts in order to find the right set. I don't have the time a "grown ass man" like yourself has. Stop responding, you're no help at all, go on with your "grown ass man" duties.
  18. Lucky 76

    Component Set

    He knows he is not going to be able to keep up. All he is saying is he is trying to get his front stage as loud as possible so he could possibly be able to hear actual music. He is not going active so stop forcing him to. He told you his price range of $150-250. There is no way you can go active with that kind of money. Active is not for everyone and even though it has its benefits it can also seriously f up the sound of your system if you don't know wtf you are doing or if you don't put the time to tune it in correctly. The kid is simply asking what would people recommend for a set of speakers that get loud and sound good doing it in that price range with a passive crossover included. Nuff said.
  19. Lucky 76

    Sound Bar vs. Bose 3-2-1

  20. Lucky 76

    Sound Bar vs. Bose 3-2-1

    Depending on how much you want to spend I have heard really good things about the yamaha sound bars. Here is a picture. http://ad.impress.co.jp/special/yamaha0710/images/YSP4000_nogrille.jpg Here is the website link http://www.yamaha.com/yec/products/productdetail.html?CNTID=5015417&CNTYP=PRODUCT
  21. Lucky 76

    Doubling amp power

    Run one wire from alt to bat and leave the stock alt to fuse box. If you don't do this the check charging system light will most likely come on. This is if you can get the terminal off. If you cant you might want to get a distubution block and split the wire that way. After all more wire is always better =)
  22. Lucky 76

    scratching noise coming from speaker

    Eric thinks that the voice coil could have gotten some metal shavings in it. He said that the neomagnet is so strong that it will actually suck the metal shavings out of the air as you drill or w/e you are doing ahahaha. He sent me a video on how to clean that bad boy out. Hopefully this works. Great customer service over there. If you guys were interested in cleaning your voice coils take a looksy - http://www.imagedynamicsusa.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=2921
  23. I just installed a set of image dynamics x69. I am running them full range right now with the high pass set at 60hz. The 3sixty.2 hasn't even been tuned yet. I am not even bridging the sax 50.4 yet. For some reason I am getting a scratching noise on some of the mid-high frequencies (ex:someone singing a higher octave). I was not playing these loud at all. In fact we were just testing them to make sure sound came out. Is this because the speaker was not meant to play higher frequencies? When I integrate my horn tweeters should I be fine or is there a possibility that something is wrong with either the install or the product itself? Any input would be great. Thanks!