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Everything posted by djphilly

  1. djphilly


    I've never seen a free air like that ever. thats a lot of extreme excursion
  2. djphilly


    Saw this on youtube and all I can say is WOOOOOWWWWW!!! not sure if anyone else has seen this yet though. <object width="500" height="405"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/v/cPD-g-hu8ho&hl=en&fs=1&border=1"></param><param'>http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/v/cPD-g-hu8ho&hl=en&fs=1&border=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/v/cPD-g-hu8ho&hl=en&fs=1&border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="500" height="405"></embed></object>
  3. djphilly

    sound club : car club

    Also have some type of standard on how installs are done and neat and organized they are
  4. djphilly

    sound club : car club

    of course community participation would suit the car club. most car clubs get recongnized by how much they impact the community and just like mdizzle5472 said positive roll models for the childeren. Another thing is the "WOW" factor. since this is an audio club the "WOW" factor would be how loud and clear the club cars can get
  5. djphilly

    Introducing Supergauss

    that's going to be a badass sub!!
  6. too much voltage and amperage for 4 guage
  7. djphilly


    of course I don't just go into a neighborhood and just blast my system. that is very ignorant and unconsiderate. but riding down to highway or down the business street, sure i turn it up a bit.
  8. djphilly

    Wiring Up 1 DVC Sub , to 2 channels of an amp.

    the pyramid would be underpowering the sub. not the sundown. my bad
  9. djphilly

    Wiring Up 1 DVC Sub , to 2 channels of an amp.

    If your getting a SSD 15, you don't wanna cheap out and get that pyramid amp. You need an mono class d amp that is 1 ohm stable for that sub since it is 2ohm DVC. Sundown saz2000d you could run one coil to each channel if you wanted to, but that sub is going to be very underpowered.
  10. I would look into the soundstream xxx-6500d. it does suck alot of current, but it puts out with the right electrical system
  11. djphilly

    01 Grand am Setup Help!

    IF they don't have the fit for your car on the website. call them to make sure. alot of the models aren't on the website
  12. djphilly

    01 Grand am Setup Help!

    Check out mechman alternators. very good in my experience. http://mechman.com/store/index.php
  13. if you wanna keep you front battery seperate from your rear then yes run an isolator
  14. yea that should be enough for your 3000d. couldn't hurt to get another battery.
  15. djphilly


    I agree. that much amperage being pulled from a stock batt and alternator will eventually kill the amp with voltage drops
  16. djphilly

    01 Grand am Setup Help!

    DO NOT GET A CAP!! look into a kinetik hc2400 battery for your rear and knu konceptz Kolossus Fleks Kable for you power wire. mechman 250amp alt always a good choice. the kicker amp is pretty good, but if you want great, SUNDOWN SAZ-3500D, Sounstream xxx-4000d, hifonics xxv colossus amp Your stock alt is not going to be able to handle all that amperage thats going to be pulled. your going to have to do the big 3 under the hood in all 1/0 awg or bigger if possible in order to pass the right amount of power and decrease voltage drops. The mechman alt. will give you the amperage you need for whatever amp you choose. your also going to need a pretty good front stage to keep up with the BTL.
  17. djphilly


    thank you jay-cee.
  18. djphilly


    I spelled it like that on purpose. i know how to spell shit lol
  19. djphilly


    like you said if someone is being annoying with the trunk that sounds like a bunch of dwarfs tap dancing on it the top. Of course i can appreciate good clean bass when i hear it and i will give them their props when prompted.
  20. djphilly

    Two sources... one output?

    I have a kenwood KVT-719dvd in my expedition and i can have two audio sources going at one time. Look into some OEM intergration units or a EQ that has the aux option. Hifonics HFEQ Active EQ is one.
  21. djphilly

    Sundown Audio T-Shirts

    nice and simple. i like it
  22. djphilly

    How bad is your hearing loss?

    couldn't hear anything above 18khz. but can hear people talk from a long distance clearly.
  23. djphilly


    The one off i45 is ok, 1960... not so good. no the one in the woodlands area. thats the better one
  24. Shizzzon is very knowledgable when it comes to 12 volt tech. Me being a tech myself, and after reading the first thread on this topic, CAPS ARE NO GOOD!!! and for you to tell him that he knows nothing about electrical shows how much you know about this type of stuff. even after the [b]PROVEN TESTS about caps vs. batteries, you still bash Shizzzon about this. You might as well bash everyone else that replied to that first topic then if you feel that way. GROW UP!!!