use this calculator at link above square root key look like a check with a x inside powers of ten key looks like a y to the power of x av =10 lv=30 vb=864 do the this part first av(1.84x10to the power of key looks like y sub x when the calculator does the y to the power of x key it will put some thing that looks like a up side down carrot. Then write the answer to all of the above down Next do vb(lv+.823then hit the square root key put in av then write the answer down Take the first answer and divided buy the second one Then take and put in to the calculator .159 square root of the answer of the two this should equal 40.63716007346 hertz for the fb Just remember you can plug any thing you want into av or lv or vb that the plug part Av =a 2 inch by 10 inch wxh or area of vent Lv = length of vent Vb = volume of box just try to keep the area of the vent less then a 9 :1 just divide like a 10 by 5 inch port in to this 5/5 and how many section of ten you get and 10 /10 and how many section of 5 you get this would equal 1x10inch and one 1x5 inch the 1x5 would pass but the 10x1 would not it to big here are some other formulas pie times radius squared radius is half of a circle and this trans forms a round to a square vent real quickly square root of