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Everything posted by fnzpntz

  1. any thing is bettter IMO
  2. fnzpntz

    2x 15 mag d2 wall

    6 is alot, im not a competitor just a kickin it guy. 2 in a wall will be sick enuf. 6 is an amazing idea for competition, but this is also my dd, so ya know. anyhow thanks. for replys
  3. fnzpntz

    2x 15 mag d2 wall

    Has any one ever made a wall out of 15 mag d2s? how did it work out...
  4. fnzpntz

    db drag at stop light

    Kickin, i might get a new deck, and from what ive seen you system do, im pretty much sure if i dont get a screen im getting a 860. They seem nice. Altho with the stop lights i dont mind people who know what there doing, i dont drag them. Like the non sticker, but u can tell its not chit cus it doesnt rattle. they took the 100 to weather shield there car. Those people are worth my respect at least.
  5. fnzpntz

    db drag at stop light

    Kickins soo cool. lol, people always plasy at stop lights, i get mad when im not in my ride, and people are bumping becuase i just want to show them up but im not in ym owwn car... any how i do the same things i turn it down at stop lights. altho kickin, if i wanted just loud my new setup would be 4 l7s or 4 type r's but its not its going to be 2 Si Mag D2s so its loud and sounds good. =) but i love your set up.
  6. Im new to powering frontstage, thanks, so then edit... 6channel amp and a 1or2 mono amps equaling 2.5-3K watts rms
  7. I know that there are some good amp companies out there, i need a suggestion for, a single 3way comp set up front and 2 15" SI Mag D2s. Comp watts needed 400 total, 2 channel. Sub watts needed 2.5K-3K total mono/ or 2 mono d block amps. Any suggestions for these wattages... moneys not the issue but i dont wana spend alot. I want quality stuff. But not over the top. any suggestions welcome.
  8. fnzpntz

    Front stage.

    Amazing i knew if i asked that here i would get a good response thanks!
  9. fnzpntz

    Front stage.

    I ahve a ford explorer 96, which im going to put 1, 15" mag d2 in for now and then another one later after the rest of the install stuff is done, has any one ever stopped using the filler rear speakers? Im planning on puting two sets of comps in the front and a 4" comp set in the panels where the roll bar is, so the back is useless? would this sound ok?
  10. Im just curious if i get 1 15" mag what components should i look at? that would compliment the sub well.... what if i got 2 15"s? I have alpine coaxail and eclipse coaxails in right now.
  11. fnzpntz

    mags that would ship

    If i bought a 15' mag right now would it be the prototypwe style or the old style? did the new ones come out yet is basicly what im asking, abnd if not when do they ship.... thanks
  12. fnzpntz

    mags that would ship

    i dont neeed shipping cost. i was just curious if the enw ones were out. and u answered that thanks -5 am and sobering up, sopelling and typign sucks.,
  13. fnzpntz

    SQL questions...

    Here is my PM to denim... i thought i would ask everyone else this too.... """ Like i probably have told you more then once. Im running 2 jl 10w3v2's and a jl 500/1 amp. I was in my car today after doing some more rear hactch "dynomat" (i use ice and weather shield but thats illrelivant) any-who... I really like the SQ of my subs they hit everynote, and there loud, like 141 is loud, but im looking for more. the SI MAG 15 D2 will that sound as good as these, and have the bass, the pounchy tight bass, even when turned up high? because i know there is a reason they make subs 8"-18" for a reason. I mean would i be better of doing another 2 10"s + another 500/1, or doing 4 12w3v2's with 2 500/1. vs a new amp and a 15" SI MAG D2. They all come out to cost the same after resale of the older subs/amp. Whats ur input on this denim. I love SQ, and i love Loud, so LSQ would be what i want i guess. And again your input is something else i want. thanks """ What is your input guys...
  14. fnzpntz

    Anyone could design a box for me ?

    How do you design a port... thats for a certain hz? Also if you had 2 mag 15. Could u just do 2 boxes with the boxes together in the middle? double port i think its called?
  15. fnzpntz


    I figured, cus i hear the 1 12" over my 2 10s and well the tens sounded better but very close in loudness. i might have the same place put my amp and subs in a box, but i might not buy from them. btw i run 2 jl w3vv2 10's
  16. fnzpntz


    If i put 2 15" SI MAG D2 In my ford explorer 96. 1. how much power rms should i try to put out... 2. expected numbers i would get close to... would it be loud? cus my system of 2 10's hits 141 right now.
  17. fnzpntz


    cool. I listened to 1 12" type r with lil under 500watts running to it today. and it hit a lil harder then my 2 10's how would a 12" SI Mag compare??? just wondering, dont say oh u bandwagon fag. Im trying to steer clear, and i know i need better SQ when it comes to subs. cus type r sorta sounded like it wasnt all going to be there. so eyah, thanks for the suggestions so far. I was thinking of a MMATTS amp, 2000x some ohm, what are the settings of 15" si mags? (yes im checking the site right after i post)
  18. fnzpntz


    Gentleman thanks for the answers, its hard yes becuase of all the veriables. I think with 2 second gen 15"s i can hit around 150 with enuf power and a good box. Thanks and im working on talking to denim.
  19. fnzpntz

    SVC 4ohm and powering

    if the rl-s is a 4ohm svc woofer... how would you guys suggest powering this beast. bridging a 2 channel amp is the best i can come up with. Any name brands to look at...
  20. fnzpntz

    SVC 4ohm and powering

    I was looking at either AX2000 By USamps. Or something else i forgot.
  21. fnzpntz

    RL-p 15's Setup

    Im probaly going to be getting 4 RL-p's. Putting them in the back of a 96 explorer, any suggestions on AMPS (number of amps and what kind and how much power) , and enclosure type for the box... let me know, ihave enuf creativity to make it a kick ass setup, just need to get the physics down... lemme know your thoughts. Right now i have a 1 farad cap and 1 battery (under the hood), Any suggestions as to how to power these subs, what other kinds of things ill need,s ay second battery and or what? i have no idea what else ill need.
  22. fnzpntz


    I live in TRAVERSE CITY, MICHIGAN, up north near the bridge to the UP, any one in michigan REMOTLY close wana drive to see me, talk, show of the system, and let me here there rk-p's? I hear alot about em but i wana hear them for my self.
  23. Hi, i have a 96 ford x xlt, i live in a medium size town, so competition is scarce (spelling) never the less i love to BLOW people away with my subs, i own right now 2 jl 10w3v2 with a jl 500/1 and any one who has a chit system loves it, and people who dont have systems crap there pants, atho i know its not much they have no idea. Any how, i wana run MB quarts, PCE 216s in the front and back and 100x4 watts amp, not sure which yet, and i wana push alot of air around in my car, i dont do sealed, i do ported. Becuase i love ported boxes... I can do 1 or 2 subs, I really like an idea of 3 but im not that rich. I was thinking 2 RE XXX but i was informed about SI and AV but i dont know, I dont need to sacrifice quality for price, i would like to spen the extra 100$ to get AMAZING vs NICE, so please, i need your thought on very good SQ subs at low and high volumes, and when i turn em up they just clean out with there SPL. I heard RE xxx can do that... Any suggestions, no Kicker,jbl,audiobahn,lanzer chit like that i hate those brands. I like hifonics amps to alot. in all SPL when i want but SQ all the time. THANKS
  24. fnzpntz


    Is the X series worth buying?
  25. fnzpntz

    Got metered yesterday

    I went in yesterday and hit 141.5 easily with my 2 10w3v2s by jl with a 500/1 jl amp... soo (in my 96 x xlt)