been a lurker here for a while, but I finally got around to ordering up a ICON 10 and hooked it up to my existing kicker 1000.1 amp. Never had a problem with my amp on my 12 jlw6v2. got it all installed and set the gains pretty low. played some music and slowly turned the gains up till it sounded pretty good which wasnt even half way up on the gains. Now after playing music for a few minutes the sub is playing... The sub cuts out, but the amp isnt showing me its in protect mode. So i turn the gains back down and its still doing it. now after playin with it for a couple weeks I just left the gains down and kept using it. But i've noticed that when I first get in the truck, I can turn it up pretty loud and now problems for about 5 mins, then the signals cut and its not going into protect. then i can turn the volume down and it will kick back on and stay on there. I havent been listening to music very loud since. So i'm not really sure whats goin on. I'm assuming something internal on the amp, because I know i'm not pushing the ICON with the gains where they are. Anyone have some insight? I plan to get a sundown 1000d once the funds are there, but i'd like to be able to listen to it normaly and figure the problem out before I miss something and have the same problem down the road. BTW my setup is: Stock HU, 1/0 wiring, Kicker 1000.1, SSA ICON 10"