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Everything posted by Estsound

  1. Estsound

    Sander's BMW audio

    The first box was made like instructions said, but i wanted bigger box, and i decided to do 2 ports, this box is way better. I spent almost 45 mins for measuring how to fit 15 inch sub in different way, but its just not going to fit in there, so that was the only way i could make box in there
  2. Estsound

    Sander's BMW audio

    More pictures! I need to screw amplifier in place, and hide wires, also need carpet for a box.
  3. Estsound

    Kevin's BMW log

    box is nice, i was looking for a 3 series but i decided to buy 5 series
  4. Estsound

    Sander's BMW audio

    I built new enclosure today, it's kinda a same but much bigger and has 2 ports. Here are few pictures, more coming later. All i can say is that it's slammin way harder now
  5. Estsound

    Enclosure for BMW trunk

    I need help with design enclosure for BMW trunk, i need to get bass to cabin. Maximum height 16" Maximum width 35,2" Check this topic to see what i have there right now: HERE Subwoofer: JBL GTO 1514, 15 inch.
  6. Estsound

    shipping cost to europe

    Hi, i'm planning to order ICON subwoofer, but i need price and i also need shipping price. Location: Country: Estonia City: Tartu Street address: Haaslava Vald, Tartumaa, Aardlapalu, Kurepesa 2 Hope you can help me!
  7. Estsound

    Enclosure for BMW trunk

    You mean that the front part of speaker (dust cap?) is facing to hole between seats ? and port is facing other way ? dang i hope you understand.
  8. Estsound

    shipping cost to europe

    Going to school, no job, can't afford.
  9. Estsound

    shipping cost to europe

    550 ? dang,
  10. Estsound

    shipping cost to europe

  11. Estsound

    shipping cost to europe

  12. Estsound

    Sander's BMW audio

    If i take those speakers out, there will be nasty holes, but maybe ill get more bass in the cabin, ill try that.
  13. Estsound

    Sander's BMW audio

    Got done with old box modification, trying to get camera later to take some pics. I can feel that more air is moving in front, and bass is a little bit stronger, but still not what i want. Going for new box.
  14. Estsound

    Sander's BMW audio

    First box build: Before my amplifier was controlled by HU, but i decided that maybe sometimes i dont need that much bass, so i installed switch. If i should forget to turn off my amp it will turn off when i turn ignition off. I also installed new woofer wire, on the left you see old wire and on the right new wire. Here are two pictures of back speaker installation by PREVIOUS owner. All i can say is FAIL!
  15. Estsound

    Sander's BMW audio

    Yeah that was done by previous owner Lol looks like you are one of the most active users Always commenting and saying your opinion!
  16. Estsound

    Sander's BMW audio

    A short video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BxcD0zlekM
  17. Estsound

    Kevin's BMW log

    What kind of BMW do you have ?
  18. Estsound

    Sander's BMW audio

    Thank you, its making some pretty good noise some people cover their ears, but i think i need more
  19. Estsound

    Sander's build

    Hey everyone, i finally got my car and now its time to start building. I will upload some pictures of things i have right now. And picture of things i have, i actually have all wires also. Stay tuned for more pictures and information.
  20. Estsound

    Sander's build

    Please lock or delete this topic
  21. Estsound

    Toyota Corolla

    Neat ! Keep posting pictures, interesting topic
  22. Estsound

    97 Maxima Build Log

  23. Estsound

    Sander's build

    Before my amplifier was controlled by HU, but i decided that maybe sometimes i dont need that much bass, so i installed switch. If i should forget to turn off my amp it will turn off when i turn ignition off. I also installed new woofer wire, on the left you see old wire and on the right new wire. Here are two pictures of back speaker installation by PREVIOUS owner. All i can say is FAIL!
  24. Estsound

    1997 towncar

    www.greattopic.com/NOT. More information maybe ? some pictures of your car ?
  25. Estsound

    Sander's build
