Hey Y'all, im new to this (Forum) well im in the market for some new subs and dont have a big multi thousand dollar budget becouse im only 17 and am working on a farm this summer, well any way i was looking at some Alpine 15"s and was doing some measuring/planning and ive come to realize that i dont have enough or much room in the trunk of my 89' ford thunderbird so im just going to stick with 12's and after seeing/hearing vid's on youtube of the Fi SSD's they sound like some pretty good/stout subs for the money. well i was noticeing that the subs have a rateing of 800 wrms and im guessing the maximum would be around 1,600-1,800 watts but ive been told these subs can handle a sh** load more power than that and i was thinking of getting 2 12" Fi SSD Dual 1 ohm voice coil subs and wiring each to 2 ohms by wiring each in series then wiring them back to 1 ohm and using eather a Power Acoustik BAMF20001/D which puts out around 1,200 WRMS and about 2,000 watts max or a Crunch (i dont really know if Crunch is a good amp) GPV2000.1 Amp that puts out about 1,000 watts rms and 2,000 watts max. And another question is that what should i tune my box to? im thinking about 31-32 hz becouse im wanting something that pounds loud and ive been reading about these subs and im probly going to go with the Copper wound coil becouse im eathing listining to Rock, Country, Hip-Hop. Thanks.