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Everything posted by bigrank916

  1. bigrank916

    Rockford t40001bd

    Hes just lookin to contribute guys. You find an area you feel you know and go with it.
  2. bigrank916

    anyone want to check my math?

    If Im reading this correctly, the enclosure youd like to build has the dimensions of 31.5W x 11.5H x 20.5D? If so that would be 3.3cuft to start with. These dimensions will be too small and this is why... The two boards used for the port cant be the same size. One is 18"x10" and the other is 5.5"x10". So the figure of 86.4 cuin each isnt accurate. You are also forgetting about driver and port displacement. That will take up additional internal volume. This enclosures dimensions must be larger. Is that the max size you can go? I wouldnt do bracing for those subs as it will just be extra work that isnt really needed.
  3. I have bought from sonic eletronix and online car stereo many, many times before. They are excellent companies and shipping is super fast.
  4. bigrank916

    Alt chevy Lumina

    Dont forget to get a quote from these guys as well. mechman ohio iraggi
  5. bigrank916

    Cobalt 2 12" Brutus's 4th order BP

    Now that I go back and look at the later pics I can see a profile of it and the layers are evident. Those first couple of pics with the grain shots threw me off for a second. Looks awesome dude!
  6. bigrank916

    SSA driver photo contest vote

    Number one has got my vote. It looks artsy. I like it.
  7. bigrank916

    Cobalt 2 12" Brutus's 4th order BP

    This is a really nice build you have going here. Im likin it. Is that 3/4" birch, like Chop asked? Ive always wanted to use it but mdf sheets are expensive enough!
  8. bigrank916

    Aero port blow through?

    Find a good welder around the nieghborhood or a call a local shop. It shouldnt be too much work to tack it back on. They usually run around $70-100 an hour.
  9. bigrank916

    2 12inch kicker l7s box design

    I thought higher spl levels were achieved by tuning higher? I dont think I understand what you mean.
  10. bigrank916

    What subs to buy

    You just missed the Xs from Fi for $65 a piece for 12s. So did i as a matter of fact. Those would have been perfect. Id look for the cheapest used product in the mean time. Maybe here in the classifieds.
  11. bigrank916

    Sundown in Hawaii = Loud

    SOB! One twelve? Is that one 3000D on each vc? I like the duct tape!
  12. bigrank916

    Trupan Light

    Home Depot here in roseville is $33 for a 4x8 sheet of 3/4" mdf. I dont know anything about the product you are looking for but I do know that mdf has glues in it which arent good to breathe when making cuts. I always wear the little paper masks that you can get for like 3 or 4 for $2 at the depot also. When I dont, there is all kinds of shit in my nostrils.
  13. bigrank916

    Welcome to the IHoP

    The Purdue grad helped me get into my first fantasy fbl playoff this year. Thanks a lot buddie!
  14. bigrank916

    What size speake wire for 2 BLs and 2600w Amp

    Use can use 12 gauge for that and it will be fine. I like to use 8 when I can, just cause it looks nice and its not that much money.
  15. bigrank916

    SAE-100.4 Factory Pictures

    Cant wait to see preorder pricing for these!
  16. bigrank916

    Welcome to the IHoP

    A win this week brings me into third place in my fantasy league. TY Drew Brees!
  17. bigrank916

    First box build

    Well the sub is only responisve down to 30 Hz, would i want to tune the box down that low? If the frequency range starts at 30, then I dont see why not.
  18. bigrank916

    Sundown Z v.2 -- Cool new part preview

  19. bigrank916

    Black FiDay sale!

    If you bought four at once the price dropped to $55 each. Screamin deal. I had just came back from black friday that morning and couldnt spend any more money.
  20. bigrank916

    Black FiDay sale!

    It looks like not because they arent on the site anymore. I wanted some bad at that price. Just to sit in the garage for a build someday.
  21. bigrank916

    Component Set

    If not, why not active? - stated he want passive Have you looked into a used 125.2? Like this. SAX125.2 used - budget = 150-250 total I know that. I meant buying another. If you have the money to buy more speakers, then why not an amp? = once again budget = 150-250 total This was all said by you on 3 different occasions after he said he didnt want active, he didnt have the money to go active, .... hes not going active. He simply wants recommendations on components. I am done arguing and am going to bed The first one is a question to understand a few things, guy. The next two were a little late to respond but still reverberating ideas. I know what I say because Im here typing when I say it, so theres no need in telling me that. You shouldnt be so quick to shoot off your mouth about what comes out of mine. Good night!
  22. bigrank916

    Component Set

    Wow. Nice taste. Same ones?
  23. bigrank916

    Component Set

    I was looking at this before I decided I wanted to go active. But it wasnt this much by far. Focal comp set
  24. bigrank916

    Component Set

    Lmao. - was @ you both and i simply stated the obvious because I am sick and tired of everyone convincing people to go active when most of them have never tuned an active system themselves. Active is very involved and most people will fudge up their system because they wont know where to xover, which mids and tweets to match, how to eq properly, etc. For the beginner a passive system is fine until they become more knowledgeable about how things work. and btw You know what Im sick and tired of...people responding to posts without reading them first. I wasnt forcing shit on this guy. There wasnt a single sentence that said,"you should go active". I was asking questions to get more info. I didnt understand a few things at first but they are surely cleared up now. By the time I respond to some of these posts, its a little late. Probably just like now.
  25. bigrank916

    Component Set

    Jesus fnucking christ! Look man, all I was trying to do was get an understanding of whats what. Nobody is trying to force shit on you or tell you how to hook up your system. You can run passive and buy as many speakers as you want. Its your ride.