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Everything posted by TheGreatMonkey

  1. TheGreatMonkey

    No vocals coming out of speakers

    That was problem lol. It was set on low. Now it works just fine. Thanks.
  2. I have a set of Kenwood KFC-P709PS connected to a Kicker 350.2KX *i think it is*. So about 3 weeks ago I moved the amp so I can put the back seat down. Then today, I put hooked the RCA cable back to it, and Im getting bass and whatnot but no vocals at all. I changed RCA cable. Did nothing. I changed the speaker wire. Did nothing. Tried just the speaker without the tweeter. Still nothing. Checked power and ground connections. Nothing. I factory reset my headunit which is a KVT-516, and that didnt work. Im lost here. I checked all the connections on the back of the head unit and all that. Everything is good. I wanna say my amp is buggered but its pounding my speakers like no tomorrow. I even played with my gains and nothing.
  3. TheGreatMonkey

    pinhole in power steering cooler line

    Im surprised I have service. So anyways I lost power steeering and in the middle of no where. I have about 600kms to a town and need something to temp fix this pinhole. I was just wondering if I put a toothpick little ways in the hole, then cut off the the rest of it. Then use electrical tape 4-5 inches on both sides, should this work til I get into town?
  4. TheGreatMonkey

    pinhole in power steering cooler line

    Well, it worked pretty good. Make it back to town safe and sound. Took a little longer cause I was stopping just to check on the hose to see how it was doing. Held up really good. I did replace the hose when I got into tho. But it did its job just fine.
  5. So me, the gf and the little one are going on a trip next week and I wanna get my DVD working in my truck so the little one can watch DVD's. Now, I wanna bypass the parking system feature on it so the little one can watch a movie or 2 on the highway. I know this is illegal but its only for this trip. We usually use the gf's vehicle but hers in the shop for warranty work. Whats the easiest way to bypass this?
  6. TheGreatMonkey

    Bypassing the video parking

    Sweet. Thanks. Just wanted to make sure.
  7. TheGreatMonkey

    Bypassing the video parking

    Okay, thats what I thought. So will any ground work?
  8. TheGreatMonkey

    Bypassing the video parking

    Its a Kenwood KVT-516.
  9. TheGreatMonkey

    Seal off car window

    My buddies window is messed up and was wondering if he could just use clothes to seal off his window til its fixed? Its -40 where we live. Its only for 2 days til he gets his window regulator in. I told him clothes would work fine for now.
  10. TheGreatMonkey

    Seal off car window

    Delete this thread. My brother is the one who posted this.
  11. TheGreatMonkey

    Which subs would you choose

    So, i've downed to 3 subs, IA Death Penalty 12", SSA Xcon 12" or Fi BL 12". Will be getting 2 subs. The amp that will be powering them will be the Crescendo Audio BC3500D. Max box size is 52x24x17. I listen to pretty much anything but mainly rap and hard rock. If theres something else I forgot to mention let me know.
  12. TheGreatMonkey

    Which subs would you choose

    After looking at all 3 and watching some videos and that, I've decided to go with the Xcon.
  13. So, i'm looking at getting an aftermarket alarm system for my truck, but not sure what to get. I want to get a good one. But only problem is, my truck dont have no power locks, just manual locks, or that wont really matter?
  14. TheGreatMonkey

    Staying motivated.

    Back in the day, I used to be very active and whatnot. So working out was no problems for me. I'd go about 4-5 days a week. But once I hit highschool and got a job. That all turned around. This was about 11 years ago. Then this year, I vowed that i'd get back into the shape. How I was 11 years ago. I wasn't very motive at all. I'd went like 1 day a week. Then I wouldn't go again for 2 weeks. But I couldn't stand it. So, I decided to force myself to go. Even if I didn't wanna go. Go anyways. But after about 2 months, I got into my routine. And enjoyed working out again. So i'm in the gym 5 days a week now. Love every sec of it. It has changed my life around. I have more energy, I feel better about myself, and most importantly, I can enjoy running around the yard with my 2 year old daughter and not get short of breath. I should also mention going for hikes with the gf on the weekends without getting tired. Maybe thats what motivated me the most, was my 2 special girls.
  15. TheGreatMonkey

    Any good HU these days?

    I decided to go with the Pioneer AVH-P6300BT. Picked it up local for $450. So, im not complaining.
  16. Are there really any half decent HU's these days? Originally I was gonna go with a Kenwood eXcelon KVT-696. But I don't need a DVD player. I would have had this system done by now but I lost my job back in Jan and just found one. The rest of my system is: Subs: 2 IA Death Penalty 12" Dual 1 Ohm Amp: Sundown SAZ-3500D Speakers: Im still not sure. But leaning towards Polk speakers Speaker Amp: Kicker ZX350.2 Sub box: Probably something between 4.5-5.0 cuft net @ 33Hz My alt and battery will also be upgraded too. This will be going into a 06 Dakota Extended Cab.
  17. TheGreatMonkey

    Any good HU these days?

    Headunits were always the hardest to pick out for me. I've only owned 2 headunits, the Alpine CDA-9833 and Kenwood eXcelon KDC-X890. For main features, I want atleast 5 volt preouts, and a motorized face would be nice but I found out that most aren't motorized anymore. For EQ a 3-7 band. For Ipod control, I could care less if it had one or not. I use CD's. For satellite radio, don't matter. The only option is single DIN.
  18. TheGreatMonkey

    Need a new car ASAP, help me choose!

    Have you looked into the new 2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee? I don't know if thats classified as a crossover or not lol. But where I live, people are trading off their BMW's and Mercedez Benz to have one of these. Between the 2 brands, theres roughly 20 of them sitting there and the oldest is a 2008. Someone even traded off their 2010 M3 for one of these.
  19. TheGreatMonkey

    Will this box work?

    So, last night I was looking around and I came across this program and I don't know how accurate it is or anything, but maybe someone will be able to give me a hand. I will be putting 2 12" IA Death Penalty in it. So i don't know if i'm suppose to make the Length longer or what lol. And also, i'm not if i'm suppose to double the woofer displacement either. But heres what I came up with.
  20. TheGreatMonkey

    Post your Audio Setup!!!

    I haven't order anything yet, but this is what will be going into it: Head Unit: Kenwood Excelon KVT-696 Speakers: Polk Audio MM6501 Speaker Amp: Kicker ZX350.2. Was going to go with the Sundown SAX125.2 but I already have the Kicker Subwoofers: 2 Incriminator Audio 12" Death Penalty Dual 4 Ohm Subwoofer Amp: Sundown Audio SAZ-3500D Subwoofer Box: I'm hoping a Khaotik Enclosure 4.9cuft @ 33Hz Wiring: KnuKnoceptz Big 3: 0 Gauge Wiring Alternator: Excessive Amperage HO 225 amp Battery: XS Power D3100 Sound Deadening: B-Quiet All this will be going into a 2006 Dodge Dakota Extended Cab.
  21. TheGreatMonkey

    Active Setup

    Is this what I would use for an active setup? My link
  22. I'm looking at getting this head unit. Anyone with experience with it? I have owned a eXcelon X889. Loved it. Wish I never sold it. Would this be a nice choice or is there better for around the price of this one?
  23. TheGreatMonkey

    Cant decide on comps

    I'm looking at getting back in to car audio scene again. I haven't been up to date with it. So I have all my stuff picked out and i'm not sure what comps I wanna go with. They will be powered by a Sundown SAX125.2 or my Kicker ZX350.2. I currently have the Kicker. But id rather keep the amps to the same brand, as my sub amps will be the Sundown SAZ-1500D. For the price of the comps $400, but if they are worth it $500 MAX. They must be a 6.5in comp set.
  24. TheGreatMonkey

    Will this box work?

    W25xH18xD22. I will be building 2 boxes this size. One for each sub.
  25. TheGreatMonkey

    Will this box work?

    I don't have any exp with building a ported box. So I tried the RE Audio box builder. Some people have said it's off a little bit. This is what I came up with. My link Edit: I made it look at, as it's going into a Extended cab Dakota. The sub will be facing up. I will be making to 2 boxes like this. But will only be putting one sub and amp for now. Then add the other down the road if needed. And it's the IA Death Penalty 12" D2 i'll be getting.