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Everything posted by emfk

  1. emfk

    status on dp12?

    hi, haven't gotten an email updating me for about 10 days. Wondering if I could get some sort of status on the progress? My order number is 2316. Thanks!
  2. emfk

    New DP 21

    worddddddd! Pics?
  3. emfk

    I got really bad news...

    Mods, meant to +1 elrey's comment, not minus. Im on an ipad and clicking gets finnicky! Can we reverse this? On another note, a setup with that unique of equipment has to turn up sometime. Just grab that blazer, bag it, and by that time im sure items will start turning up.
  4. emfk

    status on dp12?

    End of the week?! :fing34: Good news!
  5. emfk

    Warden 12" freeair vids

    I just want the look for now! I don't think I'm ready for a warden!
  6. emfk

    Warden 12" freeair vids

    I love anything ia in the back of a celica! I still cant get over that motor! You can just slap a replica of that on my death penalty before it ships, so i can invert that bad bitch, right?
  7. emfk

    status on dp12?

    understood and appreciated!
  8. emfk

    website down?

    I noticed the fisher website was down. Has it been for a while? Or maybe changed urls?
  9. emfk

    Black & Blue backlog

    Just the answer i was looking for!
  10. emfk

    Black & Blue backlog

    Anyone else having problems with orders showing up in the store? I've gotten emails from ssastore, and everything seems to going right, but it doesnt show any orders under my account in the store. Maybe an issue with the sale? Eitherway, hopefully my dp ships soon! Its been awaiting shipment going on 6 days. My fingernails are nubs! Of course, im not complaining about time, i understand build time and backlog with the sale. But JESUS am i excited!
  11. Well, I just ordered my dp12! I've been refreshing my email every minute as if it'll come faster. Now the waiting game begins, and the box design gets finalized! First box build, so this will be interesting.
  12. I'm planning on starting a slow build over the winter. I have a 2004 Celica, and I'm looking for starting with one 12", and moving onto two in the future. Budget isn't quite set, because most parts will be bought over the majority of winter. Goal is to be loud, but still decent sound. I'm not looking for competition spl, but I do plan on being loud and possibly entering some streetbass, but it's just a daily ground pounder with emphasis on getting loud. My question is, is the death penalty for me? I know it's a cliche question, and I usually hate these threads, but I can't find many reviews. If I'm understanding, the death penalty gets loud, but still sounds pretty good. Of course, it's mainly build/ box dependent, but I'm planning on building to specs. I'm basically just looking for some guidance or first hand experience with the death penalty. All I can find is people with walled off suv's and 4 18's. So, help a brother out! I'm either going to get a dp on the 31st, so I don't miss out on the black and blue sale (what better time than now?) or, if there's something else I should look into, speak up! I'm definitely leaning toward the death penalty, and I'm pretty sure I'll be extremely happy seeing as I'm used to budget systems, and I plan on doing it right, and big this time around, but reassurance is always nice. The goal is to have the sub bought on the 31st, and then finally start on the box.
  13. haha, good point. Hell, the rear view clearance is already horrible. Break out those side mirror skills!
  14. I say go with it! Appreciate the input. I'd love to pull the back seats and wall it, but I pack my car full of people way too much. But they could always just sit in the port for roadtrips!
  15. now I'm way too excited. Have you played around with other box designs? I was thinking sub up port back, but the sheet metal and hole in your ceiling seem to differ lol
  16. That's ridiculous! I need to see this!
  17. there ya go! Appreciate the input. My mind is finally set. So, now to buy that dp and start this build. Hopefully I'll get the time to start a log! The box is planned to about 33hz and near 2.5 cubes. Any other recommendations?
  18. haha, good point. And I'm planning on running hopefully around 1500 to it. If I end up getting the death penalty, the sub will come first, followed by new 0 gauge and a new battery, and then the amp and box. Funds are a little slow right now, and the sale ends earlier than ideal. But hey, slow motion is better than no motion!
  19. emfk

    New BTL not very loud...

    i'm guessing all your grounds are good and all the paint is scrapped away? That was my last problem. Also, might have something to do with the headunit settings? I'm hoping you figure this out soon. Must be killing you to have to wait 20+ days after dropping all that money on a new btl, and then something is wrong.
  20. emfk

    Sae-1200d v.1

    Oh wow. That's bad juju
  21. emfk

    Sae-1200d v.1

    Just picked up a used sae1200d from kevin s. I am in love with this amp. Never never never has my sub sounded this good. It's incredible. Excellent build quality. I'll post a full review once I get a couple of days of playing in. But for now, great product Jacob. A little dated or not, I dont think I'll be straying from sundown anytime soon.
  22. emfk

    Sae-1200d v.1

    Yea, I've been thinking about ways to combat the vibrations. Thanks for the advice on that! I definitely want to get as much life out of this amp as possible.
  23. emfk

    Sae-1200d v.1

    And Elton, how'd you break it? That's sad to hear!
  24. emfk

    Sae-1200d v.1

    Cruzer, you're fine. I actually never ran the splw on the kicker. Forgot to mntion that. I had it on a old 600 monoblock. I forget the brand, its een decomissioned for a while I can actually only run it at 2 ohms though, so it's only seeing about half power as of now.
  25. emfk

    Sae-1200d v.1

    Oh no. Definitely not clipping.