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Everything posted by emfk

  1. emfk

    Buying a used car.

    Hahaha, always nice to have a truck useful. Especially when it's someone else's Girlfriends dad has a beater Chevy that's turned into my haul everything truck. Love it
  2. emfk

    Buying a used car.

    I'm not sure. I'm in Indiana, and accords seem to go pretty cheap around here. Definitely agree with the civic. But is she sure about a car? You can't go wrong with a reliable truck! I had a 1998 ranger with pretty low miles for $2500. Thing lasted forever.
  3. Aq's still available I assume? Where are you located?
  4. emfk

    World Record Van, termlab, and podium for sale

    Fort Wayne. Sorry that took so long. Been busy! Think of it as a bump
  5. emfk

    Big Secret?

    With all this crazy hype, watch it be something like a new dustcap color. Lul
  6. emfk

    World Record Van, termlab, and podium for sale

    Dope! And here I was thinking I had to go out of town to get metered! Haha, looks like I do now. Glws and get some rest and heal up!
  7. emfk

    World Record Van, termlab, and podium for sale

    Cn sounds, as in fort Wayne Indiana?
  8. I can never come across one! I've wanted to play with the 880 for years now.
  9. Whereas the Kenwood has pretty much what the imprint does built in. Along with hd radio and Bluetooth. Butttt, some people swear by the imprint. I've never heard it before so I Don't have any input for that.
  10. It's supposed to be a competitor for the alpine cda117. One thing to remember is that the cda117 comes with pretty basic functions as far as eq goes, unless you buy the imprint addon
  11. The newer Kenwood x995 (?) looks pretty promising. I'm thinking about going with that. Has usb and iPod and everything. Granted, the prs880 is an extremely nice receiver, but iPod is extra. So on
  12. emfk

    Correct shipping charge?

    Thought it was expensive** Lol, just woke up. Sorry
  13. emfk

    Correct shipping charge?

    Paid a little over $50 shipping for a sub from a few states away. Thought it was cheap, but dealing with ssa was easy and I knew it was insured. I'd just pay the shipping. Granted, I don't trust many online vendors so this could be my paranoia speaking.
  14. emfk

    Swaggering Recklessly

    Love the introduction. Straight to the point. Welcome!
  15. emfk

    This Ship Has Sailed!

    Sad to hear. Break ups are always shitty! Hope things turn around for you soon. But at this price, I might need to start on my doors a little earlier than planned! Good luck to you sir.
  16. emfk

    the clist find....

    it's cancel everything time if u had cards in there. Definitely. The bank was on my phone before the cops were. Luckily, no charges. So, besides a losing some cards and sentimentals, im in the clear
  17. emfk

    the clist find....

    it does. I had my car broken into today. Only thing gone was my wallet, but still, it's a gut wrenching feeling. Best advice I can give, is check the serial numbers with the police and aq. And if it's scratched off, then don't buy it. Although, you might just be that lucky SOB that got a stupid good deal!
  18. emfk

    the clist find....

    depends. Bangingmc on here posted a thread on him getting broken into. Stole evey single thing but one mid. Even broke his box. But granted, he thinks it was an inside job from the shop the truck was at. So they'd know what to grab
  19. emfk

    the clist find....

    good point. Think aq would be able to help if he supplied the serial numbers? Stolen goods is never a good idea.
  20. emfk

    the clist find....

    hahaha, definitely an idiot with toys. And just check the coils with a dmm, that amp will do fine on any of their subs
  21. emfk

    the clist find....

    I'm in indiana. Near the ohio border. Lucky you caught that amp first! I wouldve had to make a road trip!
  22. emfk

    Fi frankenstein???

    amen. I went into my local shop to try to pick up some 1/0, and they told me to buy 4 gauge welding wire because it handles up to 3k. Lul
  23. emfk

    New DP 21

    alright guys, get the pitchfors and rally the village.