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draggnwagon last won the day on September 21 2009

draggnwagon had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

2 Neutral


About draggnwagon

  • Rank
    Junior Member
  • Birthday 02/18/1974

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  1. draggnwagon

    Sundown Stickers?

    contact Derrick824 on here ...
  2. draggnwagon

    SAZ 2500

    On a Kenwood i had, the bass would shake the face plate and it would lose contact.Then come right back on. just a thought.
  3. draggnwagon


    meca rules are available for free online at mecacaraudio.com
  4. draggnwagon

    The Jeep : 4th Order No-Wall Build

    Are you sure Brandon helped you with that its way to sexxy!!!!
  5. draggnwagon

    "Magic Box" V.2 For an 18"

    i use brass thumb nuts on mine for easy change or removal.
  6. draggnwagon

    "Magic Box" V.2 For an 18"

    I know the answer to this one. its bass threaded rod. probley 5/16 or 1/4 Hahaha, "bass" threaded rod. was fitting! but a spelling era that im good at. i meant brass of curse.
  7. draggnwagon

    "Magic Box" V.2 For an 18"

    I know the answer to this one. its bass threaded rod. probley 5/16 or 1/4
  8. draggnwagon

    Congrats to Paul Strouth

    Congrats to Paul Strouth MECA Member of the Month. Team Sundown FTW..
  9. draggnwagon

    2 gain remotes, and I just want to use ONE !

    I know guys not stirring up anything just another option.
  10. draggnwagon

    2 gain remotes, and I just want to use ONE !

    Technically yes, but why in the world would he spend $100+ on a Maxxlink when he can accomplish exactly what he wants with a $1.50 part from Radio Shack ? But is a line driver too. You also get pretty chrome too.$80 online all day long.
  11. draggnwagon

    2 gain remotes, and I just want to use ONE !

    MAXX-Link's ability to synchronize multiple mono-block car audio amplifiers into a larger output, single-channel amp array opens up a new field of car audio system creativity for the enthusiast.
  12. draggnwagon

    2 gain remotes, and I just want to use ONE !

    would a Maxxlink work here?
  13. I like when Jeremy post some results with specs!
  14. draggnwagon

    NC Competitions?

    Where are you in eastern north carolina? we have aleast 5or6 meca comps a year in sc. and at least all of them are 2x events. next one will be in spartanburg may 8,then laurens on may15.
  15. MAINSTREAM MOBILE MADNESS 5-15-2010 Laurens Middle School 1035 W. Main Street Laurens, SC 29360 $25 $5 discount for meca members spl db ""SQL"" car show