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Mega Heavy Bass

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Everything posted by Mega Heavy Bass

  1. Look at those lovely 17" Rims Sold on my other ones & got these instead. Front Wheel. Rear Wheel. And look what`s in the Vectras Boot On the left a Hawker Odessey PC2150 An Incriminator Audio 20.1 sort of in the middle. And don`t forget the 12" version of the 15" Stereo Integrity magnums I have in the Escort. The box is 2.5 Cu.Ft. before sub & port displacement and is tuned to 28Hz. I`ve still got to neaten a few things up. But the whole lot is not fitted permanently, everything is wedged in place as this stuff only gets fitted before it attends sounds offs etc - it takes literally minutes to fit or remove everything. It`s Nice & Loud & drops a lot lower than the last box I made for it. I have been driving around with the BASS on Minus 6 when litening to normal music. Rumble! Rumble!! Oh. This is what a Vectra Looks Like.
  2. Mega Heavy Bass

    Boot / Trunk of Vectra with 12"MAG 2

    Yeah. The Vectra install is simple but effective & practical. Still have to get the shopping in the trunk. I`ve got to make a cover to protect the subwoofer though. Have not taken it to a competition yet. but there are or 4 of them coming up soon. I`ll post the results. As for those wheels. I like them a lot. 17" may seem like very small rims to you guys. But on an European Escort that`s about the norm before you have to start thinking about rolling the arches etc. And on my car that cannot be done due to the RS bodykit being blended into it. The Vectra could have a set of 18" rims in the same style but I`m looking at
  3. Mega Heavy Bass

    U.K. SPL results - I did good!!

    Hello all - Competed last night and did very well!!! Here are the results of the competition: Well it was another busy evening THANK YOU! to all our Competitors! Had our 1st Boom `n` Zoom event Only two cars went through though C`mon people don`t be intimidated cos it`s a race track - I had great fun trying to get round as fast as I could :wink: We had 3 new records in Propper Droppers 1 new record in <<<Drive By<<< 2 new records in Amateur Street 1 record in Boom `n` Zoom Here are the scores: Amateur Street 2: 1: 145.5dB - NEW All time greatest record!! - Ian Amateur Street 3: 1: 138.3dB - NEW All time greatest record!! - Dan Reality SPL: 131.8dB Propper Droppers: 136.2dB @40Hz Street 2: 1: 142.6dB - Ben Marsh Reality SPL: 134.0dB Propper Droppers: 130.6dB @40Hz Boom `n` Zoom: 142.6dB - 23 Seconds = 119.6 Points Street 3: 1: 135.0dB - Derkin Reality SPL: 125.0dB Propper Droppers: 128.9 @33Hz Street 4: 1: 142.4dB - Paul Hirts Reality SPL: 132.9dB Propper Droppers: 131.6dB @ 40Hz 2: 142.2dB - Bobby Street 5: 1: 147.1dB - Sukh 2: 144.9dB - Umit Aziz 3: 133.4dB - Dave Reality SPL: 127.6dB Propper Droppers: 126.2dB @33Hz Modified 4: 1: 141.5dB - Adz Walter - Team South East Reality SPL: 138.8dB Propper Droppers: 134.2 @33Hz Modified 5: 1: 152.3dB - Marcos Barnes - Team South East <<<Drive By<<<: 126.9dB - NEW U.K. RECORD! Propper Droppers: Three new records in this class 126.9dB @ 10Hz 140.2dB @ 20Hz 140.9dB @ 25Hz Boom `n` Zoom: 152.3dB - 24 Seconds = 128.3 Points --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check out the Propper Dropper Records. I hold them all at the moment!!! My SPL score inside the car dropped because I was trying different things. However on the <<<Drive By<<< things were a bit different 126.9dB !! Well happy with that --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yep I hold all the top SPL scores in PROPPER DROPPERS at the moment! 126.9dB @ 10Hz 140.2dB @ 20Hz 140.9dB @ 25Hz 147.4dB @ 33Hz 151.3dB @ 40Hz And again have beaten my last <<<Drive By<<< score by a massive 1.9dB!! Didn`t get a chance to try the Vectra with the single 12" Magnum cos the guy that was meant to drive it was at work Anyway a Excellent Results for the only STEREO INTEGRITY system in the U.K.
  4. Mega Heavy Bass

    Just testing - Will add more if I can post...

    Thanks Guys. There`s much more to come... Still only running on about half power as the amps are only loaded down to 2ohm at the moment.
  5. Mega Heavy Bass

    Just testing - Will add more if I can post...

    Hello everybody! Long time since I`ve been on here. Well your products are certainly impressive. take a look at this. The system is not at full volume 27 out of 35. The Bass is on 0 out of 7. And the system is running at 2ohm at the moment. Playing Ride with us by Dillinja & Lemon D Playing a Trance CD wich I got from Portugal - The start is a brilliant slow - BASS tone which gets progressivly louder & then drops low. Here`s a few more photos of my system. It`s still not finished - The boot has been completely sprayed up now (But i`ve taken no photos yet- DOH!) Fitted a set of Boston 6.5 Pro - 3 ways - running off a Rockford Fosgate 550x See. The TV does work Another view of the rear / trunk area View of the front of the box. BTW for those who may not have seen the earlier photos from last year... ...This box is 19 Cu.ft. and contains 4x Stereo Integrity Magnum D2s Running off a pair of Powerbass XA-3000D @ 2ohm load. The ports are 6" AEROPORTS & are only 9" long - I`ll be tuning the box much lower with more port area soon... I`ll also be dropping the ohmage after I`ve got the system louder by altering the port configurations etc. At the moment I`m the Loudest U.K. M.E.C.A. Drive By competitor & also the 2nd loudest in Modified 5 (only .5dB behind the leader & I should be able to get much louder with my new box mods) THANK YOU STEREO INTEGRITY!!! Oh. I`ve now got a 12" MAG 2 in my Daily Runabout running off an INCRIMINATOR AUDIO 20.1 amp. It sounds amazing. One of the best 12" subs I`ve ever used. Only problem is now I`m building a bigger box for it & I have to seriously sound deaden the car. Will post pics of my runaround when the new trunk install is finished. I`m also competing this weekend - One of my friends will be using the Vectra - I`ll be in the old Escort. Will post results...
  6. Mega Heavy Bass

    Just testing - Will add more if I can post...

    Ahh!! I can post things now. :-) I tried to post the other day and was not allowed??? Strange??? Anyway. I`ll post some Videos of my car wobbling a bit in a minute. - Please be patient - I gotta go & get the videos from photo bucket...
  7. Mega Heavy Bass

    XA-3000D question

    Hello there. I`ve 2x PowerBass XA-3000D amps. And I`m really happy with them. Got a few questions though. I know they can be loaded down to 0.5ohm. Do they kick out any more power at this ohmage? And what is the power figure @ 14.4v?
  8. Mega Heavy Bass

    XA-3000D question

    Thanks for that info` I`m running them both at 2ohm at the moment using 4x 2ohm DVC 15" subs Was thinking of either loading the subs down to 0.5 ohm or strapping the amps together @ 1ohm. How would you run them? A: 0.5ohm singled B: 1ohm Strapped
  9. Mega Heavy Bass

    Remember this thing?

    Remember this thing? Sorry these photos are old. I`ll take some new ones as soon as possible. My hard drive blew up & I lost all of my photos apart from the ones on PhotoBucket. ANYWAY: Thank You! Stereo Integrity:-) These 15" Magnums are amazing subs. My system is not walled and it`s very, very LOUD. I`m very happy. Running in the subs at the moment so they`re pretty stiff. Using only 4000wrms and Tuned to 33Hz. The system is hitting 150.7dB (Term LAB). With all windows & doors shut. Straight outta the box & 1st time being played LOUD. No test tones. I was messing about, playing MUSIC With the batteries on lower charge than usual as I had left the Power inverter on all evening whilst the engine was off:Doh: Only running the amps seperately at 2ohm at the moment. 4000wrms After a few events I`ll be strapping the amps together & running @ 1ohm. 6000wrms+ Then I`ll be loading each amp down to 0.5ohm each. OMFG!!! Still got two more ports to add. (More port area = LOUDER) Still tuning to the LOW 30Hz range. :twisted: And tuning to 25Hz :twisted: Will post more info & pics soon...
  10. Mega Heavy Bass

    Remember this thing?

    Only 4k at the moment. But I`m going to strap the PowerBass XA-3000D @ 1ohm next. (Got to run the subs in a bit more, the`ve only had about two hours playtime & do a few competitions 1st) After that I`m going to seperate the amps again & run each one @ 0.5ohm (I`m assuming this will be even louder than a strapped pair @ 1ohm) Does anybody know what the PowerBass XA3000D kicks out at a 0.5ohm load, or is it the same figure but cos of the lower ohmage the box impedance will be less? Having said that stuff about loading down the amps. I`m not to bothered about getting high dBs anymore. Although being able to get high figures is nice. It`s much more fun to be able to listen to my sounds & watch everyones reactions when they see the windows - bonnet & doors flexing BTW: I`ve used 25+ sheets of Dynamat & 25x sheets of Dynamat Extreme in this vehicle. The front screen moves out about 1/4" - have already had to replace it due to the stone chips developing into large cracks!! When people sit in the car, they are even more shocked. Considering it`s not a walled system. I`ve had many good comments from other guys with walled systems & they are all saying it VERY loud & DROPS really LOW & sounds excellent (The BASS is Clearer). The Bass hits really hard. I can`t sit in the car when certain tracks are playing. Using 2x Odessey PC2150 batteries & one Redflash 3500 for the power supply & 120 Amp alternator. Max (U.K. Distributer) is visiting this weekend. So I`ll take that oppertunity to get some photos done. The install still isn`t finished. Got lots of finishing touches to do & I`ve also got to sort out the front sound stage and add the EPICENTER. Oh. And I must not forget to turn off that bloody 240v power inverter next time .
  11. Mega Heavy Bass

    Q`s about box for mag15

    Damn! Would`ve been good to see what a walled system in a European Escort could do :-( SFH: Did you check out my topic? My New Install Part II - Lots of Pics Oh. It Fits. 20 Cu.Ft. box in Escort. http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...?showtopic=5077
  12. Remember this: . . . . . . Ohh. Two Largish batteries. What`s in here then? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BTW: The port holes are just that. I havent fitted the Aeroports yet. And in the boot: . . Loads of work to do yet. Like making the canopy over the amps & TV enclosure etc. Full set of Underbody Neons being fitted on the inside of car. The box now has 5x 6" Aeroports. Tuned to 33Hz I`m really happy about this install. I can have my spare wheel back in its original place
  13. Mega Heavy Bass

    My New Install Part II - Lots of Pics

    Not to worry. It`s an altered picture. Not your subs being altered. The Stereo Integrity Logo & Speaker is as you guys have made it. I just copied & pasted parts of the sub cone using "Microsoft Paint program" & then put My initials on it so that people in the U.K. forums can keep on guessing what they are.
  14. Mega Heavy Bass

    My New Install Part II - Lots of Pics

    Hello there. Sorry about the dustcap thing. I had to do that cos I`ve posted these pics on the U.K. forums & no one in the U.K. apart from Superior Sounds & a few others knows what I`m going to be using for 2006 season. It`s a surprise for the U.K. SPL Scene. When they find out how good your products are then I`m sure Stereo Integrity will become a popular brand. I hope so....
  15. Mega Heavy Bass

    My new install :-) Lots of photos

    Thanks Hoss I was trying to use 2x 6" Aeroports per Sub not 2x 4" ports. Looks as though I can only get 5x 6" ports in though. O.K. 5 is better than the 3 but these 6" Aeroport things are quite expensive. In your currency they`ll probably cost $45 each.
  16. Hello everyone. It`s Marcos from the U.K. The only person in Europe (as far as I know) who is using the new 15" Magnums. I hope you guys can see these photos. Last time I was on here I had difficulty in doing it. Anyway. Here goes. Starting out: It looks like a house. The baffle is in. And look what`s going in it. 4x 15" Magnums 3x 6" Aeroports. The box is 20 cu.ft. Tuning it to 27Hz. Is this O.K.? Please tell me you can see the photos?
  17. Mega Heavy Bass

    Have a Merry BASSmas!!

    Merry Christmas everyone!! Here`s a card for you all. And have a BASSey NEW YEAR!! BTW: The fluffy puppet thing is known in the U.K. as FLAT ERIC. It was used in a LEVIS jeans advert years ago, bobbing its head to a mad Bassline whilst sitting in a car with its arm resting out the window.
  18. Mega Heavy Bass

    help with box for 15 mag

    What size is the baffle on which the port is going to be fitted? I assume you are working in inches. We`ll need this size so we can work out the best Port Area / length combination. Or do you already have the size of the port? If you know the size of your port all you`ll have to do is multiply the overall length x width x depth & divide the total figure by:.... 1728 (this is the total amount of inches in a Cu.Ft. 12"x12"x12") to give you the Cu.Ft. of the port. Example: Lets say the port is 6" wide (including the inner port wall) by "15 long and is 11.5" deep 6"x15"x11.5"=1035" Cu.In 1035" Divided by 1728 = 0.59 So the port takes up 0.59 Cu.ft. The actual port area used to tune the box will be smaller due to the fact that you have to include the inner port wall (3/4 ")in the calculations to work out the actual volume that the port takes up inside the box.
  19. Mega Heavy Bass

    My new install :-) Lots of photos

    Yes I`m afraid lots more port are would be better. I`m aiming for 2x 6" flared ports per Sub. I`ll stick with 3 for the moment. It`s easy enough to add more Which I`ll eventually do. Oh the box has changed slighlty. The ports are now firing towards the front of the car as there was only a 6" gap decreasing to 1.5" gap above the ports when they were firing upwards. DOH!! Will post a photo soon. The box has been sprayed up now & I`m waiting to get the car down to work so I can fit the box in.
  20. Mega Heavy Bass

    My new install :-) Lots of photos

    Ah that`s good. 20 Cu.ft @ 27Hz tuning it is then. Yep The next stage is internal bracing & sealing the box. The next photos I`ll send will be when it`s all been sprayed up & is in the car. The car itself started out as a Red 1.3 Escort and is my very 1st car. It`s had a few engines in since then. Only a little 1.6 litre XR3 lump - Sports exhaust system - K&N performance filter - engine mods etc. Still managed 120MPH flat out with previous system installled & passenger. Don`t know about now though. The car itself is a 5 Door model with an RS bodykit blended into it. Not an RS Turbo engine though - The insurance is too much. The U.K. RS engines are something else. We have modded Escorts that are 300BHP+ and that`s from a 1.6 (Unfortunately it makes things extremely unreliable) We also have escorts with the American 1.9 engines which have been bored out for even more power. Although the body is different on our U.K. Escorts. I`d rather have an American Engine than the one I have at the moment. BTW: The Escort has stopped being produced & has now been replaced by the FOCUS.
  21. Mega Heavy Bass

    My new install :-) Lots of photos

    Excellent. From your replies it looks as though you can all see the photos. So here is the car that it`s going in. A 1986 Ford Escort. 50 Sheets of Dynamatt 3x Oddessey PC2150 batteries & 1x Redflash 3500 I`m powering the subs with 2x Powerbass XA 3000D Here is a previous install that I made. Note I do all the work myself. Warning it contains DD subs!! The rectangular bit of the new box is what you`ll see when the tail gate is opened. The 2x Powerbass 3000D are installed on top of that. A 27" LCD screen will be fitted in front. Still got loads to do on the box - Bracing - sealing & rounding off - spraying up etc. Will post more pics when I get some more done. Oh. Is 20 Cu.Ft. tuned to 27Hz using 3x 6" Aeroports O.K.? I`m after Streetbass. BTW: I can tune lower - Higher & have the box sealed. Gotta go - about to watch a film, THE CAVE with my missus
  22. Mega Heavy Bass

    Pictures from U.K.

    Hey guys. I`m not very good with computers & posting pictures. But I think I`ve figured out how to post pictures now. O.k. This is Team South East U.K. Starting from the left. Blinky Bill - works in Car Audio industry. (Founder of T.S.E.) Mega Heavy Bass (Marcos), in the bright T-Shirt. (Founder of T.S.E.) Paul - Our accountant (Founder of T.S.E.) John - V.I.P. Member (Green keeper for golf courses) Andy - M.A. Audio U.K. - Kinetik U.K. - Visonik (Founder of T.S.E.) James - V.I.P. Member (Electrician) Ken York - A.K.A. Troublestarter - V.I.P. Member. (Automotive Retail) This is our mic holder which I knocked up. It is sitting on the bonnet on my Escort. We call it "Johnny 5" The magnet on the btm came from a Top of the range NSX SPL subwoofer and weighs about 18 pounds!!! Hence the handles on it. This is my 19 Year Old Ford Escort. Picture taken 3 years ago. It looks a lot better now cos off all the GFX etc. I`ll try & post some pics of the actual systems that I`ve had in it...
  23. Mega Heavy Bass

    My Escort

    Mk IV 5 door Escort: I`ve owned this car for 17yrs. Suzuki Midnight Plum (Purple). Blacked out Windows. Lowered. Full RS Bodykit blended into car - remember it`s a 5 door car. 16" Anthracite OZ F1 cup Wheels. Sports Exhaust. EFi Engine but with an XR3 Carb not injection (Don`t ask) :oops: Rear RS brake disc conversion. Front Cosworth Brake disc converison. Purple & black leather interior. CAR AUDIO BIT: 50+ sheets of Dynamat used throughout the car. Alpine 7856RM (BTM of the range H`U` with 4v pre out) Alpine 6 disc changer In Dash DVD Player Game Cube 6.5" LCD Screen. Kenwood EQ (for sound control on the DVD & GC only) 4x JBL GTO MKII 6.5" components 1x Rockford Fogate 350s (300wrms into 2ohm) 2x Digital Designs DD3515 (15" Subwoofers) A lot of Power Bass 3000d amps (3000wrms+ into 1ohm @ 14.4v) 2x Redflash 3500 batteries I will post photos when I take some new ones. In the process of changing the car GFX at the moment + I`m waiting for my amps to arrive... Also the pics are from my last system using 3x DD3512 O.K. I hope this lot has come out. I can see all the photos at the moment.
  24. Mega Heavy Bass

    My Escort

    Yes! I also drive on the wrong side of the road too At least someone can see all the pics on this thread without having to click the addresses. How come you can see them & others can`t? Seems a bit strange.