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Everything posted by bigger_george

  1. bigger_george

    Treo Amps

    One of the models was reviewed on Momentum http://forum.soundillusions.net/articles.p...article&artid=5
  2. bigger_george

    RL-Ps Amp

    maybe one of these? http://www.ubid.com/actn/opn/getpage.asp?AuctionId=601427896
  3. bigger_george

    Did you know?

    oops, got mixed up, was thinking mtx for some reason
  4. bigger_george

    Did you know?

    yup, one of their new brands they added recently
  5. bigger_george

    HU: upgrade or just stay?

    The new kenwoods aren't that bad from what i hear, but why change a good thing? unless u really want too ...
  6. I'm curious as well. I'd like to compare it to my omnifi. I'll see if my local dealer has one (though it'll probably cost a buttload) too.
  7. bigger_george

    Lookie what came from Mr. FedEx today!

    I figured you got it from there. i got my marantz sr8400, Panasonic 43" tv, and the concept 1200D from there.
  8. bigger_george

    Look at all my new toys

    yeah it is a little monster. I was actually kinda glad to have gotten the wrong speaker cause i can't install the XXX right now anyways
  9. bigger_george

    Lookie what came from Mr. FedEx today!

    Sweet!!! where'd u buy it from?
  10. An in-dash AC Three.1 has highlevel too. I am a 6 owner myself but plan on glassin' an enclosure on the map pocket temporarily to fit an Eclipse HU and wait on the new dash kit to move it. My omnifi moves into the map pocket at that moment. It is really an annoying dash and i alsio fond it unacceptable to lose auto climate control. Some have been able to glass a bezel but have to relocate the board and wires, too annoying and too much pain for me.
  11. man, what a deal. i went after it for 350 shipped with warranty liek a week or 2 ago
  12. bigger_george

    AA vs. Wiggins

    Damm, makes ti tempting to get one for HT and maybe to test in the car as well
  13. bigger_george

    SoundSplinter LMT sub

    I'm hoping I can do a straight swap-out of a RL-p 15" with an LMT for comparison
  14. bigger_george

    gone to the dogs

    English Coonhound
  15. bigger_george

    RL-p PRON

    impressive especially at 20 hz
  16. bigger_george

    NEXt by audison

    I'd throw in some money too if i could for that price. Are they 2 ohm stable? I can't find any 2 ohm stats on that sheet
  17. bigger_george

    New SQ Summit location announced!

    If you want to go then I think me and matt might be going too. Maybe we could all ride up together. Sorry to bump the old post but I just saw that they had one in houston. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Still interested, would be great to go together; Hopefully there will be some more details on the website about the Houston one soon
  18. bigger_george

    Maybe you guys can help me?

    Actually, I just sold my 1999 Pontiac Grand Prix... That thing had a huge trunk, however, the opening didn't allow for a big box... I am looking at a 98-02 Honda Accord 2 Dr, and for a compact, I think that they have a relatively large trunk.... I emailed Mike and my current plan is to have about 3-3.25 cubes net per driver tuned to 30 Hz with ~ 35 sq inches of port... Powered by a nine.1... I have BBP6, however, it is more of a pain in the ass than anything else.... I may try to figure out how to use it.... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> My friend has a 98 accord coupe, Its trunk is ok sized. I believe he fit a 4.0 cube ported XXX in there(barely) It's not very deep so i'm not sure if you could fit a 6 cube box unless u built it from inside the trunk.
  19. bigger_george

    Clean Sweep or LC6?

    You can pick one up at a local store, http://www.autotoys.com/x/catalog/index.html or on ebay.
  20. bigger_george

    Kicker Monster Truck

    Not sure, I didn't climb it to check it out.
  21. bigger_george

    Kicker Monster Truck

    what this thing?
  22. I have a RE 35.1D rated at 1 ohm but i think it has been able to get a little more power at slightly lower resistance.
  23. Can anyone compare em to the 8053? I have the option of buying the 8053 right now but i need to make sure it has a RCA input for my Omnifi. Plus wanna make sure whether there is much of a difference between this unit and the new one. Plus the new one matches with my dash better.
  24. bigger_george

    New SQ Summit location announced!

    I wish i could attend but a bit far away. The one in Houston seems like a good date and location though
  25. Woah they have one with USB and memory stick capability