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Everything posted by bigger_george

  1. bigger_george

    Big 3 Question

    2 or 1/0 gauge isn't really necessary though would be great. 4 gauge will work fine since the distance between the block/battery is really short; i used 4 gauge in mine. It was a pita to install 4 gauge on the factory ground spot in mine(which was less than a foot from the battery, i just sanded it down)
  2. bigger_george

    The truth about DLS?

    Taiwan's work force is actually highly educated and their QC is much better than China's. In fact, some high quality amps and speakers, such as Arc Audio and Usher Audio, are made there. Many nice quality computers and computer parts are made there as well. The only difference is that Taiwan costs for parts and labor are higher than China.
  3. Welding supply is flexible with the jacket but the wires are tougher and i had a hard time fitting them into terminal rings for other brands of 1/0 gauge ring terminals.
  4. bigger_george

    Whats THe Best Dampening Sound Suppressor???

    I have used raam mat(not BXT, older 60 version) and about to start using SS damplifier. The old raamat60 works great and no smell; the new BXT is in my friends car and its even better and can stand more heat. He had probs with the 60 and they were nice enough to send him some extra BXT to replace it. I decided on SS this time because of the good opinions, but mainly because they had the 25% SI.net discount at the time.
  5. bigger_george

    I need your help

    16 to 12 now
  6. bigger_george

    Amprack fans

    I would do 120mm fans; more efficient and quieter to boot. If you have something to adjust fan speed however, a 90 mm fan will do fine. I've never used em in car audio but just some experience with computers.
  7. bigger_george

    DIY component choices

    Based on all the reviews for the XXX's, you will need a tweeter that work well down to 1.5khz, otherwise ID's will work better for the 2 ohm choices.
  8. Mine's not completely set up also but I am going to use my Eclipse 8053.
  9. bigger_george

    dBDrag Finals pics...

    woah that jacked up xB looks weird. Looks like y'all had a bunch of fun
  10. bigger_george

    Recommended Test CD's

    Yes anything Chesky makes is awesome for SQ; I have one Chesky CD which i forget the title for and is excellent for dynamics.
  11. bigger_george

    Saving Money: LED Lighting In-Home

    Have you considered Flourescent bulbs as well? We use em and they save a bundle although might be a bit more than LED's.
  12. bigger_george

    I cannot believe I am about to say this....

    They consider my hatch a wagon so it's pretty dang cheap(450 for 6 months)especially under group plan with my parents Oh and I'm under Allstate
  13. bigger_george

    just wondering

    Sweet, I won't need any. Oh i forgot, I would say make it as small as possible. Simple outside look, maybe in a satiny silver, copper or aluminum
  14. bigger_george

    just wondering

    I would like a class A/B high SQ amp or monoblock; right now, I need a 2 channel that does between 75-150 @4 ohms and double that @ 2 ohms. A 4 channel would work as well. Are you planning to have a high slope crossover built in or none?
  15. bigger_george


    Sweet! Congrats Mike. Good to see that the SS name is expanding and Welcome aboard Kyle, I have been on SIN for a while(mainly lurking) and am sure you guys will do well for marketing for Mike and getting some profit of your own
  16. bigger_george

    need help picking products

    Cascade is pretty decent stuff, I had some stuff that looked like the original dynamat stuff) but I find their products a little higher price(usually) than the other discount brands like Second Skin or Raamat.
  17. bigger_george

    Has anyone seen Jamie(aka xtremeasures) on lately?

    How about we try this over the weekend or Friday? Let me know.
  18. I've been trying to contact him since before the hurricane hit. I haven't been able to reach him since. Has anyone seen him on or contacted him? If you have, also tell him to give my car back to me if its still there
  19. bigger_george

    Has anyone seen Jamie(aka xtremeasures) on lately?

    Thursday isn't really a great day for me. I'm pretty much in class all day until 8:30 pm
  20. bigger_george

    Has anyone seen Jamie(aka xtremeasures) on lately?

    Good to hear everything is ok, i have been worried about ya since its been so hard to contact you. It's ok for me to drive there, just let me know where to go when you call. Normally, i'm not in a rush but it gets annoying getting temporary parking tags(but not too bad), but the worst part is having my mom nag about the car over and over and over ...
  21. bigger_george

    Dave's Ride..............it's about time!

    Very impressive! Let us know how it goes when u tune it
  22. bigger_george

    Linear Motor Technology - A Reference

    Sweet, would be nice to see how these compare to the RL-p's. Waiting on Jamie to finish my 'glass setup for those. I'm hoping a direct swap-out will work with my 'glass setup(2 cubes).
  23. bigger_george

    Anyone use a Eclipse cd8053

    One last quick question about this unit. Where did everyone mount that box that is attached to the HU? What is it for anyways?
  24. I'm a little bit confused about how to wire the RCA's. They have basically 6 sets of preamp outputs with some labeled mid, highs but also some sets labeled positive and negative. The manual isn't too detailed about using the pro setup except to connect all of them. I am going to be running tweets and mids up front and mids in the back. Plus a sub(which it has 2 pairs of outputs to as well for some reason). I will post some pix if necessary. Thanks for any help you guys can provide. I'm trying to get this done tomorrow as i will be working til 10 pm tonight.
  25. bigger_george

    Eclipse Amp

    makes me want to get one. Does any one know what kind of crossovers are built on those and maybe the 2 channel version?