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Everything posted by bigger_george

  1. bigger_george

    An Answer to RE's price hikes:

    I agree about the loss, but its just a step to make the company grow. The DIYers, like myself, will flock to the other ones. Should make companies like SS and SI happy
  2. bigger_george

    us amps website

    The site is actually pretty hard to navigate. I can understand all the flash (advertising to a group of customers) but at least update and make it easy to navigate.
  3. bigger_george

    us amps website

    Ya it's nice that they have a cute girl on there now, but where's da beef?
  4. bigger_george


    ok, I've pre-ordered some mpyreaudio mids but they put out the 4 ohm mids for adire extremis (i only pre-ordered because there was no 4 ohm version) plus it's a cheaper driver. Specs are similar but not exactly the same. I'm guessing they will be similar but I will be putting it IB in the doors. Does either one have an advantage in the doors (according to specs)? I forgot what specs to look for to see a better IB driver.
  5. bigger_george


  6. bigger_george

    Playgirl in da house

    Ha! let the leghumping begin. Naah but really welcome aboard!
  7. I never had problems with Panasonic, plus they also have low impedence, 5v preamps advertised. My bro didn't have probs with his clarion either. You will probably get a few more features out of panasonic or alpine for that price. But the Eclipses do have 5v outputs at that price as well.
  8. bigger_george

    New H/U and amps...

    Pioneer Premier has some new stuff too DEH-P880PRS and the line above that. 5V, 100 ohm outputs.
  9. bigger_george

    Cars for 2x 15" SI D2

    Mazda 3 hatch would do well or a Maz6 hatch like I have but a bigger car. Honda as suggested earlier, tho you don't seem to care for em.
  10. bigger_george

    Eclipse 8v?

    Check their second to top of the line model (cd5000)
  11. bigger_george

    amp power question.....

    Don't get the cheapest one though. I bought a Radio crap 10 dollar DMM and it can't read AC ratings so there goes my ability to do the gain settings.
  12. bigger_george

    Scion neon install

    Dang, my bro has a kit like that has been sitting around for almost a year. Looks good
  13. bigger_george

    How old are YOU?

    26 here til December
  14. Well, my friend installed a Rockford Type RF.4 4 channel amp into his car and after it was installed a popping noise would occur when he turned on his HU or when he turned his volume from 0 to 1. We must have regrounded that amp several times but the popping still occurs. We tried replacing the HU but to no avail, same problem occurs. I told him to try regrounding his HU but his HU was already grounded to a drilled, sanded spot. Right now, he is trying to shorten his ground wire. Now this only happened after he installed this amp. Before, I had let him borrow my trusty ol' Orion Xtreme 5004 and there were no probs with that amp so I'm assuming it has something to do with this amp. Anyone have any other troubleshooting ideas?
  15. bigger_george

    Eclipse 8v?

    I guess people are thinking that that model will be the last of its kind then?
  16. bigger_george

    Eclipse 8v?

    I thought their "new" cd5000 model was still 8 volt?
  17. bigger_george

    Well, there goes my Maz6

    Well, I got in a car accident today; it wasn't completely wrecked though. I got real lucky. There was a dead taxi in the middle of the interstate in a turn. I hit the brakes hard, swerved out of the way and got straight out rear-ended by an accord. Bumper now hangs off the bolts and a tiny dent from a nick on the taxi. I'll post some pix up if anyone's interested. Luckily , no one was seriously injured but i don't know who the insurance company will put at fault.
  18. bigger_george

    coustic h/u

    I found it on their main website; apparently they also have an upgraded version. No info on their output voltages though. Here is the link.
  19. bigger_george

    Well, there goes my Maz6

    i have 500 deductible so i guess i paid for the paint can
  20. bigger_george

    Well, there goes my Maz6

    dang man, that is extremely high for a dent
  21. bigger_george

    Well, there goes my Maz6

    3500 dollar estimate, ouch.
  22. bigger_george

    Well, there goes my Maz6

    Well i finally got off my lazy ass and took pix
  23. bigger_george

    AX-TU300C demo ring

    tempting but i got nothing to install it to right now
  24. bigger_george

    I too am a believer!!

    I wanted to play with one of those
  25. bigger_george

    The Official Food Thread...

    Taco Bell Caesar Grilled Stufft Burrito, nachos, mixed fruit, and will probably heat up leftover popeyes for later tonight. I'm not awake for breakfast