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Everything posted by bigger_george

  1. that's Denim's. He's had pics of those out for a while. Yes i mean the female dog and the amp
  2. bigger_george


    I know Georgia is well-known for car thieves. Good luck trying to get yur stuff back
  3. bigger_george

    IN SHOCK....

    Wooo! good to hear and know, good luck with your fresh new start B)
  4. bigger_george

    just for FUN

    We need more cars with that kind of paint job
  5. bigger_george


    I think those came out; just didn't sell well
  6. bigger_george

    Stephen@tcsounds, Mike@ soundsplinters

    What's the smallest sealed box you can do on the TC2-12.2?
  7. bigger_george

    IN SHOCK....

    Man, that just plain sucks big ones. Hopefully this will all be sorted out and you will be on your way to running your business. How do people get away with stealing so many things and not be seen?!? Damn, hopefully it will be easy to find em for the cops.
  8. bigger_george

    New Answers section

    nicely written; easy to understand for beginners. I might be looking into one of thos pioneer or JVC HU's if you can get a discount :boink:
  9. bigger_george

    my new install

    ThVery nice install. I love having EQ's, makes a whole world of a difference IMO. Being able to tune your speakers to the way you or the judges like it is always good
  10. bigger_george

    Yay For Fiberglass

    What about a Hifonics BX1000D?
  11. bigger_george

    Glass Shattering News!!

    If you check out the last post on there, he scored 5 db less at 155.4 with the cracked windshield. BTW, very sweet
  12. bigger_george

    It's Here

    You mean the old ones as the ones with the claw basket? The new one definitely looks different but only the basket. The rest of it looks the same.
  13. bigger_george

    What would you do?

    The V shaped is kinda cool but the straight shape looks neater in that trunk and is more unique.
  14. bigger_george

    speeker wire

    pretty much the same thing except for those retarded monster cables that use some kinda tube and cloth in the middle of the wires. It really matters more in home since you don't have the road noise and stuff to affect it. Just stick with 12 gauge.
  15. bigger_george

    Every man's fantasy!

    :pic: Damn i think we need to hang around you more often
  16. bigger_george

    Happy b-day Gnome!!!

    I dunnow, i never got many presents on my b-day oh and a happy belated b-day
  17. bigger_george

    just finish this set up

    u got it george just have to wait in line... :boink: jamie It's ok, i will probably be too poor to pay anything for a while with my payments i need to make with that car as well as my HT that i've been setting up...
  18. bigger_george

    just finish this set up

    Any way ya can hook me up with something like that? Gonna need some help soon with the new car coming in a month
  19. bigger_george


    hey so where are the indecent exposure pics? B)
  20. bigger_george

    Every man's fantasy!

    wee... good job Now the rest of us gotta match up so we can make a club
  21. bigger_george

    just finish this set up

    Sweet, not sure if i really like those pedals but the console rocks B)
  22. bigger_george

    New Install Pics and Info

    I saw that over to SIN, that is quite an awesome site for an 8" and definitely a clean nice setup
  23. bigger_george

    Need amp advice

    What is the price limit?
  24. bigger_george

    Ported vs. Sealed

    I see nothing wrong with those stats, you gain around 3 db typically with a ported versus sealed and those stats seem pretty close to that. In competition, anyincrease in Db can win you that trophy.