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Everything posted by bigger_george

  1. bigger_george

    I finally got a car

  2. bigger_george

    I finally got a car

    haven't gotten an estimate yet. I will probably ask for an estimate when i'm ready to purchase. Tint itself is still fairly cheap on it's own from what i hear. How much is it up there on average?
  3. bigger_george

    I finally got a car

    Tinting is on my list of things to do too. Damn this is gonna cost me
  4. bigger_george

    Another nice choice for 8"s

    Check out the Koda 8": Adire site Just another new option
  5. bigger_george

    Another nice choice for 8"s

    does look similar to another said driver with a manufacturer forum here huh?
  6. bigger_george

    I finally got a car

    Yup a hatchback. I luv how it doesn't look like a hatch. Thanks for all the compliments guys Jamie, we're gonna definitely be fiberglassin. As for new stuff, i will only be doing the subs right now as I am gonna be fairly poor while i am paying it off; i will add some processors later probably. I will stick with my RE35.1D since going to the Hifonics Brutus would be like downgrading from 1600 to 1500 watts. My old 15" Brahma Mk.1 is going to my home theater setup. I'm lucky i live at home otherwise i wouldn't be able to do anything The dash is somewhat integrated and no kit is made for it so i will need to glass the area to fit my HU and maybe leave an opening for a half-din eq and/or crossover
  7. bigger_george

    I finally got a car

  8. bigger_george

    I finally got a car

  9. bigger_george

    I finally got a car

  10. bigger_george

    I finally got a car

    First look, I'll post some interior pix later, let me know what you think and some ideas.
  11. bigger_george

    Another nice choice for 8"s

    I'm thinking about a setup like that too. I have some Kodas but the only hard part will be finding a place to fit the 8"s in my new Maz6
  12. bigger_george


    I already have an account
  13. bigger_george

    I finally got a car

    nope auto, can't convince my loan shark to get a manual. Oh and from what i have heard, their HU's suck
  14. bigger_george

    House, Dance and Trance crew???

    I'm a fan too but i am bad with memorizing band/DJ names
  15. bigger_george

    Adire Open House Pictures and Info

    That is sweet, wished i lived there myself. The Parthenon is their new driver/motor structure which blows away all the current subs' XMAX. Forgot the number but it's something insane. I still wann hear that monster in action
  16. bigger_george

    prime example of what I call a "walmart cruiser"

    I love the custom tweeters on the first one and the kit bumper attached to the stock one
  17. My friend got an alt from him with no problems.
  18. bigger_george

    the Grand Prix is done!!

    Sweet, makes me wanna try to do a glassed box next time
  19. bigger_george

    Addicted to Power

    Damn how much stuff are ya gonna buy?
  20. bigger_george

    I'm in the market for a new car

    no hills to practice on here As for stick, i have been considering it but it might be a bit inconvenient since i will pretty much be in school when iactually get the car. My mom will probably b*tch that i got stick since she is loaning me da dough :soap: I personally think the 6 looks better after seeing it myself and test driving it but haven't test driven the 3 yet. Oh forgot to mention the difference in price. I think i can get 21K on the 6 and around 18K for the 3. Hmm... plus i can fit an extra dead body in the trunk of the 6 :ugh:
  21. bigger_george

    I'm in the market for a new car

    I am in the market and have narrowed my choices. Which you would prefer? The 3 would be the hatchback with Leather seats and the 6 would be with no options. Both automatic since i can't drive stick. :thumbdown: Also I am in school and have to commute 2 hours at least 3 days a week. The 3 gets better mileage(23/28 mpg) with 160 hp/150 torque(but much lighter) but 6 comes with V6 220 hp/180 torque(19/27 mpg) Mazda 3 or Mazda 6
  22. bigger_george

    I'm in the market for a new car

    I was already considering the D2, haven't heard their 15 yet. But I've heard their 12 so i may have to try a new brand. I'll have to figure that out.
  23. bigger_george

    I feel like a newbie again!

    up is good! B)
  24. bigger_george

    I'm in the market for a new car

    New system will come later. I will be too poor paying for the car off and til i get a real job. For now, I will stick with my old setup (RE35.1D, Orion XTREME 5004, Adire Kodas which i still need to get crossover and tweet for, Panasonic HU). I will need some recommendations on subs for that amp though since I am replacing it. It does 1600 x 1 at 1 ohm.
  25. bigger_george


    Sweet The new ones have better turn knobs i bet ...