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Everything posted by bigger_george

  1. bigger_george


    Very nice, did you an arm and leg for it?
  2. bigger_george

    tsunami/redtop/big 2 outa 3

    man i don't see nything either. Must be the skin i'm using(it's the original one) cause the new one works fine. Unfortuantely i can't find the option to change the skin any more
  3. bigger_george

    Aaron and his lady friend!!!

    Well, i don't believe anything til I see pics period.
  4. bigger_george

    1000th post!!!!!

  5. man this post puts a damper on upgrading alternators for me. Anyone know how to get around this PCM stuff other than rewinding/rebuilding.
  6. bigger_george

    I'm down to my last two choices

    Yup i am waiting for the response with all my payment info.
  7. bigger_george

    I'm down to my last two choices

    will do man B)
  8. bigger_george

    I'm down to my last two choices

    I got that amp way back when they had pre-orders for it. Their old database got wiped out so they lost my order. They were good enough to tell me they were sorry and sold a new one to me for only 250 I was like.... yippee i waited 6 months for it and got it for 100 bux less B) RE has some great service Oh and I wanted some trunk space myself in case i needed to actually put something in my car or get the spare tire out. I gotta see how these 15"s perform since i haven't actually seen anyone with em out there
  9. bigger_george

    I'm down to my last two choices

    RE 35.1D
  10. bigger_george

    I'm down to my last two choices

    I have decided to go with the 15"s sealed. The box recommendation was based off of Mike's (from soundsplinter) recommendation plus the website's recommendation based on power since I am feeding each 800 RMS.
  11. bigger_george

    I'm down to my last two choices

    that's one to one so far. Doesn't help much
  12. bigger_george

    A few pics of my new car

    I see it, will probably stop by and see it when my friend visits from the National Guards.
  13. bigger_george

    How Good Is Your Hearing ?

    1, 2, 5, 6, 10,12
  14. bigger_george

    My SD page updated....

    yeah the camry looks horrible with those tiny 15"s
  15. bigger_george


    If it takes up less resources over the old one, i'm all over it
  16. bigger_george

    How did you guys find SSA???

    I've been here a while, not sure who introduced me might have just seen it thru C.A.R. or something
  17. bigger_george

    Sound Deadening

    Are you talking about the Motor mat stuff? It says it is for under the hood on their site
  18. bigger_george

    THE BIG 3

    How flexible does this wire have to be? I got some 0/1 in the garage but not very flexible. When i mean flexible, i mean does it have to be flexible enough to bend heavily when flexing around all the car parts.
  19. bigger_george

    REVIEW SoundSplinter Rl-p12d2

    I am seriously considering a pair of the premium 12"s or maybe even one 15" for 249. I will email him to see what he thinks about 1600 watts for one ported 15 thru my RE35.1D. Need to get the funding though which should be thru my next paycheck. At 422 for the pair or 259 for a single, it is a steal
  20. bigger_george

    I finally got a car

    They do have a harness made for it but it doesn't retain the little LCD screen above the dash. That LCD screen has climate control views which i want to keep. Based on all the articles i've read in mazda6club.com, the only way to be able to view that is to alter the chip that controls all the functions thru the HU. If i'm lucky, they'll have one built soon enough, but no luck so far
  21. bigger_george

    I finally got a car

    Since I am paying my mom back for my car, she got the final say on which to get. I got a Mazda 6 Hatch in the gun metallic color. I will have to do some custom work soon to get a new HU in. It will cost me some cash to get a replacement deck area but it is worth it B) I will have some pics posted but not much since all i have is the car which i will have by tomorrow(they didn't have the color so they are dragging one over here)
  22. bigger_george

    I finally got a car

    Interior pic
  23. bigger_george

    crazy install

    ouch, i have more like 400-800 to spend right now
  24. bigger_george

    crazy install

    Woah, looks to be a loud setup. maybe i should go over and check it out
  25. bigger_george

    Big Amps

    those are really purrty amps