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Everything posted by bigger_george

  1. omnifi I got it as a belated b-day present from my bro for a good price too with all the acessories :4123357f3da0f6e125a54:
  2. will do... need to find out how to get it into my car now ... hmmm ... no aux -in on my factory unit, may hafta test it out after hu install kit comes out .
  3. I got it a about half a year ago for around 220, price matched at thezeb.com
  4. Good sounding unit. Not the best overall design but there are some cool features like the knob switch specifically for sub volume and of course the 4 volt preamp. My bro got one but i only got to play around with it for a couple of weeks before it got stolen
  5. bigger_george

    Fav headunit

    Strangely, i don't think the new eclipses are that bad looking. They do look a bit too much like some JVC designs i've seen though. I've only messed with jvc, sony, panasonic, clarion and pioneer. Panasonic is a bit overpriced these days but reliable and look very nice. Pioneers are pretty decent too. JVC's are not bad once you get into the upper line, but panasonic gets my vote for now. Clarions are nice units but i only played with one for a couple of weeks before it got stolen... I am gonna try an Eclipse or Alpine next for the nifty features of course
  6. I used 12 ga and switched to 10 ga(no difference) on my sub earlier. I got some extra 11 ga but not sure if i will need it and may just stick with my ol' 12 ga. The distance is so short between the amp and sub that you probably could even use 16 ga.
  7. bigger_george

    RE Group buy

    I gost me the RE XXX mids and a RE 10 for my bro's Scion TC
  8. bigger_george

    I need an amp

    if you're stuck with one sub just stick with a 2 ch. amp that does 75-100 watts @4ohms per channel as stated earlier.
  9. bigger_george

    Proto 12 porn

    Very impressive
  10. bigger_george

    Go with or dont?

    There's a review on their 4 channel amp at soundillusions.net
  11. bigger_george

    First Looks: SoundSplinter RL-i Series 8" Driver

    woah sweetness
  12. bigger_george

    Acendant Audio vs TC 2+ review

    You're right, i got a bit mixed up. sorry bout that.
  13. bigger_george

    Acendant Audio vs TC 2+ review

    That TC2+ has slightly different specs than the soundsplinter premium one. I wonder what would have been the conclusion if they used one of those instead
  14. bigger_george

    Lookin for new HU

    Woah, saw the new model panasonics, man this is a hard choice ... Clarion, panasonic, eclipse, or alpine hmmm
  15. I'm in the market for a new HU(since the mazda 6 kit is almost out). Here are my requirements: - at least 4 volt pre-outs, including one for sub - crossover for sub/mid/hi - red illuminated buttons or at least majority red illumination - would like it to be a silver color to match my dash but not necessary - mp3 capability I'm trying to gauge my options right now, and no price limit.
  16. bigger_george

    Lookin for new HU

    Well, if it does, i might just get it. Anyone know the retail price for it? I know the security is worthless unless i get it from an authorized dealer, wonder if i can get it from my dealer for a good price ... or maybe i should get 8445 new model hmmm
  17. bigger_george

    I never actually have seen these

    Well, i might do the XXX's as well with that group buy. I would have to replace my koda mids and move those to the rear. I found out my car has quite a huge "bubble" in front of the speaker, one owner even put a TB 6.5" sub in his 6 so I have room for it
  18. bigger_george

    If you had 1000 dollars...

    Wait, i thought RE only had a sale for the RE comps. The XXX's are for mids only right?
  19. bigger_george

    DubYahToo Thyme!

    I made about 8 g's. I woulda made more but i wasn't in country all year ... plus i got a raise when i changed to a grad student
  20. bigger_george

    Lookin for new HU

    I was considering the Eclipse but they wouldn't match with that console at all. I've had too many problems with sonys to even think about em. That JVC was an option(the buttons all illuminate in red) but it only has a sub crossover. I haven't seen the panasonic yet but i have always had a panasonic HU so if it comes with all the stuff i like i might look into it. Hopefully it is not blue, seems like almost all their HU's are blue.
  21. bigger_george

    Lookin for new HU

    I did some research and found my options are gonna be jvc, alpine, or clarion. There are some new models coming out soon tho' so i might just wait a bit
  22. bigger_george

    I'm down to my last two choices

    I will have pix up as soon as seats are done. When i get my back seats in, i will let Jamie work on it.
  23. Two 12" RL-p's (ported) or two 15" RL-p's sealed. I am planning to do a 1.5 cube ported to around 32-34 hz. The two 15"S will be in a 2 cube box. I will buy tonight, weather/internet connection permitting.
  24. bigger_george


    Did you win them in the raffle? I lost like i usually do but i wasn't expecting to win.