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Everything posted by pimpedout97x

  1. pimpedout97x

    need some help choosing 10s

    I've got about 4.5 cubes gross to work with sealed for 3 10s. I have 500w rms per sub. I want it to get loud and also pick up the lows exceptionally well for a sealed box. Would like to keep it around $150 per driver. Subs considered: Mach5 ixl Dayton mkIII Audiopulse epic
  2. pimpedout97x

    need some help choosing 10s

    Will the sundowns work good in that small of a sealed box though? The box can't pass the height of the rear seats when folded down
  3. pimpedout97x

    need some help choosing 10s

    Another thing I didn't mention is its going in a false floor setup. I may still be able to port it though.
  4. pimpedout97x

    IA6.4 Crossover question

    On the IA6.4, if you leave the crossover selector to "full" does that mean you can set the low pass at a certain frequency, and the high pass at a certain frequency? or do the HPF and LPF adjusters not work when its set to play full range? so example if i wanted a set of mids set to play 100hz to 5000hz, i could put the thing on full, then put the lpf to 100 and the hpf to 5k? (just an example)
  5. pimpedout97x

    IA6.4 Crossover question

    hahah....well i didnt know thats why i posted it here and shut up ant!
  6. pimpedout97x

    want new sub/s and box for Sony HTIB

    i have this 5.1 system. i got it for cheap, and they included a 5 yr warranty at no cost. http://esupport.sony.com/US/perl/model-documents.pl?mdl=DAVHDX589W the bass from the stock sub/box is pretty decent, according to specs its a 6 3/4 (i think it was 3/4") sub, 1.5 ohm and the amp feeds 280w rms to it. id like to build a new box for either this sub, or get 1-2 new subs (6.5s or 8s) that i can wire to ~1.5, rather not go any lower becuase thats what the stock sub is at now. if i do 2 subs thats 140w rms each. ideas? maybe a t-line? idk anything about HT, but i want something that gets alot louder with the power im working with, and something that gets pretty low too. but its not just for movies, i use it probably 80% for music, so id like it to sound good for music as well. also, suggest a sub/pair of subs. im lookin around on partsexpress now, its free shipping over 49 bux now, im guessing thats for the holidays
  7. pimpedout97x

    Midrange amps

    Considering you are running rears the question is moot. The best thing you could do for sound quality with your current setup would be to get rid of your rear speakers completely, take out the 5.25's that you have and buy something else. Changing your amps will not make much of a difference and is not your problem. lmao this guy sounds like me with all the speakers
  8. pimpedout97x

    got my projector

    sanyo PLV-1080HD. $1540 out the door w/ tax. love it so far, screen i built myself, roughly 125", the viewing distance is kinda small but it doesnt look like your sitting too close at all, IMO its perfect. obviously, my crappy camera doesnt do it justice.
  9. pimpedout97x

    mini cooper wall thread, version 2

    for those of you that didnt see in the other thread, i took the first one out. i really wasn't happy with it once i thought about it. this one, already with the false floor, is coming out alot better. the floor is 2 layers thick. the first layer is bolted with 1/2" x 2.5" bolts in the rear, and up front its tite bonded, and screwed to those 2x4's u see under there. the 2x4's themselves are also bolted to the body with the same bolts. none-the-less, its very sturdy, and not gonna budge. the 2nd layer is self explanatory, its to make is 100% level (to cover the bolt heads used to bolt the first layer down) and to clarify, the cuts i made on the rear cross-member, to get those bolts in (still cant believe i did that) will be getting welded shut by my body shop soon. just wanna throw that out there, becuase i know someones gonna comment on the pic that shows those cuts lol... anyways, pics- btw- i havent decided on subs yet. or the exact style of box. im 95% set on doing a ported clam shell, i just gotta see how much space im working with.
  10. pimpedout97x

    need a projector

    my dad doesnt want to spend more than 1500 at most if possible. its going in a room with no windows that is pitch black 100% its going to be projected on a 16:9 ~124" screen. obviously we would like 1080p, etc, etc.. any recommendations? was looking at a Sanyo one at bestbuy for $1449 id assume they can be had online for cheaper though? post up some links here, would like to order this week heres the screen i made, still need to put a small black boarder around it to finish it off
  11. pimpedout97x

    mini cooper wall thread, version 2

    working on the computer 10.4" VGA touchscreen buying an ASUS Eee Box EBXB202. 8.8" x 7" x 1" $298 at compusa, with Linux on it and 1GB ram, and a 1.6ghz intel atom CPU. ill load xp on it will fit nicely in the glove box, and work quite well since MINI was kind enough to air condition the glove box. cleaning up wires (they arent cleaned up in this pic, obviously) the a/c relocation wire from way back ago..need to build something for the actual a/c panel to sit in on the headliner where the sunroof controls used to be cleaned it up under here a little better what its gonna look like in place
  12. pimpedout97x

    Fake Car Alarm

    i bought an autopage rf-315 for 51 shipped. the rf-220 is cheaper. id say just go with that.
  13. pimpedout97x

    mini cooper wall thread, version 2

    Florida, you? and i really havent worked on it for a year, i have, but on and off. i got the box done then put the subs in and left them in for like 3 almost 4 months and just took them out 2 days ago to finally finish it up
  14. pimpedout97x

    mini cooper wall thread, version 2

    almost ready for fiberglass
  15. pimpedout97x

    mini cooper wall thread, version 2

    the money shot with the amp rack in place, but cant get screwed in until the actual wall is covered first in black vinyl
  16. pimpedout97x

    mini cooper wall thread, version 2

    new floor mats, stockers were charcoal colored, black ones from walmart/autozone didnt fit good on the drivers side with the clutch, so i had some made stuff from home depot with the pointy things on the back to hold it in place amp rack for the two 125.2s, which i really like how it turned out before the trim piece at the top after decided to glass the sides, the vinyl on the side panel was all scuffed and scratched from getting the box in and out when i built it, and its in the car for good so instead of trying to recover it on the car, i went this route. its working out easier than i had imagined.
  17. pimpedout97x

    Need opinions on some 8's

    I have an 88 dakota single cab and I'm going to build a sealed box today for it, the biggest I can, then decide how many 8s I want to run. I'm thinking at least 4, maybe 6 depending
  18. pimpedout97x

    Prototype Big Boy SPL Motor

    i want mineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee send me 2 i will test them in the MINI
  19. pimpedout97x

    need a projector

    any other input?
  20. pimpedout97x

    Prototype Big Boy SPL Motor

    im patiently waiting for these to be released
  21. pimpedout97x

    House of Kolors and DC Audio

    hahah nice, "sleeper" subs!!! they look like ebay specials, til you turn them on
  22. i was always wondering about this lol...how did you come up with the name? any reason or meaning to it, or were u just in the sun looking down and decided to name it that or something ahhah :bigclap:
  23. pimpedout97x

    How did you come up with the name "Sundown"?

    damn, you are old. LOL exactly 2x my age
  24. pimpedout97x

    How did you come up with the name "Sundown"?

    diablo I was the chit!