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Everything posted by pimpedout97x

  1. i need an amp that is 600w rms @ 4 ohm. or anything that will power a 15" tempest nicely. dual 8 ohm sub. thanks!
  2. pimpedout97x

    need help finding amp

    damn casey look what u did to my thead! lol j/k your famous for hijacking threads! this sucks tho, fxn is down, i hate fxn. whos with me? denim? casey? LOL
  3. pimpedout97x

    need help finding amp

    nice, thanks a ton denim! ill think about that JBL, im gonna wait and see what this goes to tho. new on ebay its like 239, i wanna see what this refurb goes for http://cgi.ebay.com/601S-ROCKFORD-FOSGATE-...1QQcmdZViewItem
  4. pimpedout97x

    need help finding amp

    thats what you guys are for suggest a couple, and ill look em up and compare prices... thanks.
  5. pimpedout97x

    need help finding amp

    acidburn- got any particular models in mind?
  6. pimpedout97x

    need help finding amp

    sorry forgot to tell my pricerange lol...um i guess 150 or so? what about a hifonics zues zx6000? i wish the tempest was dual 4 damnit
  7. pimpedout97x

    home audio

    how much for the re re 10? and shut up casey and get 15% on your windshield.
  8. pimpedout97x

    home audio

    ok i think i want to buy either an RE RE 10 or 12 inch sub, or maybe an adire shiva or a soundsplinter. i want it in my room, i have 2 stereo recievers, but theyre those old ones, and i was wondering if they sell and where i can get a home audio amp without it being built in with the stero reciever. i want like 200-300 w rms. thanks.
  9. pimpedout97x

    home audio

    ok i asked someone, he told me to get a 12v plate amp, i found a 220w rms one on ebay, new. bids at 50 right now, no ones bid yet, ima bid, if i win that, im buying a new adire tempest 15" for 70 shipped from someone. all going in my room =D