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Everything posted by pimpedout97x

  1. this is what i want to do. if someone could draw up a nice detailed wiring diagram to help me better understand it, id really appreciate it ok first off, please dont hate, you guys know how i do with the mids/highs, im just looking for someone to help, if you dont want to help me, please dont post and get my thread locked or start arguments. ok, so, in the mini cooper, ill have a total of 3 amps. they're on order so theyll be here soon i have the 18" mt, 16 6.5s in the front cabin, and 16 tweets in the front cabin. in the back (behind the wall in the cargo area) i will have 2 sets of components (or 4 coax, whatever i decide on) for shows or whatever. the front 16 mids will be powered by a single 2 channel amp. the front 16 tweets will be powered by a single 4 channelamp, BUT the tweets will only use 2 of those channels. that leaves me with channel 3 and 4 left for the mids in the cargo area. now, what i want is: -a toggle switch on the sub amp's remote wire, to turn it off when im only using the mids out back -a toggle switch on the front mids 2 channel amp so i can turn that off when im only using the mids out back now, for the final 4 channel amp, this is what i need: i need 2 toggle switches. one for the first 2 channels (the front tweets) and one for the second 2 channels (the 4 mids out back) that way i can turn off channel 1 and 2 (front tweets) and leave channel 3 and 4 on (mids out back) if i put a switch on the remote wire, it will turn off all 4 channels, thats not what i need. sorry for all the bold's lol, just trying to make it as least confusing as possible.
  2. i used a 150 for a while, i have one in my car now, just on mids and highs...im actually selling them i think..not 100% sure yet...they are nice amps for sure though.
  3. ive got 4 of them....good amps, like m5 said, VERY underrated....mine does 300 x 2 @ 4 ohm...rated at like i think 80w x 2 @ 4 ohm.....
  4. pimpedout97x

    MTX TA amps

    just ordered a TA91002 (2 channel) 750w rms x 2 @ 1 ohm $422 shipped
  5. i have a Kicker KQ5 i picked up for 50 bux. i had it posted for sale, 2 people are interested, but i think i wanna keep it now becuase its black, and lights up green or amber, and amber lights match my interior perfect. i was gonna get the clarion 7 band one i think it was for like 80 new, but it only lights up blue which would be the only blue, and stand out horribly. my amps im getting (MTX) will even light up amber to match! (my nakamichi cd-400 does too) any other EQ's that have amber lighting?
  6. pimpedout97x

    MTX TA amps

    lol thanks
  7. pimpedout97x

    MTX TA amps

    i dont want MA audio i had them for my explorer and they dont do rated power at all (their 2chs) and ive got 3 hk4000d's for sale too lol.
  8. pimpedout97x

    MTX TA amps

    i really dont like posting pics here becuase everyone just talks chit, i dont care really as im still gonna do it, but the thread will end up locked anyways..but ill post a few pics. this is where 4 mids and 4 tweets will be: (that pod is getting glassed, then covered, there will also be a flush trim panel that covers the gaps on the sides/top, and makes the sub and removable port sit flush) and this is how im gonna do my door panels. dont mind the holes i cut on the bottom, thats how i was originally going to make them (mids along the bottom) and i had to notch the panel so the magnet would go through, to clear the seat, but like always, i changed my mind lol. 6 tweets will be above the top row of mids or do you like this better? either way i go, i have to somehow get some sort of handle or something on there that flows good, so you have something to pull the door shut, its a daily driver and dont want to have doors with nothing to pull on to close it lol
  9. pimpedout97x

    MTX TA amps

    i really wanna run a sundown 3000d, and its not really that i "like" mtx (ive never used them) im just going by amps that have a single 2 channel big enough for all 16 mids. i know i could run less mids and just go with sundown amps, or use like 2 sundown amps for the mids, but i want a maximum of 3 amps (mids, tweets, sub) and i want all 3 to match 100% same brand and same model line. sundowns 2 ch isnt 1 ohm stable stereo, and not enough power or id deff run that.
  10. pimpedout97x

    MTX TA amps

    for my mids. lord baccus- never heard any other problems bout these amps except from you..
  11. pimpedout97x

    MTX TA amps

    anyone else
  12. does anyone make a 4ch amp this big?
  13. pimpedout97x

    MTX TA amps

    on ebay its like 550 or something, but i might be getting a part time job at CC http://www.mtx.com/caraudio/products/ampli...hunder92001.cfm
  14. pimpedout97x

    xover for bullet tweeters

    lol have yall missed me any? (i know, you havent) anyways, im getting closer to finishing my setup in the mini...i promise ill listen this time, i just wanna hear your suggestions on crossovers for my tweets. the amp will be a MTX TA7402. 300w x 2 @ 1 ohm. will be 16 tweeters, 8 per channel, in parallel, so each channel will be running 8 tweets @ 1 ohm, (300/8 = roughly 38w per tweet) this amp has a pretty nice HPF built in from what it looks like too. so, instead of running one of those 3.3uF caps for a "crossover" what do you suggest? i know i should keep the slope high, around like 36dB or something right (so they dont blow?) what should i cross them at though, and would i be able to use 2 passive crossovers (1 per channel) for all 16 tweets? thanks reason im asking is becuase yesterday i was messing with one of the tweets, and i played it (low volume off my reciever) with no crossover, and then i put the cap on it, and its just too high of a crosspoint. the cap i think yall said was what, 6k hz? if thats not right, what is the cap crossing it at, and what slope? oh, and the tweets im refering to above were eminence APT-80s. im gonna get a price on 10 more (i have 6 now) but if they're too much, i might be switching to audiopipe atx3230's, pretty much the same thing, but i can get 16 of them for about 11 each brand new...they come with those caps soldered on them from the factory, that i can just take off. another option, what i really want (gotta get a price on them) is the Power Acoustik NX-5 bullets. they look alot cleaner, and they're black. so those are the 3 options. all should use pretty much the same crossover point and slope i guess. or should i get 1 active 3 way crossover, and use it to cross everything (MT, power acoustik mids, and tweets) ? i know yall wont like this either, but i kinda like the mids playing full range (with just using the HPF on the amp) lol! ok im finished being retarded lol
  15. pimpedout97x

    xover for bullet tweeters

    i love gasparilla lol.
  16. pimpedout97x

    xover for bullet tweeters

  17. pimpedout97x

    xover for bullet tweeters

  18. pimpedout97x

    xover for bullet tweeters

    i have the explorer but this is in a mini cooper
  19. pimpedout97x

    xover for bullet tweeters

    its not in an explorer
  20. pimpedout97x

    xover for bullet tweeters

  21. pimpedout97x

    xover for bullet tweeters

    "-6dB" or "6dB" ? the ones i have are 3.3uF 100v. what freq would those be?
  22. pimpedout97x

    xover for bullet tweeters

    what slope and freq. do the caps cross them at though? 6dB slope i believe?
  23. pimpedout97x

    xover for bullet tweeters

    are you saying that making fun of me? lol
  24. pimpedout97x

    xover for bullet tweeters

  25. pimpedout97x

    xover for bullet tweeters

    what do you suggest as a crossover point though? 3500 is what Eminence reccomends according to PE...@ 18dB i believe... whats a decent 2/3 way crossover you would reccomend?