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Everything posted by pimpedout97x

  1. pimpedout97x

    Prototype Big Boy SPL Motor

    my wall is going to love these my suspension, engine, and tranny isnt though edit- as well as everything else on the car LOL
  2. pimpedout97x

    100.2 is.......

    great. i have 2 8ohm mids in my car temporary for now until my door panels are done, and ive had numerous amps hooked to those same 2 mids with the same HU settings and all, and on any amp ive used (RF Punch amps, MTX, etc) the sundown 100.2 sounds the absolute cleanest, HU can be turned up alot higher (pioneer 880, usually keep it at 50 out of 62 max) and now, like 55-58 doesnt even distort when before 50 was the most i could go. great amp overall, im really glad i went with Sundown. :bigclap:
  3. pimpedout97x

    100.2 is.......

    i was scared when i turned it on it was gonna blow this amp, becuase my HU was messed up (ended up having to ground the RCAs...pioneer HU...) and that fixed it, but the other day it blew my mtx ta7402 (smoked a couple FETs) dont know why..but the sundown is fine, maybe the mtx was just bad, idk,,never blown an amp before. im gonna shoot you an email about the mtx though, you may know the answer im looking for.
  4. pimpedout97x

    100.2 is.......

    wow, move this to Sundowns forum, idk why i posted it here....lmao
  5. pimpedout97x

    mini cooper wall thread, version 2

    got my 2 100.2s
  6. pimpedout97x

    SAX-100.4 D Revision Pre-Order OPEN

    cool, ill be sure to pre order before that date
  7. pimpedout97x

    SAX-100.4 D Revision Pre-Order OPEN

    i get paid next monday, is there any update as to when the preorder is closing? i want to be sure i have the money to get in the pre order and i dont want to miss it.
  8. pimpedout97x

    mini cooper wall thread, version 2

    couple screws i need to grind down or just take out becuase they didnt counter sink
  9. pimpedout97x

    mini cooper wall thread, version 2

    didnt card, i go to that lowes like daily lol but people were laughing lol idk, havent checked other lowes i dont see how it can be an error though. it rings up 27 cents each, and the sign on the shelf clearly says 27 cents. theres another quart bottle for 57 cents. the rest look to be normal prices (6-8 bux) the 57 cent bottle was this stuff: http://www.drillspot.com/products/330773/D..._Contact_Cement
  10. pimpedout97x

    mini cooper wall thread, version 2

    people gave me looks when i bought all this but it was 7.51 ill use it somewhere. i dont get it though.. on the same shelf they had these 16oz cans for 27 cents. under it was the SAME stuff, but 32oz, for 7 dollars. under that was the gallon for 20 bux. you can buy 2 of the 16oz for 27 cents each, and have the same exact amount as the 32oz bottle. hope no one needs any of the 16oz becuase i bought it all.
  11. pimpedout97x

    mini cooper wall thread, version 2

    2x sundown 100.2s amps should be here tomorow or within the next few days i wanna cover the front soon too, so i felt like filling the screw holes well i started with bondo and ran out, and robin said to try that wood filler stuff, so i got some of that, ill try it tomorow. also, this DAP weldwood contact cement, which is GOOD chit, guess how much it was for these 1 pint cans? 27 cents each. so i bought 3 cans just becuase.
  12. pimpedout97x

    buying an 89 s10

    im not the guy wont call me back, he promised not to sell it, i told him i had the money, and hes not answering my calls or texts..pisses me off becuase i wanted it.
  13. pimpedout97x

    buying an 89 s10

    well i found a couple different trucks around here, and i found one that i really like. its a 1989 s-10 standard cab, 4cyl, 5spd. i think there was one little ding on the hood, clear coat was faded off, but the actual color is for the most part uniform all around. its got a topper on it, vinyl bench seat that from when i looked at it, didnt look ripped or anything, dash i didnt see cracks or anything from heat. he's asking $800 but i have $700 cash to offer him, im waiting for him to call me since he's been busy since i drove it (didnt offer him anything yet but he said he wont sell the truck since i want it) its a very nice truck for an 89, drives nice (no power steering but i wouldnt have known if he didnt tell me, becuse its not hard at all to drive it) and no a/c but i wont worry about that right now. no power options. basically its just a beater truck, will get decent gas mileage becuase its a small 4cyl manual tranny, and i cant fit nothing in my car at all. plenty times i wish i would have a small pickup, so im buying one. and no, im not going nothing to it. all i want to put is a HU, and maybe 2 coax's or a cheaper component set (PG RSD's or something) hopefully i can get ahold of the guy today to buy it
  14. pimpedout97x

    buying an 89 s10

    i dont
  15. pimpedout97x

    mini cooper wall thread, version 2

    i need to lmao
  16. pimpedout97x

    buying an 89 s10

    lol the Mini is safe.. but with all the weight its slowly becoming a non-daily driver LOL
  17. pimpedout97x

    buying an 89 s10

    will do. a shop is actually going to finish my truck (as far as suspension goes) around december..then itll be driveable again.
  18. pimpedout97x

    buying an 89 s10

    of course.
  19. pimpedout97x

    mini cooper wall thread, version 2

    i know i keep going over the bandwith of the "free" photobucket account hahahah
  20. i was on somewhat of a budget, yet i wanted 1080p, 42", and LCD. Plasma's are hella cheap now, becuase theyre going out..deffinently get an LCD for sure. now as the 720 vs 1080...thats up to you, i dont watch many movies, but i still went with the 1080 becusae thats where everything is going (digital) and becuase i have my PC hooked to it via HDMI. my tv is a 42" Vizio lcd though. very happy with it, havent had a single problem with it. thought about cancelling the 5 year warranty and getting my 300 or whatever it was back, but i know if i do that, itll prally break the next day, just becuase.
  21. pimpedout97x

    mini cooper wall thread, version 2

    haha sucks my explorer has 5% on the w/s
  22. pimpedout97x

    mini cooper wall thread, version 2

    i live about an hour from you in tampa
  23. pimpedout97x

    loud noise from speakers all of a sudden...

    good idea. i always heard of this issue with pioneer, but ive owned about 4 differnt pioneer decks over the years, and ive had this 880 for at least 2-3 years now, and never had a problem. i love the HU but damn, i dont want to ghetto ground my RCA's lol. has anyone called and complained to pioneer?
  24. temporary setup consists of a pioneer 880 that ive had for years and never had a problem with, never had to do the ghetto "grounding the RCA's" thing, etc. knu konceptz RCA's that ive never had trouble with either. well i took out my mtx 2ch amp the other day to cover the back of the wall in the MINI. it was working when i took it out. i put it back in last night becuase i was driving around with no music, and i turn on the radio and theres like a loud kind of static noise and a little clicking out of both speakers. i start the engine and theres a chit TON of engine noise. sounds like my speakers are turbo'd or something lol. i mean its LOUD. im like chit, the mtx amp finally broke?? so first i try another set of RCA's...same thing so i go up stairs and grab one of the rf punch45's im selling, put that in, same thing. so its not the amps, and it does it on both amps with 2 sets of RCA's, on both speakers. so its not the speakers, rca's or amps. maybe its the HU...im gonna stop by robins when i have time and through his 880 in and see if it still happens, if not ill know its my HU..i liked the 880 too. but whats weird is the tweeter i have hooked to the actual HU amp, plays fine. so its gotta be something with the RCA outputs...maybe ill try the rear outs since i only tried 2 sets of rca's on the front outputs.... ideas?