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Everything posted by CrazyKenKid

  1. CrazyKenKid


    lol true that! i remeber back in the day when i though 4gauge was pretty nice! then i got 1/0 and now i am looking at 4/0 lmoa!! so much bigger!!
  2. CrazyKenKid


    welding wire has a much weaker jacket and you have to be extra carefull when using it! like when you go though the firewall you have to use gromets and when going around sharp corners or rubbing spots you HAVE to tape them off or put something soft between the wire and the object. the car audio wiring cost more b/c it has a tougher jacket! is welding wire generally as flexible as car audio power wire? in some cases i believe it is MORE flexible due to the jacket being the way it is. but wiat for someone else who has used this stuff before comment on it. i haven't used it yet b/c i am not ready yet (still in school) to upgrade from 1/0 to 4/0. but it will happen..someday lol!
  3. CrazyKenKid


    welding wire has a much weaker jacket and you have to be extra carefull when using it! like when you go though the firewall you have to use gromets and when going around sharp corners or rubbing spots you HAVE to tape them off or put something soft between the wire and the object. the car audio wiring cost more b/c it has a tougher jacket!
  4. umm you need 25post to be able to POST on a for sale ad or wtb add. you can always jsut simply click on the person name and send them a p/m saying hi i want to buy! what is your paypal! but you will need more then 25post before you can write on the post it self and say HI i want your item how much shipped to 12345
  5. CrazyKenKid


    Sure do! https://weldingsupply.securesites.com/cgi-bin/einstein.pl Near the bottem. 4.22/ft and 5.42/ft
  6. no worries man! i am in the same boat and i ahve been looking for awhile also! and those are what i ahve found so far!!
  7. http://www.caraudio.com/forum/showthread.php?t=441281 and http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=250514970410&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT and http://cgi.ebay.com/Sundown-Audio-SAZ-2000D_W0QQitemZ180421134937QQcmdZViewItemQQptZCar_Amplifiers?hash=item2a01f00a59 and http://www.db-r.com/sell/store2/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=65_67_69_98&products_id=231 and even on SSA store!
  8. CrazyKenKid

    How does this look

    NICE i love the box!! as for your port 2 should be fine or 1 6inch should work as well. the 2 4-inch give it some nice style maybe if you can fit 3 that would look better plus more port! lol!
  9. ya 4 guage should be ideal but 1/0 would have been better. and yes it doesn't look THAT much bigger but really it is! http://www.powerstream.com/Wire_Size.htm so do yuo have another battery in the rear? or just off the front? (sorry if you answered this already) also have you tried swapping amps? jsut simply plug in any amp and hook the sub up to it and turn the volume down and if that amp goes into protect them you know somehting is up on your end but if it works then you know that something is wrong with the amp and you should pull the back off it and look for something out of the ordinary! also 2/0 and 4awg is HUGE differences lol!!
  10. CrazyKenKid

    From: 8x Used SAZ-1500Ds Available - $350 each

    300-350=50$ more? lol 50$ hell you cna make that 50$ cash-o-la quick! maybe 2-5hours depending on how much you make per hour!! ;p
  11. so back to the matter at hand! did you determine anything c0rrupted0ne? did you double check everything and or pull off the back of the amp? question what size wire are you using and fuse TYPE / AMPERAGE? ANL 150-200amp fuse? agu 80amp
  12. CrazyKenKid

    Sundown SAE-1200D v.1 specs and current draw??

    are you interested in theoretical numbers? or real life numbers? and also at 1ohm will you be using it at a full 1200 nad at 2ohm a full XXXX and at 4ohm XXX?
  13. lol that makes sense why it died lol!!
  14. well either pull it out and take it to a shop and let them look at it! or maybe get a clamp meter and see what kind a amps it is out putting! if it is a constant amperage or if it is all over the place. other then that i knew when my alt was bad when i noticed my voltage on my batteries was all over the place and very low at full tilt! so i jsut got it replaced. but if you are already on your second alt and getting ready for a third....something isnt right there? my original alt lasted me about 200,000 click and my new one is still going strong nearly at 300,000 so ya. ( i got the car around 98,000 so if he did any work i don't know)
  15. CrazyKenKid

    From: 8x Used SAZ-1500Ds Available - $350 each

    Waiting on jacob! lol The end of the month, and no amps, but I 'll wait because it will be worth it! But he did send me my 125.2 already! and trust me as soon as I get them you will see picture's! Because I'm going to gizz on them! lmao! gross
  16. CrazyKenKid

    125.2 Shipping Weight?

    wow they are pretty light weight!
  17. CrazyKenKid

    Sundown Z v.2 -- Cool new part preview

    X2 on that! Raw ftw!
  18. CrazyKenKid

    Comparing Head Units!!!

    you aer looking for a flipout 7inch screen? i would say go with kenwood!!! or if you are really crazy get a JVC avx77!! it is a single din fullly touch screen (5.7inch) and it plays movie and has the best ipod control feature around! i know b/c i own one!!!
  19. CrazyKenKid

    welcome to http://www.voguecatch.com

    YA NO, this is SPAM
  20. unless some hwo the gain got moved due to something rubbing up against it. or maybe something to do with the RCA's other then that you most likey jsut got used to it. i know with my setup there are days when it is on 10/50 and i am like wow this is loud enough then other days it is on 20/50 and i am like i can't hear it!! lol! but i am jsut going to say it is your ears playing tricks on you! and or going deaf
  21. o wow 7hour install! must have been a small fortune lol! jk but for sure if he messed up the REM wire MAYBE that might be your issue! just take it back and get it all fixed up lol!! should be a simple fix if that is it! look on the bright side though at least the poor guy will know your car inside and out! lol!
  22. well i would simply go bakc and say hey somethign is wrong here. have them do a trouble shoot since they installed it to determine your issue. first have them swap the h/u out with the same one so you don't have to rewire it and if that fix's it tell them why did my old one break? and maybe you will get a free h/u if it is there fault. but then agian i have never delt with any install shop i do all my own work so if i mess up somewhere i am to blame and it is all my fault! so in that way i learn from my mistake! but for sure take it bakc and say you guys did somehting now fix it! mabye tlk to a manager and tell them what is up and jsut maybe you will get something nice from them! lol! but wiat a day and see who else will chime in on this topic! also what is the model number of your h/u (head unit the alpine) but it kind a sounds like a setting to me. kind a like aux off or something like that. i am not 2 familiar with alpine but i got a buddy who loves those h/u i will ask him and see what he says about it. but i need to know your model number. and if best buy can't help you out give alpine a quick call and ask them when they recommend! and don't forget to repport back here with your findings!
  23. o wwow that sounds like an odd issue. is there a RESET button on your h/u anywhere? i know for kenwood h/u whenever somethign screws up simply push the reset button and you are bakc up and running in no time! but your issue sounds like a bad h/u. maybe when it was removed somethign got crossed or somethign odd happened like someone dropped it. question who did the install in the car from the jeep? (who did the swap) a buddy a shop or yourself?
  24. i remember seeing a good thread about this on this forum! so i looked it up! take a peek! and you tell us if they are any good!
  25. CrazyKenKid

    Wiring Questions

    It's not aluminum tinned or coated. That's completely different. 90% of CCA wire is aluminum. It's an aluminum wire with a thin coating of copper to help protect against oxidation. The sole purpose of doing it this way is to reduce the cost of the wire. There are no performance benefits...aluminum is simply a worse conductor than copper. hey thanks for clearing that up for me!! that make sense! thankyou very much! Kenneth