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Everything posted by CrazyKenKid

  1. ya mounting an amp on the side isn't a huge issue but i have heard mounting them upside down is where you run into issues so avoid upside mounting!! and from my experience with my last 4 channel amp, which was mounted upside down, well it has passed on since then. currently my sax100.4 has been mounted sideways for about 2-3 years now with NO issues at all (knock on wood).
  2. it looks just like the 880 lol!! but i love the look! and 31 eq bands lol!!
  3. CrazyKenKid

    SAZ 3000

    LMAO!!! i remember my first NS lol the good days and the saz2000 once i finally got it off of pre-order! lol! lonely nights are no more!! lol
  4. CrazyKenKid

    SAZ 3000

    so what are you asking? I would recommend a second or third battery do the big 3 h/o (if needed, depending on the amount of batteries being used) don't forget to fuse everything to be safe do everything in 1/0 wiring ... ASK LOTS OF QUESTIONS and if you think your question is dumb you can p/m it to me lol! or jsut post it here b/c no question is dumb there are only dumb answers!!!
  5. CrazyKenKid

    Customized Enclosure Plans now available

    also would it be benificial if in the NOTE section they specify the actual sub they are using? b/c like if someone syas i need 2cubics for a 15inch NS you can easily say well you are using a NS so you need minium of 3cubics? but maybe not b/c then you could get some guy saying i have sub named .... and you will be like wtf is that sub lol!! so maybe to much of a hassel
  6. CrazyKenKid

    Customized Enclosure Plans now available

    now that is cool!! goood thinking!! question! would you consider free or half off enclosure price with purchase of a sub?
  7. CrazyKenKid

    Sundown EXACT same as IA and RD amps??

    what everyone else said SUNDOWN audio ftw lol! nice owner, who will actualy make comments on posts and answers sundown questions!!! plus he has a huge fan fair of ppl to help you out if something happens and or if you need help with a build! plus i have heard someone had and issue with an amp that sundown no longer carries so Jacob jsut gave him an upgrade from like a sae1000 to saz1500 lol!! or something crazy aweosme where the buyer made out for once!! ya the BUYER made out good! how many companys will hook someone up like that!!
  8. CrazyKenKid

    Chris' Wall Build in the Aviator vids p.35

    don't forget to use lock-tight on those nuts!!! lol!
  9. CrazyKenKid

    Chris' Wall Build in the Aviator vids p.35

    nice work man!! keep it up!
  10. CrazyKenKid

    Big 2?

    most ppl don't fuse that wire b/c they like to live on the wild side/dangerous side! i fused mine at 250amps though! rememember you are supporting a 1000rms setup in the rear in the front fuse to the wiring limit to get maximium amount of current! but in the rear if there is no fusing on the amp make sure to fuse it at the distributors recommendation! but from battery to amp (front to back of the car) make sure to fuse that wire also unless you are running multiple batteries
  11. CrazyKenKid


    aww that is why i got the odd return e-mail from you today! i hope you get back up and running again!
  12. CrazyKenKid

    New Product - SAZ-2500D - Coming Soon

    sweet!! a new amp!! i like and it looks beffy!!! looks like i may have to upgrade my 2-saz2000's now lol!! nj!! i love the saz2000's!
  13. CrazyKenKid

    Sundown Z v.2 Pricing

    More spiders would only be necessary for a very large enclosure or for STUPID amounts of burp power... I've put 7200 watt burps on the 2 spider configuration @ 53 Hz. I only offer it because some folks DEMAND more spiders. Double leads quite naturally handle more current... if you have an amp @ 1/2 ohm you will want them - or if you are burping 4000+ watts or so. awesome! thanks for your quick reply and knowledgeable response!
  14. CrazyKenKid

    Sundown Z v.2 Pricing

    okay sorry but i have to ask to be clear(noob question). with more spiders will the rms handling fo the sub increase? also what is the purpose of doulbe tinsel leads? for increase power handling and reliabilty? sorry for asking but i am sure other ppl may have similar questions! also nice job on the customization features available and sweet pricing
  15. holy cow 1v input lol!! crazy!!! but ya have you ever measure (using a dmm) the actual voltage getting out of the rca's? my h/u is rated at 5v and i used my dmm one day and i was only getting about 1.5~ so input shouldn't be A HUGE issue. as for your other questions lol there is no school like old school lol!!
  16. CrazyKenKid

    Motor widths of 12" sub

    motor width um you want the cut out? or do you think the bigger the diameter of motor = more power whihc = more db's?? as for a diameter 8-9~ i think i read somewhere
  17. NICE!! i like it!! congrats!!! and is that a fluke dmm i see? lol
  18. that is it i am pulling my oscope out to verify there is no ripples and it is 100% straight lol! jk!!!
  19. umm good point make sure the tension on both alts is equal!! and if the belt slip off 1 you still have the other one but if it slips off both you have issue lol and your engine temp will rise lol and all kinds of issue will happen!
  20. That's what I gathered from it. Being a mechanical engineering student, it takes me a little longer to figure out electrical stuff but I get it eventually. lol iam studing to be an electrical engineer and it is our job to put you guys out of work! lol ask your teacher about that! (or maybe that is an ele engineer thing)
  21. that is a good read!! very informative!! so for you they will both be turning the same speed so they will be in sync with each other and in phase then? or did i read that wrong?
  22. CrazyKenKid

    Happy Ground Hog Day

    lmoa good point! but there are more then one damn hog lol! the one in canada (wired willy) didn't see his shadow today so we are good! but you guys aren't lol!! jk! and ya i know this is kind a crock but more so of a tradition! lol
  23. CrazyKenKid

    Happy Ground Hog Day

    Hey everyone happy ground hog day!! maybe he will nto see his darn shadow next time Home - Groundhog Day