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Everything posted by CrazyKenKid

  1. CrazyKenKid

    12x 15s Build -- Teaser Pictures

    yet again sundown never fails to amaze me lol! another crazy amout of subs in 1 vehicle lol!! you know what i want to see!! someone with one of those huge motor homes put as a ton of subs in them lol!@@! that woudl be intense!
  2. CrazyKenKid

    raising my db's

    sorry to thread jack but i got a quick question. lets say i have a ported box in my car already and i wnat to find my car's Resonant Frequency(RF) so would i simple cover up the port then do a sweep on the TL and see what my car peaks at? currently my box is tuned to 34hz and and i have been told my cars RF is around 42-45hz~ . I know i need to test this out to find my cars actual RF so when i build my next box i have an idea of what to tune to. extra info on the next setup: 2-15inch NS v1 2-saz2000(potentially 2500) 2-nsb 90's 1-h/o big 3 95 grand-am net cubics = 6.1~ tuned to 39-40hz (depending on my RF>?) sound deadener false floor (if i have the space) down firing subs all equipment is purchased and i am currently waiting on time off and nicer weather to do this build! lol (i am curretnly full time college)!
  3. CrazyKenKid

    raising my db's

    You should be tuning to 56 Hz then. i always though you tune LOWER then your cars RE (resonant frequency) and tune lower by about 4-6hz~~ good to knwo thanks for the heads up!
  4. I love it!!! looks clean and those rims are nice!
  5. people fuse for safety! plus if your car for some odd reason burns down and the insurance company finds out it is your fault you are left paying all the bills and all b/c you didn't install a simple ~20$ fuse, that is the reason why i fuse, sure when you use fuses you lose conductivity but safety is more of a plus for me and I don't trade safety for anything. O/P but if you are worried about it drop down to a 250amp fuse! and i think its current limits are 250amps off the top of my head.
  6. opps.. so i guess I should pose a question then! rounded or sqaure and why?
  7. i assume people go with sqaure over round b/c square is easier to make? plus maybe it doesn't make that much of a differences? but i am interested in the real answer topgun of why round or sqaure?
  8. umm i love after hour works lol!! over here in canada we call it Government work! lol!
  9. don't forget to chamfer it!! no sharp corners plz lol!!
  10. CrazyKenKid

    raising my db's

    umm first you need a sundown woofer! lol!! how about some deadening? bigger amp? what is your budget? also what vehicle are you using? h/o??
  11. they don't look that bad lol! they have 2 out 4 sides square lol the other 2 sides are out to lunch! lol!
  12. out of his garage i bet lol!!! that way he doesn't have to pay tax on it! lol!
  13. got ya! keep in touch with me when you do and if you don't i may be able to help you out! as i have full access to a cnc bridgeport...come may(provided i don't get a co-op)
  14. 90? (degrees) lol dangerous lol looks lol also more points of contact! well potential points of contact if it made to a specific size it is undersided you will lost have of the points of contact plus over time those sharp corner (90/ and 45) will wear down and could pose an issue (get loose) which is why the D shape is a bit better of an idea!
  15. wow wild angle of cut there on the bus bars lol!!! i wish i would have taken a pic of the ones i made!! 3/8 tapped alls (5) 1inch by 7inch long and .25 thick! o well they look good! as for the D shape input if you make them with it i would be interested in a couple of pairs but if you have the sqaure input i am no long interested. and yes i do relize the reduce use the square idea but i am not cool with it, with the D shape there is so much more points of contact on the sqaure one with big 45's there is only about 8 tops (each corner of the 45) but that is just me!! and it is cool you know what i was geting it lol!!
  16. CrazyKenKid

    Rebuild tyme for the lil s10

    havent raced it yet we bought it out of fl and is suppose to run 5.0s in 1/8th mile its got a big chief 565 in it!!!!!! 5 wow now tht is quick stuff man!!!
  17. CrazyKenKid

    Rebuild tyme for the lil s10

    pictures work and i am very excited right now lol!! and nice trany in the 3rd pic!!! also what is your new tuning you are going to tune to? also those batteries aren't they like 100lb each? lol
  18. CrazyKenKid

    Rebuild tyme for the lil s10

    your links don't work. also sounds like a damn nice build coming along!!!
  19. CrazyKenKid

    Chris' Wall Build in the Aviator vids p.35

    could you also post a pic of the final install? i thought you guys had some crazy blue LED going or something of that nature...
  20. CrazyKenKid

    Chris' Wall Build in the Aviator vids p.35

    finaly eh! i can't wiat for a video!!
  21. any idea on pricing for the multi inputs to single output blocks? (2 input version) also maybe to inprove the look of it you can do a hole and setscrew idea!! alos maybe a D style input rather then a ◙ (square with 45's) i looks like the one you showed in your sketup file are a square idea with 4 bigger 45's on each corner to only 2 points of contact.
  22. my vote is also 2! and these will be made of copper or alum?
  23. so you will build nofused distro blocks for special applications were certian dimensions are key?