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Everything posted by CrazyKenKid

  1. CrazyKenKid

    Runs of Wire for multi battery use

    Hey guys the wiring i am using is the KNU Kolossus stuff Knukonceptz product detail for KOLOSSUS FLEKS KABLE 1/0 BLACK POWER/GROUND WIRE 50FT and yes running it ON TOP of the car was a pure joke! lol (hench it was in brackets lol) thanks for the knu site it helped me to understand that i 1 run is okay but 2 runs would be ideal! with that being siad i will switch my negitive run into a positive run and if i get an issue i will just run 2 sets of ground wires though the other side of the car (rca side) but i will not know anything till nicer weather comes around and i get some free time!! and sorry for the late reply i was in school till now!! lol! again thankyou to everyone who has helped me out in my decision esspecially j-roadtatts Duran and sir lancelot!! p/s nice tat j-roadtatts!
  2. I DO NOT have an alarm and I live next to 3 ghetto's! but then again i am also canadian so it is to cold out to steel lol!! setup is 1-15inch 1-saz2000 and 1-nsb 90 the next one will be double that! if you are going sundown you will never go back! check these out first! Refurbished Amplifiers : dB-r Electronics, Online Store and\ Sundown March Sale ! - SSA Car Audio Forum
  3. CrazyKenKid

    Deciding amps

    sundown 1500 Refurbished SAZ-1500D : dB-r Electronics, Online Store but if you wnat to buy bnib RF , although i read somewhere that RF were power hogs?
  4. CrazyKenKid

    Runs of Wire for multi battery use

    j-roadtatts i checked out your build iwth the wire under the car! looks very clean i like it!! also i found this site with a cool calc on it but i am not 100% sure on how to use it. the calc is on the bottom can you or someone shed some light? American Wire Gauge table and AWG Electrical Current Load Limits with skin depth frequencies my wire is 1/0 (woudl it matter that i have 1 run of + and - ) run is 13ft 12vdc now the load... 200amps (the alt can output) or does it mean the load as in the amp if so my saz2000-s cna pull nearly 400amps,,,
  5. CrazyKenKid

    Runs of Wire for multi battery use

    umm i c! good point my h/o alt is a 200amp alt! and since my wire cna support 300~ amps i should be good!! ty! problem solved that was fast!!
  6. or he could get one of these SONY RC-100iP USB TO MP3 MP4 AUX INPUT CABLE on eBay.ca (item 200435629987 end time 05-Mar-10 14:05:39 EST)
  7. maybe to plug an ipod into or a usb drive or a usb HARD DRIVE (like my buddy did)
  8. umm that kind a info is what i am talking about lol!! for that price range i would say eclipse or alpine h/u i have scratched pioneer h/u off of my list ever since my 8800 blew its pico fuse (who fuses a ground wire lol) other then that i sya stick with the eclipse h/u!!
  9. yes sir! with any and ALL new subs you get that small for ... say 2-4wks ish! it is my favorite smell so far lol!!
  10. lower is always better! and safer keep in mind your gain is set so high due to the low preout voltage forexample my gain is set about half the way up and i have a saz2000 and i have all 2krms pushing 1-15inch ns my h/u is a jvc avx88! (5v preouts) so it is a trade off high preout voltage= lower gain settings (less stress) or lower preout voltage= high gain settings overal setting to the lower voltage is what ... 20rms difference? overal the stress isn't to be worried about now if you had the gain set full out the signal COULD (most likey) be clipped send a garbage signal to your subs
  11. here is the h/u i have http://signature.crutchfield.com/S-7lXr8KIKbYA/s_105KDAVX77/JVC-KD-AVX77.html I love it! it also plays DVD/s and DVD MP3 cds! so you can get about 8.2gigs of music onto 1 dvd disk (duel layer) also it has a usb out and SUPER AWESEOME IPOD controls!! lol since you didn't state a budget or single/double din limits! that is what i recommend! it also can play movies lol!
  12. CrazyKenKid

    SAZ-2500D Prototype Is Here !

    i like it!! comon pre-order!
  13. CrazyKenKid

    Sundown March Sale !

    wow when you said SALE you meant it!!
  14. CrazyKenKid

    Brandon's New Box - 6th order wall with 3x 18s

    it looks like a multi purpose device lol!! just think if something happnes bad then you can always move into the port and live there for a bit! and when it is gets hot out side just pound the sub and the air will cool you down some lol!!
  15. CrazyKenKid

    Chris' Wall Build in the Aviator vids p.35

    there is the man of the hour~!~ with a good excuse none the less! study first then do the hobby thing! LoL
  16. CrazyKenKid

    Brandon's New Box - 6th order wall with 3x 18s

    i like! lol! do you have an idea on the actual weight?
  17. CrazyKenKid

    100.4 wiring?

    NVM i am slow please refer to the next comment!
  18. CrazyKenKid


    either find someone with a meter OR try one these idea's! buy a el-cheapo DB meter from radio shake (does up to like 120dbish) 1. Measure the sound level with your dB meter set for its maximum range. 2. Tape a ball of cotton over the mircophone on the meter. 3. Make the measurement again, and observe the difference in dB between the measurements. 4. Keep adding more cotton until you get a reasonable difference, such as 30 dB. 5. Your 120 dB meter now measures up to 150dB. When the meter reads 120 dB with the cotton over the microphone, it is actually in a 150dB environment. p/s that isn't a good idea but it gives you a ball park figure (i also stole that idea from a buddy) OR use this iwth a DMM (that measures mV) 186 db SPL SOUND LEVEL METER PRESSURE(50 to 186+db) - eBay (item 190376929597 end time Mar-10-10 20:32:12 PST) OR buy this http://www.autostyle.co.za/prodview.php?prod_id=12888&pid=sound&cid=sound%20extras&pg=3&showall=&brandstr=&str= lol enjoy!
  19. CrazyKenKid

    my new sub is here z15

    wow what i would od a for a trunk like that lol!
  20. for starters set you bass on the h/u to 75%-100% (so if it goes to +10 set it to +7) then unplug the sub (both + and - ) from the amp, put the 2 terminals from the dmm into the terminals and then play the 50hz tone at 3/4 the full volume then turn up to the number you are looking for. alternatively if you still only get a max of say 12v set the gain according to your h/u preout voltage! also make sure EQ setting are on 0 aka bass boost and put the eq on flat. and sub controls are the ones you turn up!
  21. CrazyKenKid

    SAZ-3500 tests

    here Uniform Amp Clamp Test - SSA Car Audio Forum and SAZ-3500D / AQ-3500D Side-By-Side - SSA Car Audio Forum
  22. CrazyKenKid

    raising my db's

    nice thanks guys!
  23. CrazyKenKid

    raising my db's

    I THINK I GOT AROUND 3.54CU/FT YOU THINK THAT A BIGGER BOX WILL DO BETTER JOB OR MORE DB'S 1) Stop yelling or die. 2) A larger enclosure increases efficiency, making more pressure with less power input. You also take the risk of mechanical failure. question, if larger = less power require does MORE power = less cubics? sorry if that is a dumb question if it is i WILL DIE lol
  24. ya i wouldn't be using caps they cost almost as much as a battery does and with a battery you cna blow 100's of caps away! here is an interesting read about caps vs batts Battery or Cap - SSA Car Audio Forum