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Everything posted by CrazyKenKid

  1. CrazyKenKid

    Crossfire 1400d

    no worries man it is what we are here for! also a good way to see if it is a decent trade is to look on ebay for what a bnib one cost of bothamps and comparing the price... not ALWYS the best idea jsut helps you decide sometimes! and if you cant' find 1 of the amps on ebay that is b/c is a pile of shart or is discontinued b/c it was a pile or is to old and nobody wants them! other then that you are welcome
  2. o my lol! first of all the big 3 awesome good job! turning the bass boost 3/4 the way up bad idea, i recommend turnign this to 0 lol umm as for your gain please use a dmm to set this also like brandon siad use 1/0 since you are powering 2 amps, and use a fused distro to distribute the power to the 2 amps! also get a volt meter to monitor the battery(ies) voltage would be the best idea! remember under 12volts=bad! other then those recommendations do some and see what happens and go from there! also how old is your alt? and front battery?
  3. CrazyKenKid

    a ? about the SAZ 1500d amp

    lol i just noticed that also lol! good find! good find, maybe post this in the sundown area saying something like error in the saz1500 manual and good find! you are very keen! is this your first build? or jsut first time on this forum/
  4. CrazyKenKid

    Shipping question

    ya i could NEVER could figure out those websites I just simple CALL fedex and tell them the size and ~lb and they tell me what i can do llol. i think i am screwed on websites but via phone is very fast! have you looked into usps for shipping or is it all to heavy..?
  5. X2 on what Jay-cee says! and on trimming the wire just get a reducer it is better and less combersome! Doesnt really matter since you can run 1/0AWG in almost any amp nowadays with some trimming of the strands or just use a reducer.
  6. wiat what are you turning 3/4 the way up? the gain on the amp or the h/u volume? and you do relize a few reason why amps CLIP out and go into protect is b/c A) improper gain settings B) not enough electrical to support it so in the long run how DID you set your gains(via ear or dmm) and what is backing the amp? Big 3 extra battery(ies) or h/o alt? more info please and we can help you out!
  7. CrazyKenKid

    Crossfire 1400d

    don't do it!! that is al i am going to say lol! i say keep the JL for quality and reliabilty reasons, hell unless you are a comp junky you the extra 400rms at 14.4 volt isn't going to matter much besides does your car hold a constant 14.4volts? also what is your setup? how many subs? big 3? extra battery? and why do you wnat the extra 400rms? can yoru sub(s) handle it?
  8. CrazyKenKid

    Head unit wont come on

    go with what jay-cee suggested but before you go do what DrgUpsy said with the test light (they are cheap at radioshake and good to have around) and it does hurt to try a differnt ground spot, maybe when you pulled the old h/u out something happended like old wiring gave out...or fused popped, to chekc a fuse you need a dmm and touch the top and bottom of the fuse and make sure you get the same voltage on top and on the bottom of the fuse, and ground your dmm (black wire) to a piece of steel on the car. and if all else fails... give what jay-cee said a shot!
  9. CrazyKenKid

    What amp to use

    i woudl look at the sundown sale for MARCH (which ends today) and get a saz1000 or sae1200 and call it a day! but a budget would be nice! also have you done the big 3 yet or even an alternate battery in the car or a h/o?
  10. CrazyKenKid

    Head unit wont come on

    although from memeory bakc in the day when i wired in my JVC h/u i got the ign and 12volt wires crosssed and my h/u didn't work plus my harness was a pile....so basically i ended up switching my ign and 12volt wires and bam it worked!! also be sure to ground to the chassis of the car and not the harnes!!
  11. CrazyKenKid

    Head unit wont come on

    well it isn't coming on so that means there isn't any power going to it OR the ignision wire is jacked. try to trace the ignision wire (yellow one i think) and look for cuts or breaks and repair with black tape. also to see if the hu work simple hook up the ground, then twist the ign and 12volt + together and touch those to a power source (battery) and see what happens if it turns on you are good to go if it does...sol.... also keep in mind when you twist those wires together i don't know if that is the best way to do it but let someone else chime in and tell me i am wrong just to be certain... also be sure to check both your 12v and ign wire and it wouldn't hurt to check them with a dmm either, do a continuity test with a buddy!
  12. CrazyKenKid

    SAE-1200D Remote

    yes!! less gain = less output from the amp!! to turn the power off on the amp you need a switch on the remote wire going to the amp in question. or turn the car off!
  13. lol for that price it is a steal..or stolen lol.. .also you cna run like 2-3cars off that bish! lol!! jk!!
  14. CrazyKenKid

    1200sae vs 1000saz

    Uniform Amp Clamp Test - SSA Car Audio Forum and Testing all the SAZ amps - SSA Car Audio Forum have you seen these yet??
  15. so did we answer your questions? or is there something you don't get? if so please say it and i or someone else can help you out!! and for setting the subsonic knob it is a bit of guess as we can't be 100% on the 29hz or 27hz or 33hz or which ever your BOX is tuned to/ so get it as close as possible!!!
  16. CrazyKenKid

    My New SA-12's

    looks nice!! congrats on the sundown upgrade!!
  17. as for setting the gains you need a DMM (digital multi meter) and a 50hz tone. play the tone set volume to 3/4 max volume unplug sub plug in multi meter set dmm to VAC and get the number you wnat! the number you wnat depends on the wiring configureation and the amout of power you wnat the amp to output to the sub(s)
  18. so the gain is the LEVEL knob! notice how it goes from 9v-0.2volt! the phase we normally leave that on 0 the bass knob we leave on 0 also as we don't need to boost any frequencys the sub sonic we use IF we put the sub in a ported box! IE if your box is tuned to 30hz we set the sub sonic to 30hz and we are good to go the sub sonic cuts off the the frequencys that your box can't play and low pass you already know!
  19. CrazyKenKid

    small sa-12 build

    lol NICE job! the box looks awesome!!! with the march sale going on aer you going to buy another 1500? or is a single 1500 enough power for you?
  20. how many strands aer we talking here and what size wire? like if you have 5000strands and you cut off 20 i wouldnt' worry about it as for the coupler i just use 2 ring terminals and a nut and bolt then black tap to hold it all together i DO NOT know if this is the best way but it has worked for me in the past. I hope someone chimes in and tells me what i did was okay. allso i assume you aer talking about power wire?
  21. x2 do this and report back! i have a 95grand am and once i did that all was well again! lol!
  22. CrazyKenKid

    birch ply box

    sounds promissing lol! hurry up on your build log lol
  23. CrazyKenKid

    birch ply box

    So I was searching this forum and others and I found this stuff called BIRCH PLY. my thoughts are it looks sexy and cost more than mdf. but my question is how does it compare to mdf? does 3/4 mdf= ½ birch ply or 5/8 if ½ is to small? are there any downsides to using this type of wood? also can someone confirm if birch ply is 1/2 the weight of mdf? (say 3/4 mdf vs. 3/4 birch ply = 1/2 the lb's) I am considering using this type of wood for my box rather than MDF b/c my next setup will be a heavy one and eliminating weight will be good in my part or I will HAVE to buy a luggage kit for my car which is ~300$ my next setup will be: 2-saz2000 = 40lb~ 2-NS 15inch v1 subs = 120lb~ 2-nsb90s= 166lbs total lb= ~326lb PLUS the BOX thanks guys! here is a pic for references of a birch ply box used for a pair 12inch dc lv4...subs i posted this pic just for reference as birch ply is a distinctive look but maybe ppl don't' call it that maybe it has another name.
  24. CrazyKenKid

    birch ply box

    umm a budget setup!! those are always tricky! have you looking into some daimond audio or used stuff? (sorry uesd or bnib used i hope)
  25. CrazyKenKid

    birch ply box

    lol what subs you planning on running? and make sure to take tons of pics nad post that up on this forum!!