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Everything posted by CrazyKenKid

  1. CrazyKenKid

    Head Unit Recs

    are you a sales man BanginGMC? lol
  2. CrazyKenKid

    From "Bassing" to "Basting"

    I clicked it! and that is a very nice turkey and a very nice wife! and a very healthy looking babe leg behind her and the dog!
  3. CrazyKenKid

    DD black friday

    DD is digital design correct? and be prepared to get a lot of phone calls lol!!
  4. CrazyKenKid

    Head Unit Recs

    hey man I have a JVC AVX77 http://www.crutchfield.com/S-cRRBTrRdjRC/s_105KDAVX77/JVC-KD-AVX77.html and let me tell you if there is a h/u I would ever rebuy this would be the one! I love this h/u works amazing and yes i know old jvc got a bad rap but the newer stuff is great!!!
  5. CrazyKenKid

    Closing for Thanksgiving

    have a good holiday and be up early for black friday!! lucky american's and your black fridays! lol
  6. great choice of music you listen to! and I am tuned into this thread as i like to listen to this type of music also!
  7. CrazyKenKid

    SSAUDIO.COM Dickies Group Buy

    you better! i already did lol!
  8. CrazyKenKid

    sub choosing

    Hey guys I am currently debating on which sub to go with for my girlfriends car. here is what i have narrowed it down to the SA12 http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/store/products/Sundown-Audio-SA%252d12.html or the VVX 12 http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/store/products/VVX%252d12%22-Sub-Woofer.html the pricing for both are similar which is good but i have yet to deal with either of those above listed subs. So i would like some input and Yes i know ppl tend to like the SA12's but has anyone used the VVX subs yet? a little more about the build is the car is an 07 hyd elantra we are keeping it stock and just using a LOC (line out converter) for the sub stage. We will be using an orion 1200d (just in-case she wants to upgrade to 2-12inch subs down the road lol) and we want to run the sub at 2ohm so i am leaning towards a d4 sub that way if IF (that is a big if lol) we upgrade to duel 12's we will be all set lol. so any thoughts on these two subs would be awesome and thanks in advances for any and all suggestions and comments!
  9. all the speakers are running off the h/u? if so i would say a head unit issue! does this happen when ti is on radio, or cd, mp3 play or all the time
  10. CrazyKenKid

    sub choosing

    thanks man! i completely missed that link!
  11. same! if all turns out maybe i will get an El-cheap little amp and do the same trick lol
  12. CrazyKenKid

    Video Of My Single Sundown Audio NIghtshade 15.

    149 is great for a single 15inch setup! nice job! lots of port! what do you expect to get for duel 15inch subs?
  13. CrazyKenKid

    Video Of My Single Sundown Audio NIghtshade 15.

    sounds good! what kind a numbers you getting with that setup?
  14. aww that i didn't know! You can get both iirc.
  15. CrazyKenKid

    Sound Deadening

    holy deadener batman lol! it sure looks pretty... expensive?
  16. but here are some links i found back in the day! the first one is easier to understand for me since i am in school for this type of thing http://forum.allaboutcircuits.com/showthread.php?t=16014 the second one has a bunch of stuff http://forums.makezine.com/comments.php?DiscussionID=2316
  17. holy cow you found one!! DAMN you rock! still nto what i expected but still pretty cool!
  18. I think he wants them to get brighter as the bass notes hit hence why he wants to hook it up to the amp so when the sub hits the lights hit also. but the amp outputs A/C and i think LED are 12volts D/C
  19. umm aren't LED D/C and not A/C? as for your idea of having them flow with the music more stuff is involved i looked into it one day and said screw this! lol. but i may some day do something like your idea just i have no time for it now. and i think there was a thread about this already I just can't remember the name of it off hand. Hell i think i even started a thread like this back in the day lol
  20. when installed one of these in my buddies bmw our issue was with the little T-TAPS things used they weren't biting into the wire very much so we jsut squeezed them with a pair of pliers and BAM just like that fixed! so if you used t-taps give them an extra squeeze. other then that turning up the volume on the h/u doesn't yield any more sub volume doesn't make sense check your deck settings look for something that can limit your sub outs. or maybe you are clipping the amp some? what are your settings on the amp? and what ohm load? also where is yrou gain set like 1/4 the way up 1/2 the way up etc... and yes i know this means nothing but it is a point of reference, and when you set your gains how did you do it? o-scope, dmm, ear?
  21. CrazyKenKid

    sub choosing

    you say Jacob built these? or designed them? also this is Jacob fuller we are talking about i assume? but being in stock is a good thing!
  22. CrazyKenKid

    sub choosing

    o no i wasn't assuming anything i was just stating what it looked like and yes i know the size of the motor doesn't mean to much and good idea on checking the build logs of these subs! Therefore it's better? Bad assumption. From what I've seen and read, only a handful of people have the VVXs. Your best bet is to pm some of those people and ask them their opinion. Check out the Skar area for build logs and such. Couldn't hurt.
  23. CrazyKenKid

    SSAUDIO.COM Dickies Group Buy

    YA!~ the first one! awesome!!
  24. CrazyKenKid

    sub choosing

    hey the vvx looks like it has a bigger motor?
  25. CrazyKenKid

    SSAUDIO.COM Dickies Group Buy

    no problem! hey has any other Canadians purchased a dicky from you guys yet? if not i will be the first... and ONLY lol I am the one and only lol does that make me odd? lol i hope not lol