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Everything posted by CrazyKenKid

  1. CrazyKenKid

    Kevin S

    i got a question for Kevin you got these amps on trade in right? and since they worked for you they should have also worked for the last owner to so maybe the old owner could chime in about these amp provided the situation you are in of he said, you said and maybe he could verify they worked or maybe in the past they had a repair or just something that ewe missed this provided he wants to post it is just a thought and I hope no one takes this wrongly I just want to see this resolved as I think this thread is going bonkers I wish the best for both parties here
  2. CrazyKenKid

    My fully loaded BL 15" lost its loudness. What happened?

    o wow no way your warranty runs out then 2 months later it dies! wow not cool man! did you buy it direct from them or a store/ maybe give them a call or walk in and ask. I know best buy in Canada (since I live in Canada lol) are super nice about that kind a thing. if they can't see any external damage and it is broken they normally just give you an in store credit which you could use towards a new/better one! this is of course provided you purchased from best buy but if you did the purchase over eBay or online i don't think they would be as nice but you can always try! at any rate glad we could help you out to diagnose this issue! at least it wasn't the amp or sub! which I think would have cost more then the h/u! so time for a new post for a new h/u for you lol! you say alpine! nice buy! how about those clarions? those sure are nice! plus they can play movies! lol! what is your price range? 150? all the same good luck and let us know what happens as for the new h/u!
  3. CrazyKenKid

    Kevin S

    lol that mark! just wasn't 100% sure thought I would ask!
  4. CrazyKenKid

    Kevin S

    umm mark... who is that? sorry for the noob question.
  5. CrazyKenKid

    A Suburban A Warhorse and a pair of Double Dees

    wow nicely done!!! i like that mini bandsaw!!! are those expensive?
  6. CrazyKenKid

    My fully loaded BL 15" lost its loudness. What happened?

    hey don't bash ALL JVC head units! I love mine to death! http://www.crutchfield.com/S-ki79IAceyeM/s_105KDAVX77/JVC-KD-AVX77.html also please double check your setting on the head unit JUST to be sure... wait a second please pull out your head unit and MAKE sure that the RCA are PUSH all the way in first before buying a new head unit. I know with my old old head-unit i had to use black tape to make sure the rca didn't fall out!
  7. CrazyKenKid

    My fully loaded BL 15" lost its loudness. What happened?

    ya that is what i meant to say about the gains! lol thanks stefanhinote! but for quick resetting of the gains be sure to pencil in the old gain position for reference! lol! don't do what i did and be like ya i am going to hook my mp3 player to my amp and turn my gains about half a turn more up and then hook up my rca from my head unit back up to the amp and being like wtf why is it clipping now LMAO
  8. CrazyKenKid

    My fully loaded BL 15" lost its loudness. What happened?

    actually also i am not sure if the mp3 player has enough output... maybe compare the results you get in your car with the mp3 player to the results you get in your buddies car with his setup. just to make sure it is in the ball park, also don't play with the gains just leave them as they are
  9. CrazyKenKid

    My fully loaded BL 15" lost its loudness. What happened?

    you mean bad pre-outs on the head unit?
  10. CrazyKenKid

    My fully loaded BL 15" lost its loudness. What happened?

    sorry just to re-cap what you already did! first you put the sub and box in your buddies car hooked up the speaker wires and it worked perfect! second you hooked your buddies amp in your car and tried it all out and same result, from these finding you can rule out the speaker wiring, and the amp yes or no? next thing to do would be to hook and mp3 play to the rca of the amp and by doing this you can rule out the head-unit as an issue.
  11. CrazyKenKid

    Kevin S

    holy crap this thread is still growing! wow! just wow! and I am with you MalibuOn22s bring out what is going on and then nailing him to the wall during the day when he isnt' able to get on this forum! I hope this sums up soon. posting feedback in MY should be left after everything is done and said although it does bag the question it was working on 12v but then something happened on 14v did this ever get looked into deeper sorry i missed a page or 2
  12. CrazyKenKid

    Extremely Disappointed

    that is what she said to the energizer bunny!
  13. 400$ is a nice number! if you want to go used and save some coin I found this on ebay! http://cgi.ebay.com/Orion-1200D-Car-Amplifier-Used-Works-Great-/270706384210?pt=Car_Amplifiers&hash=item3f075b9d52#ht_500wt_1156 the orion 1200d has never let me down! they are nice little powerful amps plus you can make that guy an offer for even better savings lol but have you check the for sale section in this forum? i am sure something will catch your eye! http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/forum/16-for-salewanted/ also to answer your question I say go with 1ohm and get a mono amp!
  14. what is your budget for this amp?
  15. CrazyKenKid

    2 SSA ICON 15s in 2002 Grand Prix

    nice color! i like! how does it sound?
  16. CrazyKenKid

    2 SSA ICON 15s in 2002 Grand Prix

    you are going to need a bigger drill bit! lol! nice wood though
  17. CrazyKenKid

    Slave amp cuts off

    no use a Y cable! and why / how do you know your slave was getting less then 11v dc? what is the other (master) amp getting? if your batteries and amps are hooked in parallel both amps should have been getting less then 11vdc? something like this http://thesiliconhorizon.com/store/splitter-cable-inch-female-male-pi-70.html?osCsid=fc97e3cdfe09c8e7bcd755cd80ab5939
  18. CrazyKenKid

    Extremely Disappointed

    someone who is bored one day should should go though this post and repost the valuable info here lol! actually I may do this in MAY! lol! when school is out! lol! 10pages of reading and my mind hurts lol! here is what i got so far: kid blows sub, sub attacks kid and heat is from the devil to kill all electrical stuff! and square waves with eat children whole and unicorns are real! lol! JK if no one goes though this in May i will go through it! sound good!
  19. you have to wire your sub down to a 1ohm load first. then hook the sub to the amp! what configuration is your sub? D2 (duel 2ohm sub)
  20. CrazyKenKid

    93 Fleetwood Caddy build.

    *whistles* nice!
  21. CrazyKenKid

    A Suburban A Warhorse and a pair of Double Dees

    nice Bridgeport work! lol! and vernier skills! looks good!
  22. CrazyKenKid

    Slave amp cuts off

    DUDE! your problem sounds just like mine! lol! I also have 2-2500 and 2-12inch NS v1 lol! Looks like we both need to unstrap and start over lol! also if you cant' do the unstrap right away just turn your gains down!
  23. lol no i was being sarcastic! lol! take a class in comon knowledge computer stuff lol!
  24. CrazyKenKid

    Battery hold downs

    i just use vel-crow from wal-mart! it worked for my battery that was 50lb's! never moved once on me! or you can use 4 little L brackets about 10cents each at home depot but if you use those you could risk the battery jumping out IF you go over a big big big bump at a high rate of speed lol! or one of those ideas you listed above will also work! but my personal favorite is vel-crow! cheap and works great!