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Everything posted by CrazyKenKid

  1. CrazyKenKid

    2009 Sierra Ext Cab 18" Zcon Install (Tons of pics)

    Beautiful install Darren man!! love it! I will have to pop in for a demo one night!
  2. I used ram design for my brother ford escort 95~ i believe trhe year was. It was 2 SA12's in a ported enclosure! http://www.ram-designs.com/quote.php that is his link for a quote and here is what my brother and I made from it!
  3. Looks like he is referring to the link! What?
  4. Sounds good! I am glad you found a better installer! The first installer almost sounds like a salesman who pries on people with less knowledge! Nice job on the reseach and not listening to the first installer! Like I said above 1500watts at 12vdc= around 125amps. so this makes sense that the 80amp fuse kept popping! I know KNU 4 gauge is rated for ~150amp so depending on the wire used and it capacity the first installer could have simply installed a bigger fuse and called it even! O well he was shady! and yes running R0 (1/0awg as I like to call it) is a much better idea and will help out in the future if you ever decide to upgrade. If the capacity of R0 = 300amps this means that wire can handle around 3500watts! So bring on the future! But also running that much power will require another battery for sure and maybe a bigger alt depending on your current alt! The new installer you are using what is his name. and does he have a build log for our viewing pleasure>?
  5. If I was you I would tell this installer to simply use 1/0 and if he has to just reduce it down to 4awg! There is no harm in over kill hell it is 1500watts! around 125amps. one more question how does one hook up an amp incorrectly? Positive Negative REM speaker RCA optional: gain knob. if you reverse the positive and negative you could hurt the amp if you hook up the speaker wrong it doesn't matter If you hook the RCA upbackwards it doens't matter because this is a mono channel amp you can't hook up the gain knob wrong This leaves the remote which is a simple 12v signal sent from your h/u to tell the amp to turn on
  6. CrazyKenKid


    it will explode at 0.5 or less ohm! this will depend on your cars electricial. Remember Less resistence = more watts but more importantly this also = more current draw which also means a bigger demand! so keep that in mind and watch your voltage on your battery(s)
  7. CrazyKenKid

    Sundown : Revisiting Component Sets (Mid-Level)

    ETA is next month as of now; once it's firm I'll open pre-ordering. 2wks till next month eta
  8. http://www.grainger.com/Grainger/Rubber-Sheet-1MVR9 rubber sheet!
  9. CrazyKenKid

    Thinks this is legit

    looks like competitions is knocking! sale? I know if you bring a lower price into some stores they will match it and beat it by 15% LOL JK
  10. CrazyKenKid

    Thinks this is legit

    Chinese scam website: pics are hot-links(looks like it stole Amazon's content). Verisign/other authentication are just images and not links Checkout is not secure/encrypted. Sections of texts are copied from other sites (stole the above from another site...i was lazy) http://www.scamadvis...p.com-safe.html http://www.scaminfor...ved-c75831.html
  11. CrazyKenKid

    buy or not to buy

    so to measure current in DC it has to be wired in series. So if you exceed 200amps then kill you fuse holder and render it useless. Unless it has a fail safe in place unless it works via shunt 200amps at 12vdc = 2400watts or on 14vdc= 2800watts so you decide!
  12. CrazyKenKid

    ssa made my day!

    glad to hear it man! and be sure to say they are made in America! push the made in america! That should help out sales!! plus they are a hell of a sub, or so i hear ( i think all the SSA subs are made in America...)
  13. CrazyKenKid

    Need more runs?

    i am with shizzzon on this one but some food for thought 2500watts on 12volts is around 210amps. How big is your CB? and is it possible the positive run's bare wire is touching something steel in the car? as in to say could there be a cut in the wire in such a way if you go over a big bump it shorts out?
  14. CrazyKenKid

    wiring a ssd15

    or if you post this in the Fi section I am sure some one can help you out. also take a picture and that should help out a lot!!!
  15. CrazyKenKid

    wiring a ssd15

    so there isn't any indication of polarity on one of the coils! well that isn't good. But since one of your coils is labelled that is good and we can use that as a reference. Here is what you do: -get a 9v battery and hook it up to the marked coil (pos and neg) and see which way the cone moves, either in or out. -then take that 9v battery and hook it up to the unmarked side and make the cone move in the same direction as the marked voice coil. once you get the cone moving in the right direction simply note which one is positive and go from there! does that make sense?
  16. CrazyKenKid

    the PM's i get from punk ass newbies

    PARENTS not beating there kids enough to instil fear in them! and adults not acting like adults you know stuff like that!
  17. CrazyKenKid

    the PM's i get from punk ass newbies

    LOL i can't believe someone would actually write that out to you in a PM LMAO wow, and I bet he is just jealous of you for what you have and what he will never get! and let me tell you girls don't stick around a guy who is weak and can offer them nothing! you have quite the good looking women there and he will never have one, that is what pisses him off! and I bet he has a small (fill in the blank) sound system!
  18. o and in regards to the voltmeter! good Idea! but keep in mind the voltage at the amp and the voltage at the battery will be the same voltage! this is because they are in parallel with each other! so if it is easier to hook the volt meter to the amp go for it and if it is easier to hook it up to the front battery go for it! all you have to do is hook the volt meter right on top of the battery with the other wires or in the terminals of the amp along with the other wires! now which volt meter are you looking to buy as some will require an in line (series) switch to turn them on and some will have a remote wire on them! (like your amp does) to turn on! if you like please feel free to pm me on here and I will be able to help you out if you run into a jam and need a quick reply, unless I am playing diablo 3
  19. well if you are doing the big 3 make sure to do it with 1/0awg wire!!!! as for lugs lets see you will need: 2 - alt to battery (positive) you might need more depending on the fuse holder 2 - alt to frame 2 - battery to frame (each battery buy two more lugs) 2 - engine to frame so if you buy 10 lugs you should be good to go. now do you plan to upgrade down the road? if so I would run 2 runs of 1/0 from front battery to the rear and just get some reducers for the amp! here is a reducer http://www.knukoncep...fm?prodID=SSGR0 good luck and let us know how it goes! and here is a little diagram if you need! keep in mind this is for a bigger build but the concept still applies as for fusing for 1/0 use a 250amp! and always fuse to the wires capacity unless the amp has no on-board fusing!
  20. CrazyKenKid

    SAZ-2500D v.2 Prototype Completed

    wow! love it! could you get a comparison picture of it vs an older 2500, just for a size reference! love the fan! I am a fan of the fans! lol!
  21. CrazyKenKid

    Home Audio Help

    Hey everyone I am looking for some help in the Home audio field. I imagine home audio is similar to car audio just higher impedances and less power. I am looking for some home audio beginners guilds to point me in the right direction. For example what to look for, terminology, high end vs low end, brand names, expected costs and what not. Currently I have this set of speakers, of which I am looking to buy a receiver (amp) to power them with: specs: -800 Watts Total System Power -Rose Wood/Piano Lacquer Finish -200 Watts(2X6.5") Aluminum Subs -650 Watts(5X120) Satellite/Center -1"Polycarbonate Tweeters Reference site: http://www.divincisound.com/surr2.htm Cost: $300 I am also looking for an opinion, comments, suggestions of the speakers I currently have,
  22. I am going to say bad connection. Almost like the wire might have worked it way out and killed itself. how did you notice you had an issue? as the fuse didn't pop? ALso have you tried calling KNU about this? send them the pictures and tell them what is going on. I Know they always pick up the phone when I call and they always are able to help me out!! I recommend doing that heck you just lost two of there 20$ fuse holders plus what 20inch of wire! I don't know there hours of operation but here is there number: 216-310-6555
  23. CrazyKenKid

    Home Audio Help

    is this the link you are thinking of? http://twit.tv/show/home-theater-geeks/109
  24. CrazyKenKid

    Home Audio Help

    thanks for your input jokers10 I will give that site a look into! is there other ones out there that are worth looking into? and yes I will do more research on this stuff I am just trying to get pointed in the right direction. Because sure I can Google home audio and I will get a ton of results! thanks again!