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Everything posted by CrazyKenKid

  1. CrazyKenKid

    SSA's Evil SS Camaro. 4 Evil 15s and 2 DC 7.5ks

    Just like his daddy Man has to eat! or rather growing boy has to eat!
  2. CrazyKenKid

    SSA's Evil SS Camaro. 4 Evil 15s and 2 DC 7.5ks

    so with all the weight in the car so far how is the suspension holding up? any sagging? Take some pics of it!
  3. CrazyKenKid

    SSA's Evil SS Camaro. 4 Evil 15s and 2 DC 7.5ks

    aww smart! fusing is always worth it! plus i thought it was a bit odd as i didn't see any sparks in the pictures! lol! good job though man! it looks very nice so far!
  4. CrazyKenKid

    SSA's Evil SS Camaro. 4 Evil 15s and 2 DC 7.5ks

    wow nice progress and nice pictures of the family! it is good to see real people doing car audio builds! (with families and worries and what not) also is that a power wire I see not connected to the battery
  5. CrazyKenKid

    SD-12, power and box?

    here you go my good man! all the info you need to know and more! http://sundownaudio.com/index.php/products/item/sd-2-12-subwoofer.html?category_id=3 the specs there can help with design for your box!
  6. meh! it happens! lesson learned check your grounds first and go from there! glad they were able to help you out and this was all resolved!
  7. CrazyKenKid

    SAE-1200D V2 Help

    ;p wow! o shyt biscuits lol! go here http://www.db-r.com/cs/css/ttx.cgi and fill that out and be sure to send a pic and go from there!
  8. Nice amp you lpf should be around 60-80 and subsonic about 30-35 as for phase first try 0 then a full 180 and keep.which sounds best
  9. CrazyKenKid

    another new one

    Welcome Ken, my name is also Ken lol! and yes you are quite correct in saying "this forum seems much better than the car audio forums I was at" with that being said welcome and do enjoy the knowledge which is freely given! Welcome!
  10. CrazyKenKid

    How to connect subwoofers

    in this pic the final ohm load will be 2ohms! nice work! (if each sub is a d2)
  11. CrazyKenKid

    Fi BTL on Low Power

    you could also just turn the gain down on the amp to say.. 1200 rms and not worry about anything! I say that because 1500 is pushing the limits of the wire and if you have an issue then that could be bad or kill the fuse, but 1200 should still sound nice on that sub!
  12. CrazyKenKid

    Fi BTL on Low Power

    umm the current that 4gauge cna handle is like 135 amps, and on 1500 amps at 12volts that is like 120amps so you are good! also what is your fuse rating you have on that wire? does this help you at all?
  13. CrazyKenKid

    How to wire my amp

    2ohm until you can back up the 0.5 ohm!
  14. CrazyKenKid


    now that looks sharp
  15. sounds like a lot of work lol! just buy some of this stuff it is 7cents / ft! http://www.knukonceptz.com/productDetail.cfm?prodID=KOL18BL
  16. Be sure to check all the connections due to the twist and black tape method
  17. why would he need door speakers when he clearly has a h/u or even a wiring issue? putting more money into this issue isn't going to solve anything as if to say how will an amp on his NEW door speakers fix the h/u or potential wiring issue? I understand for his system to get loud he WOULD, in the future, need a amp and newer/better speakers to get loud at a lower volume with this problematic h/u but here is the interesting thing if the volume control on the h/u its self isn't linear how will the amp solve the non-linear problem thus he will still have to be around 25-30 to get loud! well I guess he could still turn the gains up on the amp which could over come this volume issue.... but in the long run that wouldn't be the best idea! so before we go any furthur with this lets first let the OP get the wiring checked out and go from there!
  18. o no the black tape and twist LMAO that was my first h/u install mistake! my issue was when I was putting my h/u back into the slot (that is what she said) one of the wires wrapped around something kind shorted something out and something something... ya it happens lol!
  19. This is retarded. You need to be slapped in the throat. well unless someone o-scoped the h/u's pre-outs who knows where the h/u is potentially clipping at and since he is using the h/u amp to power the door speakers if that amp is clipping out couldn't it make an issue? does that make sense or have I been using a 4 channel amp for to many years? lol no seriously I was told that 3/4 bit a while a go but I always just used my 4 channel amp so I just passed on this idea? on a side note I did o-scope my h/u and it clips at 47 out of 50! it was pretty cool to use a hand held o-scope
  20. well you know while he is back there poking around you should have him tug on the ACC and power wires hell why not check the fuse on the power wire also! so maybe you guys will find an issue with the install! hell I have installed... what 5 h/u and I still make little mistakes. the way i see it if you hook up a h/u wrong and you are like the H/u is screwed so you buy another one and re-hook it all up a say more correct way then you say that h/u was a pile of poop but in the long run it was a simple error, like did your buddy solder this h/u in or did he crimp it all in or just twist the wires together with black tape! sure h/u are easy to put in but there is a number of little things that could go wrong also! so take a peak and report back!
  21. CrazyKenKid


    i would leave it at 0 and see how it sounds then switch it to 180 and see what you prefer! do you know what is going on in the amp when you switch the phase? http://www.answers.com/topic/phase-angle
  22. bnib=brand new in box! and how will your buddy go about checking this ground? just look at it! just wondering what is your buddies electrical back ground? as if to say how many systems has he installed or does he work for a shop?
  23. CrazyKenKid

    deadening and securing sub box

    LOL look at this guys name! CorpseGrinder! lol! maybe he did go to jail! lol