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Everything posted by CrazyKenKid

  1. CrazyKenKid

    I'm done with Sundown..

    lol a simlar think happened to me, so i just refreshed and bam it was back like black magic lol! but i didn't say anything b/c i was like meh maybe it was a fluke or my internet is being gay again! and wow where did Larams dissapear to? he post and then jacob post asap about it and bam he is gone lol!
  2. CrazyKenKid

    I'm done with Sundown..

    have you tried to contact jacob directly? or have you tried to call him on the phone? i am sure if the problem is something he can solve then he can do it! also if you got the amp from DB-r why are you posting in the sundown area? it isn't like you purchased it from sundown direct but you got it from DB-r ?
  3. CrazyKenKid

    Strapping vs. Not Strapping

    if it helps i have to sae1000d amps strapped when i was running my 2 SI v4 mag subs, it pounded the subs hard and i like how they sounded plus it was simply to set up! remember though 2 SAZ1000 strapped puts out 1800rms at 2ohm but really each amp is seeing 1ohm each! so if i was a gambling man i would say hook up each amp individually to gain more power! but that is jsut my 2cents!
  4. CrazyKenKid

    amp choice help

    sae1200 (jacob has a bunch on ebay right now) or even the saz 1500d
  5. CrazyKenKid

    Sundown Sq build

    Wow looks sexy! question what is a batcap power pack? this: http://www.infiniteelectronix.com/index.as...amp;ProdID=4079 and also can you use the power pack in conjunction with another batcap battery? or would that be pointless... I realize there is a small battery and a cap in it which is a cool idea! and why did you choose to go batcap and not kinetik or odyssey
  6. CrazyKenKid

    If we made an SAZ-4500D...

    so for a SAZ4500 for a pre-order of 1200$ and you will not offer any credits for ppl who have a SAZ3500 or a SAZ2000(pre-order) or any other kind of amp from you. i will be the first to say i will NOT be buying it b/c i am still in school, but in 2 years when i am done i am sure you will come out with something more powerfull! UNLESS you over some crazy good insensive for early buyers! like...800-900 for the first month lol!
  7. CrazyKenKid

    NightShade 12

    spec come in the box? like the specs i gave your? 1.5 @ 33-35hz? and if you purchased a used motor sub i don't think you will get specs, i didn't get any specs in the box. hope this helps!
  8. CrazyKenKid

    Strapping question

    lol X2 lol i was a little late with my post!
  9. CrazyKenKid

    Strapping question

    umm i don't think you can b/c that would be mismatching them!
  10. CrazyKenKid

    New Sundown owner!!!

    wow nice burp!!
  11. CrazyKenKid

    SAZ-2000D Pre-Sale OPEN

    O got ya! that makes sense! 200amp inline fuse! I guess i was confused (which isn't hard to do to me lol) when it said requires external fuses lol i was like what i have to supply those stupid little maxi fuses lol!! thanks!
  12. CrazyKenKid

    SAZ-2000D Pre-Sale OPEN

    question: the fuses are INTERNAL fuses on the amp, so if one of them blows I would have to open the case to get to the fuse? Also in the above picture I didn't notice any fuse(maxi?)? Did I miss them or are they not in that pic?
  13. CrazyKenKid

    97 Maxima Build Log

    wow this install keeps looking better and better every time i check up on it lol! nice new(er) pics!
  14. wow that was a pretty good read! very informative to me!
  15. how about a bank of 16volt batteries and a setup thing (transformer?)
  16. CrazyKenKid

    SAZ-2000D Pre-Sale OPEN

    have you heard of kinetik? lol!! and it might be suitable depending on your setup...which is....what? lol!
  17. CrazyKenKid

    comparable subs to nightshade

    your mom > nightshade!! llol! this sub is in a class of its own! the only thing that comes close...Fi maybe
  18. CrazyKenKid

    New Sundown 3500D's in hand!

    nice pics!! and i think you need more amps btw!!! lol! jk!!
  19. CrazyKenKid

    SAZ-2000D Pre-Sale OPEN

    Jacob, Quick question what are the dimensions of this amp? looks like it is 20inch long?
  20. CrazyKenKid

    Sub box for a 15inch Nightshade

    o i know i can jsut imagine what the impedance of the subs are lol!
  21. CrazyKenKid

    Sub box for a 15inch Nightshade

    Hey guys i am looking to make a sub box for my 15inch nightshade! i don't know really know sub box's esspecially for a subs that will blow ear drums lol!! so i have attached my design let me know what you think and what i should modifie as i want to cut some wood tomrrow and start putting the box together! thanks for your input! Kenneht
  22. CrazyKenKid

    Sub box for a 15inch Nightshade

    well i am VERY unimpressed with how NOT loud this sub is... the 2 sae strapped aren't doing the trick. 1200rms at 4ohm=no bang, like the sub barely moves over 1/4inch so i KNOW i need more rms to this sub to make it shine COMON SAZ2000
  23. CrazyKenKid

    Sub Box

    well building a box is easy! and ppl charge to much to build them and to ship b/c they can get quite heavy! first you need to ask yourself are you going to go ported or sealed? (ported i hope) then you need to ask yourself slot port or a aero port! and then finaly go over to this site and see what you can do with your dimensions http://www.the12volt.com/caraudio/boxcalcs.asp and here is an even better site if you are going to go with a port/slotted box! http://www.reaudio.com/speaker_box/LPort_Box_Calc.html notice the RED number! just highlight them and change them to match your trunk! then notice on the bottem it also gives you a material list! which is cool! now onto building it, always predrill (whatever the box says to pre-drill ex: number 8 wood screw needs a 1/8 pilot), then clear and counterbore (or counter sink) the piece ontop! ALWAYS use wood glue between each piece and always use caulk when you are all done to make sure it is all sealed up nicely! to a look at my build! http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...showtopic=28117 keep in mind the 12inch sub wants a 1.5cubic tuned to 34-35hz! now you have a starting now go from there! and ask any question you may have! as for putting carpet on...use 3m super77 spray glue, or a hot glue gun(just work fast lol), or you can always just paint your box! well i hope this helps you out and gives you a good starting point! i know i may have left somethings out but i am sure someone else can fill in the blanks! cheers Ken
  24. CrazyKenKid

    Sub box for a 15inch Nightshade

    Alrighty i just got evenything installed and it is looking pretty decend not to shaddy! all i have left for tomrrow is to put the power to the amps and hope everything turns on! Once the new SAZ2000 amp arrives i will be mounting that amp on the front of my sub box and selling those killer sae1000d amps!! and i think that will clean up a lot of clutter! or if the amp is small enough i will jsut put it on the back of my sub box by the SAX100.4 amp! who knows! The only major disapointment is how my sub box turned out. i plan to get a scrap piece of carpet and just hot glue it to the top of the box so you don't see the little piece of mdf lol! other then that i think eveything went pretty good! but ya let me know what you guys think of and comments are VERY welcome along with tips of any kind! Enjoy the pics!
  25. CrazyKenKid

    Sub box for a 15inch Nightshade

    b/c they are smaller then 6x9's! lol! and i just happened to get a good deal on another pair of zapco so i siad sure why not! let see what happens! (is it dump to have a pair of comps in the rear?) It's pretty pointless. The goal is to have all the sound in front of you. crap now i have to find a new place to put the tweeter lol! and yes that makes sense b/c the bass from this sub will just KILL the sound coming out of the component set.. crap this sucks, looks like i am looking for a new place now maybe the rear doors..um maybe! but then it still isn't in front of me! i will figure something out i guess! thanks for your input Durran