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Everything posted by CrazyKenKid

  1. CrazyKenKid

    two batteries

    150amp fuse up front.... i think you should be using 250 amp fusing all around.. unless you have some nice wire which is rated for 300amps!!
  2. CrazyKenKid

    12x Sundown SA-12s !

    wiat did i miss something here... you guys got 153db for a burp on 12subs but on 2 12inch subs you got 154db's? plus you have a 10k amp there?
  3. CrazyKenKid

    SAZ-2000D Pre-Sale OPEN

    o i know! and downers are a type of pill some ppl like to take lol!! xD lol!! jk!! i can wait! right now i have the sae 1200 pushing my 15inch NS and it sounds pretty damn good i have to say!!!
  4. CrazyKenKid

    amp getting hot!

    i was talking about grounding the H/U to the chassis instead of the wiring harness!
  5. CrazyKenKid

    amp getting hot!

    well i am not going to be replacing it! plus i already did the band aid fix and i still got the cut lol!!! also it is 80$ to fix by poineer! or that is what i have been reading!!!
  6. CrazyKenKid

    amp getting hot!

    go alpine! lol steer clear of pioneers llol haven't you learned your lessson yet? lo!!!!
  7. CrazyKenKid

    amp getting hot!

    i will be doing that also! fuxk the harness lol!! killed my damn h/u hey is there is a way to replace that pico fuse? or does it HAVE to be sent in?
  8. CrazyKenKid

    amp getting hot!

    my next install will be kenwood flip out 7inch monitor excelon! should i ground this one to the chassis or to the harness?
  9. CrazyKenKid

    amp getting hot!

    did you ground the sony to the chassie or to the harness? b/c if it is recommenedi i will jsut ground to the chassis from now on.
  10. CrazyKenKid

    SAZ-2000D Pre-Sale OPEN

    so either no new info or i am one of those lucky guys who just get a surprize in the morning! loL!!
  11. CrazyKenKid

    amp getting hot!

    ground are normally suppose to be under 3ft. unless you have a direct run from the front battery if you connect it right to the battery how long can they be? (unlimited?)
  12. CrazyKenKid

    amp getting hot!

    Ya my deck does the same thing, when ever it moves it wines, and then i have to play with it and find just the right spot for it to stop wineing. i found out after that most of their decks you need to ground to the chasis and not this harness ... if u ground to the harness they will blow what no way? and i though grounding the rca's would fix it! turns out grounding to harness was wrong..sounds pretty wierd! your dad is a VP of fluke..MAN i need a fluke 75 (true rms one) dmm! can you get me a hook up? p/m me if you can or just send me an e-mail [email protected]
  13. CrazyKenKid

    amp getting hot!

    is that why pioneer decks suck due to a blowing pico fuse blowing mysteriesly? that is why my h/u is giving me issues lol!! POS poineer junk
  14. ya my alt also doesn't have a ground wire but it also mount with 2 screws and those 2 screws on mine are the gronding spots! so to complete the big 3 jsut run a wire from one of the 2 bolts to the chassis that way your alt and engine block will be grounded!! you might want to use 2 wires of 0/1 though!! wiat what are you asking? is it okay to ground your engine block to the chassis instaed...instead of what? Grounding your alt and engine to the chassis? but by grounding one your ground the other so...you may be okay!! sorry me vs reading and reading always wins!!
  15. CrazyKenKid

    amp getting hot!

    x2 how many batteries are you using for that 4000? that is 4krms at 1ohm right? also what is your voltage? do you have a volt meter to see what kind a voltage that amp is seeing?
  16. CrazyKenKid

    amp getting hot!

    well if you starve the amp for power it will work harder it might get hot but i am no expert and i could be dead wrong on that point.
  17. CrazyKenKid

    Alpine iDA X305

    i don't think that deck has one man! i believe you need to buy some thing like this to adjust those settings http://www.amazon.com/ALPINE-IMPRINT-AUDIO-PROCESSOR-ADD/dp/B001AQVTWQ/ref=pd_bxgy_e_img_b/179-9580204-6459944
  18. CrazyKenKid

    parting with my old setup... soon will be up for sale!

    screw you i seen the post first! i call first dibs lol!! jk!! first with cash wins! also he the for sale thread with prices is coming SOON he says!!
  19. CrazyKenKid

    parting with my old setup... soon will be up for sale!

    wow sounds like it was a pretty loud setup!!! make sure you post the link when you want to sell this stuff!! it should go ffast!! nice stuff you got there!! also which amps are you going to be selling?
  20. CrazyKenKid

    Speaker whine from sub amp????

    lol funny story my wine in my speakers came back! so i jsut moved my deck in and out like 0.1 of an inch and the wine-ing went right away! so now i know there is a problem with my pioneer premier deck!
  21. CrazyKenKid

    SAZ-2000D Pre-Sale OPEN

    yep that is what Jacob is known for! the best customer service all around!!!
  22. CrazyKenKid

    amp clipping

    clipping is bad, it makes distortion which can blow speakers. When an amp is clipping it is being overdriven and it starts to cut off the tops of the soundwaves(so you get a square looking wave form). To fix this either listen to music within the limits of your amp. The only way to know that you are doing this is to listen for distortion, which of course is one of the reasons speakers blow. and for me distortion is hard to hear..maybe i jsut have bad hearing! Hope this helps also if you want to see the distortion you would have to buy a hand held o-scape!
  23. CrazyKenKid

    amp getting hot!

    what are you running the mono amp at? 0.5ohm? also to keep it cool have you tried some 120mm fans? to blow across the amp?
  24. CrazyKenKid

    More Sundown SA-12 vids

    WOW I can't believe the amount of flex on your roof...that is CRAZY man!! I wonder if those 4 subs can handle more power? but ya very nice job!! you should get it metered looks like some high numbers!