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Everything posted by CrazyKenKid

  1. what dimensions can you fit under the hood?
  2. CrazyKenKid

    Mono Amp RCA cables

    Hey guys i had a fast question to ask! I have a new h/u a kenwood KVT-817DVD single-din flip out monitor and it has a processor which it uses inconjuction with the deck. It has a sub pre-out but ONLY 1 and not 2 RCA out puts for the sub. So i was wondering if i need to use 2 sets of RCA's to plug into the amp or can i get away with 1 rca and just turn the gain up? amps: SAZ2000 and SAE1200 sorry if i am unclear on what i am asking. ALSO how do you calculate impedance rise? or do you just hook your DMM meter up to the sub after running the sub for a bit? also i have heard of a device called a AM-500 Accumatches and i was wondering if they are any good? or worth the investment? apparenty they are able to drop the load on an amp, for example from 2ohm to 1ohm load and also 1ohm to 0.5ohm and what not! thanks for your time! Kenneth
  3. CrazyKenKid

    Mono Amp RCA cables

    Sounds like a mistake waiting to happen. Which part? using one RCA or the little device? or both! lol!
  4. CrazyKenKid

    Mono Amp RCA cables

    daisy chain? are you refering to the REM wires? if so i already have a relay which is powering 2 amps and 4fans. and thanks for explaining how to calc impedance rise you rock!!! and i don't think i will get that little device!!!
  5. for my pioneer h/u when i use the auto time alignment (auto TA) and auto EQ it changes my EQ to custom something and for TA it: "automatically adjusted for the distance between each speaker and the listening position. Auto time alignment adjusts the speaker sound output timing within your car for each speaker in steps of 2.5cm, so the sound form each speaker will reach your (the driver’s) ears at the same time. Auto time alignment automatically estimates the delay from each speaker to the listening position and adjusts the time alignment accordingly." (ya my definition of TA didn't make sense so i jsut quoted one) But as i was saying when auto TA is on you can't adjust anything it locks me out of the positioner (fader) on the poineer. When i did the AUTO EQ it didn't change much and to for AUTO TA it sounded much better for me (the driver) but from a different seat it kind a sucked. So i jsut decided to turn off AUTO TA! I hope that helps and sorry if it doesn't!
  6. CrazyKenKid


    and once yours is in transit you WILL get a tracking number also
  7. CrazyKenKid

    Two battery wireing

    hey man if you need a relay(soleniod) let me know i have one that i am not using! send me a p/m and we can go from there!
  8. CrazyKenKid

    12x Sundown SA-12s !

    nice!!! that is 1.7db gain on less power!! very cool!
  9. CrazyKenKid

    SAZ-1000D and SAE-1000D

    mag v3 is NUTS man!! and my buddy has one and he is pushing 1200rms to it daily with no issue! Just incase you didn't know the mag v3 is getting a remake!! they jsut blow the prototype with 6krms!!! and the parameters are all the same even tuning is but it can take way more power now!!
  10. i use the knu karma 4channel rcas! and i like them! and they fit snug which is good!
  11. CrazyKenKid

    New setup, doesn't sound too good *pics*

    i know a buddy who needs some ssd's!! what is your e-mail (send it in a p/m) and how much for the RF!!
  12. CrazyKenKid

    New setup, doesn't sound too good *pics*

    It's either T3, Memphis, or Orion umm orion!!!! which models could you get?
  13. CrazyKenKid

    New setup, doesn't sound too good *pics*

    That's right, they could have at least offered me some lube before I so willingly grabbed my ankles on the box and subs. LOL lol LMAO calm down man that box isn't that bad! hell you can probably sell it and get some of your cash back..but shipping would be a whore! plus they did say they would work with you right! so you are set! maybe get a different sub setup! what else do they sell? for 1050 you should be able to get something that you would like!!!
  14. CrazyKenKid

    New setup, doesn't sound too good *pics*

    i know when i need a o-scope i jsut pop donw to my local college (which has an electrical lab in it ) and ask to borrow there o-scope! itt works wonders! do you have a local college where they can help you out? Are you a student there or do you just go down there and ask for an o-scope? Wondering because there is a local community college very close to where I live but I'm still in High School. both! i was in high school when i wanted to use one so i jsut walked in and ask some teacher standing around(i am surprized he didnt' just kick me out) and away we went! now i am a student there. come to think of it when i get my saz2000 i am going to be using an oscope to help set it!!
  15. CrazyKenKid

    New setup, doesn't sound too good *pics*

    well it is good you didnt' get suckered into buying the amps also lol!! sundown ftw!
  16. CrazyKenKid

    New setup, doesn't sound too good *pics*

    i know when i need a o-scope i jsut pop donw to my local college (which has an electrical lab in it ) and ask to borrow there o-scope! itt works wonders! do you have a local college where they can help you out?
  17. CrazyKenKid

    New setup, doesn't sound too good *pics*

    I know, hindsight's always 20/20. that is the sprit! dont' cry over spilt milk, just sit down and watch someone else cry about it lol!! but it is good you aren't mad about it and you got over it already. but it does suck but so does life right! lol!!
  18. CrazyKenKid

    New setup, doesn't sound too good *pics*

    lol for 650$ i would have screwed with the box myself! lol hell for 400$ i would have build it for you and shipped it from canada lol!!!
  19. CrazyKenKid

    New setup, doesn't sound too good *pics*

    WOW 650 for box build..have you ever build your own box? they aren't to hard to build but they do thak some time man! but 650$ shyt
  20. CrazyKenKid

    New setup, doesn't sound too good *pics*

    you paid about 350 per sub USED? and you can fit a 8cubic box in your vehicle...man take those back and get some Nightshade subs lol!!!
  21. CrazyKenKid

    New setup, doesn't sound too good *pics*

    The box isn't too big you just need more port. Oh and I would get new woofers as well X2 more port and new woofers..comon don't be mean to the guy i bet he paid a nice penny for those 3 12inch subs. but if you can return them and get something different go for it! try different subs out till you are happy! it took me 5 setups to find a spaeker that i liked! (15inch NS)
  22. CrazyKenKid

    New setup, doesn't sound too good *pics*

    OPPS nvm i did notice page 2! my bad sorry guys for the late ass post!!
  23. CrazyKenKid

    New setup, doesn't sound too good *pics*

    it almsot sounds like you don't like your subs! lol! here is the sub he is talking about http://www.t3audio.com/core.mdv/TSS.html but i am confused on how much rms they can handle...16.95 lb/s? come again? lol as for that what is your sub box specs also i have learned next to do what the audio shop recommends! at least over here if they recommend it, it is b/c they have to many in stock and can't sell them b/c they are crap! and take it from me i have 1 15inch NS running off of one sae1200 and boy let me tell you i can sure feel it and i bet i am doing around 144-145 db but i NEED to get that tested but getting it tested is hard b/c i work 11hours shifts and 6days a week lol! come sunday i dont' wnat to do anything! and some times i work sundays! stupid job!
  24. CrazyKenKid

    New setup, doesn't sound too good *pics*

    wow looks sharp!! but question i thought that mounting an amp on the box was bad...? i could be wrong but seriously it looks good!!
  25. CrazyKenKid

    Sundown Reviews [Send them In!]

    AMAZING customer service! Top of the line amps! Slamming subwoofers! Quality is unheard of! Pricing is Phenomenal! If you don't buy sundown you are wasting your money!! What more can i say! I am SOLD, and i recommend them to all my friends and i recommend them to my enemies! (go figure) Kenneth