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Everything posted by CrazyKenKid

  1. i know a guy who swear by them! he is pushing 1 15inch FI BTL fully loaded with about 2krms and he has a 1750(or maybe it was the 1700) under the hood and a 150amp amp and he has little voltage drops at fully tilt!
  2. CrazyKenKid

    Dails Tuning

    i currently have my NS 15inch tuned to 35hz (ish) and i sounds awesome! a lot of shaking going on in my car lol!!!
  3. CrazyKenKid

    Line Drivers

    umm i c. interesting point you have there. but ya i don't think i will be getting a line driver because I don't think i need one. Currently i am quite pleased with the performance i am getting out of my speakers and don't feel the need to get a line driver plus i am not a competitor or anything i am more of a stop sign and stop light bumper kind a guy lol!!
  4. CrazyKenKid

    Line Drivers

    So a friend told me about line drivers and i was wondering should i be using one? is the advantage they offer that great? and why would i need one? like if i run a dmm over my rca and they are getting around 1volt should i be using a line driver to help out my rca so i don't have to turn my gains so high? also do i need one for all my rca's (fronts, rears, subs?). also do yo use one? And if you do use one which one do you use? Kenneth
  5. CrazyKenKid

    Box Help

    well we aren't putting a jack in the enclosure there is jack mount which my buddy doens't wnat to remove so the box will mold around that extruding piece
  6. CrazyKenKid

    Box Help

    Hey guys i need some help with box calculations for my buddy! here is his box dimensions i keep getting 4.6cubic at 28hz...but that sounds pretty wrong to me can some please help us out with this. The sub box is for a kicker L7 15inch sub. this sub box will be going into a S10 right behing the front seats which is why the box looks kind a funny! and yes that is 2 L shaped ports. thanks in advanse for any and all help!!!!! Kenneth
  7. CrazyKenKid

    Box Help

    first of all thanks a lot for helping out! as for the jack i can't find the dimensions i have them writen down somewhere i jsut can't seem to find that paper but lets jsut go with the 0.11 for the room it takes up. it is somethign like 12x5x4. (and yes you are correct by you need to subtract that from the overall as it cuts into the box) and the sub displacement is 0.2 he told me. (so lets go with that) both of the ports are slots and what do you mean by are those port sharing the same wall? they are both mounted in a L going from the front part to the back of the box and up the back wall 15.75. i hope that is what you were asking. thanks again for helping out and ssorry to get back to you at such a later time. i am currently on night shift and i dont' get home till 5am and i start work at 5pm which doesn't leave much time for sleep or internet use! also i work 10-12hour on sat and sunday! thanks again for your time Kenneth
  8. CrazyKenKid

    SAE-1200D V.2 Teaser Pics !

    you know i was just going to send you an e-mail today asking about the 1200 v2!!! and for 250 i would be interested in a pre-sale!!!
  9. CrazyKenKid

    Box Help

    so i just did some calc again and i got ports = 1.1 box=6.63 jack= .11 (there is a jack in the back) total box volume = 5.42 adn tuning is 21.5 (with a port length of 31.5) so i don't know what is going on can someone please help
  10. CrazyKenKid

    end resistance?

    well 0.5ohm + 4ohm= 4.5ohm load series means add resistance together and parellel means the resistance will drop to half the resistance on 1 coil and why do you wnat to run a 4.5ohm load anyways? why not a 1.5 ohm load?
  11. CrazyKenKid

    Amp repair?

    nice amp! it almost looks a little under rated! http://ampguts.realmofexcursion.com/PPI_PC1800.2/ post some pics of the guts!! but sorry i don't know of any shops in that area!
  12. CrazyKenKid

    Noob question

    oo i understand now! thanks a lot Duran! thanks again!
  13. CrazyKenKid

    Noob question

    So i have been looking at forum posts lately and i have come a across a word a few times and i don't fully understand it and i was wondering if someone could help me out! the word is "going active" like what does that mean? i have heard that before in movies but when i hear it, it doesn't mean anything good. so i thought i would just ask a noob question and maybe get lol at or be the bright point in someone's day!! thanks for helping Kenneth
  14. CrazyKenKid

    SAX Amps at 2Ohms on Infinity Speakers

    i don't if the 100.4 would be a good match but i know that my 100.4 makes a KILLER match for my zapco RB13.2 and RH16.2!!!! I assume you would be impressed with the output of the amp, everyone always is!!
  15. CrazyKenKid

    Line Drivers

    of those ppl who voted yes which line driver (s) do you use?
  16. i can't answers your questions about the 4channel amp b/c i just set mine by ear which isn't the best way but it works! as for the mono amps i like to use 50 or 60hz at 0db, for the h/u i leave bass boast off and i leave my bass settings at 0. as for the volume of the h/u i set mine to 33 out of 35. i will usually listen to my music at 30-33 and if i want a little extra pounding i just turn the volume up some more then i follow my nose!! i hope that helps and also for setting my gains i leave my car on and i unplug my sub!
  17. how about the xs power master 5100 or the 2700! also how much hieght can you fit under the hood? http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/store/search.php?search_query=powermaste and http://www.4xspower.com/audiobatteries.asp
  18. wow! a lot of info there to absorb lol!! thanks for posting that it cleared things up! i guess i learned something new today! score two points for the good guys (sundown)
  19. THANKS! That was the type of answer i was looking for! Getting the battery! that was quick!! and painless eh! lol!!! battery power FTW!
  20. Sorry about the excessive comments but thats where im stuck at. If i might have to get a bigger alternator then why not spend the money that i would be buying a battery with on a alternator? well you are asking if i am going to need a bigger alt in the long run why not just got a bigger alt! well how about lets look at this mathematically for a 2000rms setup at 1ohm your amp will need like 45amps. but 2000rms/12.8volts = 156amp draw! so if your alt puts out 150 you will be able to supply the demand. is that correct or did i screw something up? i will just get a big enough battery to support my system. right now my setup is 1 15inch ns 2- batcap 2000's and STOCK battery and STOCK alt (105) and a SAZ2000 pushing all it is worth. my lowest voltage i have read off of my stinger volt meter is 12.8volts at full tilt after playing a full song.
  21. ya a 135amp alt is already pretty beffy just get a new battery and see how it all works out! and if your system starts to have voltage issue then reconsider a bigger alt, or maybe get a missing link!!! http://missinglinkaudio.com/
  22. CrazyKenKid

    Just bought 2 12" SA's , 1500D

    to make a ported box i just use the RE calc! http://www.reaudio.com/speaker_box/LPort_Box_Calc.html notice the red number! you can highlight and delete those numbers and input your own numbers! also to find out port length you can use this site! http://www.the12volt.com/caraudio/boxcalcs.asp hope this helps out some! also that RE Calc isnt' the best and is out a few hz or so ppl say! but that is what they say!
  23. CrazyKenKid

    Line Drivers

    why thankyou! actualy after i got done the post i was like umm should i have a sometimes there! thanks though!
  24. awesome! thanks man for sure i will look into these guys! i wonder if they ship to canada!
  25. CrazyKenKid

    Avalanche Rebuild

    wow that looks nice!!! are those a pair of xs power 3100 i see there? also i love that box!!! very nice job keep it up!