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Everything posted by ScreamBloodyGorguts

  1. ScreamBloodyGorguts

    3 Sa-8s Vs 1 15 btl

    Also a little more cone area, now if we were talkin four 8s this might be a different story, and 4 would be closer to the price of a loaded btl, and around the same box size
  2. ScreamBloodyGorguts

    Need advice on eardubs

    No offence, but oh god to these people recommending skull candy. They're the walmart sony xplod of the headfi world.. Or maybe funky pup lol.....In fact stay away from sony for buds too imo.... Its been a while since I've been in the market for new headgear but the jvc marshmallows were always a popular budget bud among the headfi crowd. They were like 25 bucks a couple years ago, now they can be had for as low as 6 or 7. Also, lots of guys mod them to change the sound, you can google kramer mod marshmallow, there should be a thread floating around somewhere on the head-fi.org forums. Sennheiser usually makes decent stuff, I personally have no experience with them though. Also saying you want very good response everywhere doesn't really tell us much, and is a fairytale at that price, thats like asking to have a high end system in a car for 100bucks lol. With that being said, the marshmallows "sound good"
  3. ScreamBloodyGorguts

    fi q vs sundown z15 or ? Port type suggestions also...

    I don't know why people say don't do the Q its for sound quality and not loud, but turn around and recommend the icon. The two drivers are quite on par with each other, if you're not recommending the Q, there is no reason you should recommend the icon. /rant The bl will sound great, as will a Z or many other subs, they may not be a "sq" driver, but i'm guessing you care more about something that will sound great and get loud doing it then sq itself. You may not even like the way sq sounds. It doesn't have to be "sq" to sound good.
  4. Because stuff happens when people do something stupid like wire their amps to .0000000001 ohms And theres not really all that many refurbs floating around, i mean db-r has a handful and thats about it.
  5. I personally would pay the extra for the sundown. Not so much for the extra power, which it will do. But for the fact that its built like a tank and chances are it'll outlive you if you don't do anything stupid to it lol. Also they tend to hold resale value pretty good if you ever do plan on getting rid of it to upgrade down the road. You can save a bit if you go with a refurbished from db-r instead of new...
  6. ScreamBloodyGorguts

    Fi Q, Fi SSD, FI Bl

    hey if you're planning on that and don't mind paying a little extra...... Ever though about a btl? it will be louder than the bl even on 1000 watts, and later down the road when you upgrade your electrical you can get a much bigger amp to put on it.
  7. ScreamBloodyGorguts


    Oh god i would give my right nut for the new 300hp euro rs focus.... not my left though, I've grown kinda fond of it. I've never seen one in person though. i do like all of the rs and st ones, hell all of the euro foci look better then what we get.
  8. ScreamBloodyGorguts

    Description Suggestion

    I mean seriously people, you bought an amp with the right amount of power for your situation, if you wanted more power at the time you should of bought a bigger amp, instead of crying because there's now a new and different amp on the market now that has more power then what you bought.
  9. ScreamBloodyGorguts


    well if youre looking at used maybe the svt version of the focus could change your mind ;P tis what I drive.
  10. ScreamBloodyGorguts


    Unless he's looking at going used, the focus isn't made in a hatchback anymore. Which leads me to suggest a mazda 3 hatchback. mazda is kinda owned by ford, ford having 33%ish stake in mazda iirc, although that may be out of date. nevertheless they still share platforms with ford, and the mazda3 is basically a focus with a different body, better suspension and a different engine.
  11. ScreamBloodyGorguts

    the most retarded "enclosure" I have ever witnessed

    Nah man that's just acting as a passive radiator.
  12. ScreamBloodyGorguts

    Riddle me This Riddle me That....

    truth monster=a liar=b Say to one what will the other tell me if i ask if it is the liar and pick the one that you are told is the liar as the truth monster(a). If you happen to ask the truth(a) monster, he will say that the other(b) will say that he(a) is the liar. If you happen to ask the liar(b) he will say that the other (a) will say himself(a) is the liar. edit: and also, three sons and two fathers go duck hunting. They each get one duck, for a total number of only 3 ducks between them all. How is this possible?
  13. Waiting on my q recone, ugh never letting anybody borrow my car again.

  14. Waiting on my q recone, ugh never letting anybody borrow my car again.

  15. Waiting on my q recone, ugh never letting anybody borrow my car again.

  16. ScreamBloodyGorguts

    RF T4000-1BD or SD 3500D

    iirc on RF amps the subsonic filter is fixed at 28hz, not adjustable... Just one more reason to go with sundown, you can set it where you need it. Although neither are bad amps by any means whatsoever.
  17. ScreamBloodyGorguts

    fi ssd 10 speaker wire size

    Yes, copper is copper, nothing magical that makes it either "speaker" or "power" wire.
  18. ScreamBloodyGorguts

    AA Mayhem VS FI BTL

    They are two very simular subs made by the same people to achieve the same goal. You can't really go wrong either way.
  19. ScreamBloodyGorguts

    how to purchase FIcaraudio product

    Link: The World of Fi Choose your product and options (Options explained here) Have fun and good luck! key word in the ops post: Malaysia..... the official site isn't going to help him any. With this being said I am of no help either.
  20. ScreamBloodyGorguts


    You simply are not going to get enough heat from an iron for something as big as 1/0, at least no iron I've ever used... if you want to solder something that big, use a torch. You don't really melt the solder directly with the iron, you kinda heat the wire for a little while and then get your solder and let the wire melt it. Not saying you can't touch the solder to the iron a little bit after you have the wire heated up, but the general idea is to heat the wire itself.
  21. ScreamBloodyGorguts

    Need Answers

    way too small for a ported 12, you could squeeze a 10 in that space, or a 12 sealed.
  22. ScreamBloodyGorguts

    btl swap?

    yes you can get a new basket and recone, not too sure on prices though, emailing scott would be your best best. Or selling it and just buying a new 12 might be another way to go if you can find a buyer.
  23. ScreamBloodyGorguts

    2 12" Fi Q subs....proper break in?

    Just set everything up correctly and play the as you would any other day, there is no reason to "go easy" on them or whatever just because they are new.
  24. ScreamBloodyGorguts

    Wanna go active on a budget

    Going for a two way set-up. I think I can make 8s fit, but it will be a pain in the ass in my little car, if its even necessary haha. But i do want strong midbass, and as for tweets I've always liked them ever so slightly to the aggressive side. I listen to a wide range of metal, from softer stuff to death metal like nile and suffocation. Also I like prog-rock as well as a bit of mainstream stuff too. A bit of rap gets played, but that's mostly when the girl starts playing with the stereo, and she completely unbends my sub and blasts it while shes at it, so something that could take a little bit of abuse would be nice, though obviously nothing is indestructible.... she's not a complete retard with the volume but still...... My current Hu can't do active so I'll need suggestions for that as well as speakers. As for power I have 100x2 and 75x2 via old school us acoustics when they were made by zed, usa series chrome Yes yes I know install is 95% of it, but I would like something with a decent off axis response as well, not only are kick pods out of my budget, but there's no room next to the clutch pedal to put one anyways. .........I'd like to keep it under 600 bucks if that's possible, hell under 500 would be better, but I know I gotta spend a bit since I'll be buying a Hu too, and I'm braced for that.... sort of lol............ Or would I just be better off going with a set of passive comps? Oh, and this is going in a little 2 door svt ford focus hatchback.
  25. ScreamBloodyGorguts

    Wanna go active on a budget

    Mids have to go in the doors, tweets however I can play around with and mount them wherever sounds best in my car to my ears.