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Everything posted by on1wheel06

  1. on1wheel06

    Help Me End My Search!

    I've briefly heard a pair of JL 10W6 in a ported enclosure, i liked there sound from what i heard, but i would like more output. My budget is ~$400 Sub will be going in my ext cab Silverado, and I'm willing to take/leave my back seat out. I listen to basically everything, from rap to country. About 70% rap/hip-hop and 30% everything else. My goals are to have a nice sounding setup, with a good amount of output. I'm not looking for amazing SQ, but I don't want a one note wonder either. I've been thinking about a DC LVL4, LVL4XL, SSA XCON, Fi BL; I've even thought about going with two lower power subs. I am leaning towards a single 15" sub or maybe even an 18". Whatever I choose will be ran off of my Sundown 1500D, Thanks for reading my essay!
  2. on1wheel06

    Help Me End My Search!

    still up in the air, it seems like i change my mind daily. now its more toward the xcon. who builds them? Fi?
  3. on1wheel06

    Z v.2 15" Production Unit

    when will these be available? would 2 old z15s be louder than than the v.2 on a single 1500d?
  4. on1wheel06

    Help Me End My Search!

    anyone hear two or more of these subs and can give me a comparison? can anyone tell me if there is a sound difference between a lvl4 or an XL? and how their sound quality is? anyone know where SSA subs are made/shipped from?
  5. on1wheel06

    Help Me End My Search!

  6. on1wheel06

    Help Me End My Search!

    i have a lot if i leave my backseat out. i have about 12 ft.^3. max
  7. on1wheel06

    Help Me End My Search!

    what size would be best for me? a 15 or 18? its been between a lvl 4 or xl and xcon for the longest time. i have been going back and forth for a few months now.
  8. on1wheel06

    Help Me End My Search!

    right now im leaning towards DC since they are the closest to me. hmm... two lvl 3 15s one lvl 4 15 or 18 one lvl 4xl 15 or 18 choices choices choices.
  9. on1wheel06

    Help Me End My Search!

    I doubt anybody has dealt with all them to tell you if they have unique sound, yeah all of them can handle 1500+watts but dont need it to perform and sound good. Everyone of those subs are good so its gonna come to down to budget, goals and compromise at the end of the day. how do you like your z15? would a single 15 or 18, or even 2 15s drown out a set of amped components?
  10. on1wheel06

    Help Me End My Search!

    do any of these subs have a different/unique sound to them? will all of them be able to handle 1500+ wrms
  11. on1wheel06

    I got my new xcon YAY! here is my short review.

    your gain must be too high if youre hearing your sub distort.
  12. on1wheel06

    Finally got my lvl 4 xl 15!

    how much power is on it?
  13. on1wheel06

    Had a car audio shop tell me JL amps were better than sundown

    you just have to find a shop thats not overly pushy. all of them will try to get you to buy their products, but a good one wont put down your product of choice they know nothing about.
  14. on1wheel06

    Just Some Questions

    I have an sundown 1500d and wanted to know what sub(LVL 4, LVL 4/5 coils, and LVL 4XL) fits that amp the best? I may upgrade to more power in a couple years if i feel the need. Also what are the sound/musical differences and quality? This will be a daily/groundpounder. i thinking about getting a used LVL4/5coil 15" for $200 locally. I'm thinking about going with a 15". and if Rusty can send me a price for each shipped to 94579. Thanks.
  15. on1wheel06

    Just Some Questions

    would you recommend a "stock" lvl 4 or one with lvl 5 coils? do i order the sub from you or do i call rusty? let me know when i can take a listen to the jeep. ill have to jump on that oscope soon too!
  16. on1wheel06

    Just Some Questions

    im in san leandro... its near oakland, hayward etc. basically sf bay. would the XL sound any different than the lvl 4? do you or know anyone with an o-scope to make sure i get the most out of my amps without clipping? thanks!
  17. on1wheel06

    Just Some Questions

    any input on how these sound? my choices are between a lvl4xl or an xcon anyone in the bay area with dc sub(s) that i can listen to?
  18. on1wheel06

    DC Sound Lab Jeep

    another unique and excellent enclosure from Drew!
  19. on1wheel06

    Demo of the xcons.

    im curious to hear the OP's or anyone's comparison between the xcons and XLs... those are basically my two choices right now.
  20. Tomorrow i should have my my SAX 125.2 wired up to my Kenwood DNX-8120 and Hetrz HSK 165.4 components. I wanted to get a heads up about about all of the settings on the amp and where everything should be set. I dont have a DMM if that matters. Thanks for any help! Here's a picture for reference...
  21. on1wheel06

    Just Some Questions

    Holy shit balls nice truck.. i should change it, its just a photoshop i did. its at a 3/6 with helper bags. soon to be on 24s and lowered more.
  22. on1wheel06

    Sundown Z15 D2 and D4 Close-Out Special

    what is the mounting depth on these?
  23. my nav stopped working also. i sent it to kenwood and got it back in about a week. no charge.
  24. on1wheel06

    slam's build (pic heavy)

    looks good to me. any pics of the slammed silverado?
  25. on1wheel06


    whats the mounting depth?