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Everything posted by mbarber25

  1. mbarber25

    New Test Equipment

    nice find
  2. mbarber25

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Believe it or not I'm not a fan. It's like one of those girls with a real skinny waist but then huge badonkadonk and hips. Just looks goofy. I love that look on a female as long as it still looks proportional and not just sloppy. x2
  3. mbarber25

    Exclusive New SSA Video

    i didn't notice this thread til just now.. but damn am i excited
  4. mbarber25

    Welcome to the IHoP

  5. mbarber25

    thanks everyone!

    congrats but now lets see the vids and pics
  6. mbarber25

    Technical Center Finished! Click me!

    going to use the 15" xcon optimal ported design thanks
  7. mbarber25

    Welcome to the IHoP

    ^ haha my favorite one
  8. mbarber25

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i know most of you guys will looooooove this
  9. mbarber25

    new to site

  10. mbarber25

    New to this site

    welcome i think you'll like it here
  11. mbarber25

    Oh Yea!

    1,000 posts as corny and dumb as it is, i wanted to make a celebration topic lol. i'm orange now
  12. mbarber25

    Battery Ratings and Info

    great info.
  13. mbarber25

    Welcome to the IHoP

    some snow is actually coming my way but i see an early release from school tomorrow and a snow day on thursday ...i hope
  14. mbarber25

    Upgrading from BL 15" to BTL 15"

    are you set on yellowtops? there are a lot of better batteries out there. and Darvex.com sells the Stinger digital voltmeters
  15. mbarber25

    New Forum Default Skin :)

    a light grey and black version of this would be sexy as well
  16. mbarber25

    ever felt like this!!

  17. mbarber25

    From: Funny Youtube video

    *shakes head*
  18. mbarber25

    Welcome to the IHoP

    might start gutting the car tomorrow of all audio equipment
  19. mbarber25

    Funny Youtube video

  20. mbarber25

    Welcome to the IHoP

    you guys might like this guy.
  21. mbarber25

    Welcome to the IHoP

    The Superbowl Just Reinforces How Much The Media Hates The Patriots http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDkhZl0wDEA&feature=player_embedded Now I know what people are going to say. Why does everything have to be about the Patriots? Well the answer is twofold. First we’re a Boston blog and second everything is about the Patriots. Now I know our critics like to say that we always defend Belichick and the Pats no matter what. That we’re the ultimate homers and blind to reality. Well the facts of the matter are that the Patriots are the most vilified, persecuted and hated team in American Sports. People take more cheap shots at Bill Belichick probably than any other figure in the history of this country and last night just proved it once again. I mean I can’t be the only one who heard the media endlessly gushing about Sean Payton’s “bold” playcallling right? Announcer after announcer said the same thing. He had to go for it on 4th down. He had to do the onside kick. He had to make bold decisions to beat Peyton Manning, blah, blah, blah. These are the same exact so called experts who were belittling Belichcik for going for it on 4th down against Indy earlier in the year. Who cares if Belichick had the same exact reasons that Sean Payton did yesterday for doing what he did. Who cares is Sean Payton openly says he bases his entire coaching philosophy on Belichick’s teachings? That doesn’t matter. Belichick’s went for it on 4th down vs. Indy because of his ego and hubris. Peyton went for it on 4th down and went for the onside kick because he’s brave and bold. Seriously it’s like a bizarro world. Both coaches wanted to do everything in their power not to let Peyton Manning beat them. Yet one guy was made out to be an asshole and one guy was made out to be the King of France. Example #2. Did people notice Peyton Manning and Reggie Wayne walking off the field without shaking hands in an eerily similar move to what Belichick did vs. the Giants? Just in case you forgot what the media said about Belichick after that incident; Yahoo – On more than one occasion this year, Bill Belichick and the Patriots have run up the score on an overmatched opponent, and forced an opposing coach to sit there and watch his beaten team go through the motions while their heineys were being handed to them. But when the shoe’s on the other foot, and Bill Belichick’s team has been beaten, he can’t sit there and take the pain for a few seconds. With :01 left on the clock, and his team just having failed on a last chance 4th down effort, Bill Belichick ran onto the field for a quick handshake, and then bolted for the locker room. Belichick’s an important guy and everything, but I wasn’t aware that the league had given him the authority to decide when games end. There’s time left on the clock, his team’s been humbled, outplayed, and lost their chance at history … and Bill Belichick doesn’t have the stomach to sit there and absorb the pain until the clock read 0:00. That’s unsportsmanlike at best, disrespectful at least, and at worst, it makes him a big sissy. You don’t leave early because it makes you feel sad inside. Your opponent deserves more respect than that. Now here is the only article I can find on Peyton Manning doing the same exact thing…. Fannation - While the Saints celebrated their Super Bowl, Colts quarterback Peyton Manning walked off the field before shaking hands. He explained he was trying to be deferential, not unsportsmanlike and vowed he will reach out to the Saints. Manning handled himself like a pro after the handshake incident (if you even want to call that an incident). He ran into Darren Sharper on the way out of his postgame press conference and congratulated him profusely, shaking his hand and giving a little half hug. Interesting. So Belichcik is an unsportsmanlike, disrespectful sissy while Manning was just being deferential and not unsportsmanlike. Hmm…okay. Basically this is all the long winded way of saying what we already knew. The media hates the Patriots. Everything we do is going to be spun to look evil, ruthless and calculating. That includes spygate, running up the score, cutting players etc. No matter what Belichick does people are always going to try and make him out to be the devil. There is nobody else in sports quite like him. And that’s why we need guys like Jerry Thornton in this world. People who can cut throw the garbage and keep people sane in an insane world. -from boston.barstoolsports.com