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Everything posted by mbarber25

  1. mbarber25

    new box build by (iamamp3pimp and me)

    box looks really good. nice work guys. vids?
  2. mbarber25

    Team Nemesis/Team Sundown Tahoe !!!

    and video =
  3. mbarber25

    VLX4DE and Modded XXX15

  4. mbarber25

    How to pronounce company name

    lol, i've been saying it wrong the whole time.
  5. mbarber25

    Welcome to the IHoP

    grats tanks
  6. mbarber25

    Welcome to the IHoP

    got accepted to the University of Tampa today
  7. mbarber25

    What do you guys think I would be happier with!!!!~~~~

    2 12" Icons on SAZ-1500D
  8. this is awesome. the update surprised me last night when i was checking a topic on my iphone.. and you don't even know how happy i was when i saw it. thanks guys!
  9. mbarber25

    New from MS

  10. mbarber25

    New from Utah! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    get ready to learn, and find great products.
  11. mbarber25

    Welcome to the IHoP

    "Until you man up, shut the fuck up." lmao
  12. mbarber25

    Welcome to the IHoP

    this guy is the man.
  13. mbarber25

    F150 Lightning build up.

    great fab work and clean build.
  14. mbarber25

    08 Dodge Ram 2500 Mega Diesel (Full Custom)

    very very nice build.
  15. mbarber25

    2010 SSA ICON 15" Prototype

    i like how it's the same look as the xcon
  16. mbarber25

    Welcome to the IHoP

    here's the old guy from that AC Transit fight video in an interview. guys a little gout there, lol.
  17. mbarber25

    Argent Audio Goes Shopping :)

    nice equipment.
  18. mbarber25

    Mac N Cheese's build log

  19. mbarber25

    Exclusive New SSA Video

    it looks AMAZING. good shit guys.
  20. mbarber25

    new from tx

  21. mbarber25

    J-Roadtatts Honda Accord Build

    lovin' the battery rack.