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Everything posted by mbarber25

  1. mbarber25

    Some SPL 15 flexing

    that's intense
  2. mbarber25


    haha i'm 17. and i act more mature with my stereo than some of the stories on this thread lol
  3. mbarber25

    this ever happen to you

    haha i can think of two times. one more recently when the car pulled over and then came right back out as soon as i passed. and i wasn't riding their ass either but who knows why people do the things they do lol
  4. mbarber25

    Waterford CT, 9/27...tomorrow

    alright so what's up? I hope bossman is up haha. but any talk of cancelation due to weather? also, would i be alright if I was to show up a little late?
  5. mbarber25

    Waterford CT, 9/27...tomorrow

    wow ofcourse when the co-owner of ssa goes to an NESPL event i can't go haha he's kind of like a celebrity for us i guess you could say.
  6. mbarber25

    More guidance for the newbie ;)

    if you're going to run that amp at 1ohm then you'll need to order your subs at d1
  7. yea he said it was worse than Springfield. and he's been around and he actually lives in reality so I believe it. but can't live your life around other people so I'll go either way.
  8. yea a matter of fact I did ask my father to go to the chicopee event since he told me it was so bad there. I didn't see how since it's in boonies but I guess it's pretty "hard" out there now. who knows but hopefully I can figure something out. haha trust me I'll get to atleast one more as for gaining db i've had a good go at it. first run ever - 133.? last run to date - 142.6 ofcourse I added power between the two events but I made a 3db gain at one event and 1db gain at the second in between the two runs. thanks to all the guys there ofcourse but I'm learning a lot so hopefully I can gain atleast another db before this season is over
  9. The Epping show this past weekend got over before 10pm. Might be a little after 10 the next time if the car show portion gets bigger. The CT show should be over by 5pm, so you'll have plenty of time to get home from that one if time is an issue. yeah most likely, the show last year ended around the time t was suppossed toi cant wait for this show jammin 107.7 always puts on a good show, only a few more days were all coming in together for this show 7 cars i believe maybe 9, yo mbarber you should deff come i wanna check out that system sounds awesome have you added any new things to it believe me I'm trying. but I didn't add anything new. just a couple small adjustments such as fixing some of the gains. i think it hits harder now and I also have couple ideas I want to try out for getting louder specifically for the mic
  10. i have a 15" BTL off around 2000 watts and for the doors i only have Alpine Type-S Components 6.5s that i picked up at best buy a while back each pair cost me about $110 equaling around $220 all together. and i have o say i'm astounded at the sound quality they "keep up" just fine for me and the doors have no deadening either just throwing that out there. i'm sure there's a best buy near you and hen you can even preview them for yourself and get a warranty.
  11. haha ofcourse.. gotta love the new england audio shops. good to have ofcourse don't get me wrong. but I wish they made the money to branch out more and get with the new ways. anyways.. the epping show is looking like a possibilty. it's a shorter drive if not the same and even though it's at night it's on a Saturday which isn't a school night.. but we will see. what time do u see that show ending?
  12. yea I'm shooting for Chicopee but I mentione it already and it didn't blow over to well.. idk why. but off topic. do u have an oscilloscope or know anybody that goes to your shows that has one?
  13. really was hoping to go to this event. but the rents don't think I should be able to drive to CT. bullllllcrap.. I drove through Boston and all that other b/s through the tunnels and all... maybe I can change their minds. haha doubt it 17 isn't always what it's cracked up to be lol. and I think I got a tad louder too but need the proof. hope you have a good turnout though. GL to all as well
  14. Ok so today i was resetting the gain on my Sundown Audio SAZ-2000D. I was using a 50hz tone using a dmm. I realized that once the gain was turned up to a certain point it started to make a weird humming sound. I could hear it from inside of the amp on the side closest to where the settings are. Any ideas of what it may be? The 50hz tone I have repeats in 10 second intervals. I can only hear this humming sound from the amp during the 10 seconds. And yes I'm not hearing the noise coming from the speakers inside. Why does the amp only make this sound when the gain reaches a certain point?
  15. mbarber25

    Noob Again

    haha gotta pay for all the equipment some how jk lol
  16. mbarber25

    electrical upgrade questions

    one of the best diagrams, makes it really easy to understand http://www.oznium.com/relay200/tech and my relay is wired to a 12v accessory wire under my dash
  17. oh nice that's making me want to go even more now due to the fact that I probably wouldn't win 1st in A2 until u were out of it so I'm gunna try to make that one. I hope it works out. I want atleast one more comp. under my belt before the offseason.
  18. I won mine, he gave them away to the 1st place winners at the New Look show in Boston. But I think he sells them too, think I remember reading a post some where with him saying he was going to make up some more or a new design or something like that, contact SPL blazer. alright thanks. are you going to the last Mass. show in Chicopee?
  19. mbarber25

    Sub combination for Sundown SAZ-2000D

    haha orrrrr keep it and make the first walled off saturn (if it would be) lol but nah jk. but hmm since you say spl isn't a biggie... i guess the one 15 would be easier.. easier to make box (only one hole), easier to design the box, easier to identify and solve problems, and easier to wire up etc etc idk the prices but i'm guessing the one 15 would be cheaper all in all including shipping (weight)? and now that i think of weight.. the one 15 could weigh less than two twelves.. but it could be different with the woofers you decide to choose Just giving you somethings to think about.
  20. mbarber25

    Sub combination for Sundown SAZ-2000D

    are you going to compete at all? if so i'd go with the two 12's if not i'd go with the one 15 you'll have to make a big box either way.. i just see the two 12's equalling 24"s of cone versus the lesser 15"s of cone.
  21. hey you know what i was wondering.. how can i get my hands on one of those "I'm Louder Than You" tshirts? they are NESPL shirts right i forget what's on the front
  22. haha yes I'm very happy with the trip and with the extra $10 that I spent. but definately felt a little bad for the dude I edged out but hey it is a competition right but glad to see he still got a trophy. don't know when my next event will be :/ maybe not til next season
  23. no man. thank you! haha another good show and good luck with the term lab/laptop issue.. i don't blame you for wanting to smash it