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Everything posted by mbarber25

  1. mbarber25

    Rear View Mirror

    im just gunna say screw it and keep bumpin until this one breaks too. i only got a new one so i could get an inspection sticker anyways, so whatever lol but this time around i'm not going to screw it on so tight like before. so there won't be so much stress
  2. mbarber25

    Does Kicker make good amps?

    for mainstream amps theyre pretty impressive don't think you'll regret your choice
  3. mbarber25

    Rear View Mirror

    yea, windshield
  4. mbarber25

    Rear View Mirror

    lol.. alright dude
  5. mbarber25

    Rear View Mirror

    where would i find one? This one is aluminum: http://www.autoanything.com/mirrors/65A2981A0A0.aspx besides the actual mirror. that looks like same as the arm on mine. by the look of it atleast. i didn't really specify but when i checked out the arm when i broke it. but the material did actually it look like a metal. it was light gray/silver. reminded me of aluminum.
  6. mbarber25

    Rear View Mirror

    where would i find one?
  7. mbarber25

    What happened to *** sub?

    yea what is msrp?
  8. mbarber25

    SAZ-4500Ds Here !

    most likely my next amp purchase
  9. mbarber25

    Running Active with a 100.4

    thats weird.. i cant even see jay-cee's response...
  10. mbarber25


    very nice news glad it all worked out lol
  11. mbarber25

    SAE-100.4 Factory Pictures

    I guess you missed it! lol! "There is NO ETA YET... price is also pending." last line of the first post by Jacob! i retract my previous questions! lmao don't mind me nice save..
  12. mbarber25

    SAE-100.4 Factory Pictures

    idk if i missed it.. but whats the price tag on this?
  13. mbarber25

    Back to Fi products and VERY pleased

    Fi subs FTW
  14. mbarber25

    pick up some old school audio art cheap!

    sweet. seems like a deal but do what jay-cee said then you'll know
  15. mbarber25

    Mid-day slowdown

    i'm on ssa most of the day as well at school (i'm a senior in high school) haha but it does have to do with the questions you ask. but its gotta be mixed with luck as well. all about the right people seeing it at the right time.
  16. mbarber25

    Sundown Z15 wall build

    very clean more pics and vids!
  17. awesome. sounds like a good year up ahead
  18. nice. i can't wait. should hopefully have the new vehicle by then but i have no clue about any new equipment should be an exciting year. i'm hoping to see a lot of new faces. what do you think?
  19. alrighty so when is the official first event? i'm already anxious
  20. mbarber25

    Hell has frozen over?

    haha i know what u mean but if i walked outside right now and it was 70 degrees or something crazy i'd be astonished too
  21. going to head there now and make an account you'll be seeing me probably every event so i need to check it out
  22. mbarber25

    Hell has frozen over?

    haha crazy world. it's about 27 degrees where i'm at. save some in the freezer lol
  23. mbarber25

    Chevy Cavalier, Kerfed Port Build, 12" BTL

    that box looks nasty nice work
  24. mbarber25

    Chevy Avalanche build log

    i like it a lot looks really clean keep it up man
  25. mbarber25

    4 ssd18's

    it all depends on your electical. if its good enough for the 1500's then you should be seeing about 2000 from each. therefore with the ssd's they'll all be gettin 1000 each. their rms. what the electrical look like?