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Everything posted by mbarber25

  1. mbarber25

    MBarber25's Build Log

    haha, thanks guys. no but i've been studying up a lot on it.. i think i'll get it done.
  2. mbarber25

    fi ssd shaking garage

  3. mbarber25

    Twistedchild420's 28hz Wall Re-Build

    tuned in.
  4. mbarber25

    MBarber25's Build Log

    i hope you never have to either.... i dont even know why i put a smiley in that post.... it was quite the depressing activity.
  5. mbarber25

    MBarber25's Build Log

    here's the problem. 1st layer 2nd 3rd.. can't really see but there are holes 4th
  6. mbarber25

    MBarber25's Build Log

    nevermind.. started today.
  7. mbarber25

    Prepping car for a long trip

    & update the ipod
  8. mbarber25

    MBarber25's Build Log

    i'm going to rip apart the BTL either tomorrow or saturday to get it all ready for when the recone comes in.. so more pictures to come then.
  9. mbarber25

    MBarber25's Build Log

    took some pictures the other evening after i cleaned her up..
  10. mbarber25

    Heres what ive been busy on

    awesome progess, keep it up.
  11. mbarber25

    MBarber25's Build Log

    Thanks Duran. ..ordering the recone tonight.
  12. bass withdrawls......

  13. bass withdrawls......

  14. bass withdrawls......

  15. mbarber25

    MBarber25's Build Log

  16. mbarber25

    MBarber25's Build Log

    can somebody tell me what probably happened?
  17. mbarber25

    MBarber25's Build Log

    what???? mhm i just turned up the vol. knob for like 10 seconds and it kinda cut out came back in and then went out for good. there was a burning smell but not the coil smell so it musta been glue... i took it out and free aired it and it wouldn't play unless i pushed down on the cone.. and even then it barely stayed on... so what do you think happened?
  18. mbarber25

    MBarber25's Build Log

    box project is on hold for a good time. my BTL fuckin blew today....
  19. mbarber25

    MBarber25's Build Log

    3/4" i did, that picture was before i glued.
  20. mbarber25

    Tuning Frequency

    Can anybody tell me how much of the port length I need to get rid of in order for this box to be tuned to 32hz? Sound Solutions Audio - 15" XCON Optimal Ported Enclosure Please and thanks!
  21. mbarber25

    MBarber25's Build Log

    first cut couple more.. the baffle pieces.. which are glued and setting overnight
  22. mbarber25

    MBarber25's Build Log

    started to build a new box today.. about the same size (4.0^3) but the tuning is lower and will be around 32 hz. also it's made out of 3/4" MDF unlike my current one that is 1".. but the new one has a double baffle unlike the other. i made pretty good progess but once the sun went down i kept making stupid little mistakes so i'm done until tmm. hoping to have it done by late tmm afternoon but we will see.
  23. mbarber25

    Tuning Frequency

    nice okay, thanks.
  24. mbarber25

    Tuning Frequency

    Sure you can, two sheets of .5" laminated together will work! .... lol how bad of an idea would it be to just go with the 3/4"?
  25. mbarber25

    Tuning Frequency

    cannot find 1" MDF...