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Everything posted by altoncustomtech

  1. altoncustomtech

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    The only problem is I'm not an IAK member....
  2. altoncustomtech

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    Damn that's a long time to have no bass...... though I've had the Jimmy since July and all it has in it so far is the HU and PG RSD's... So like you I'm jones'n for some bass in my ride as well....
  3. altoncustomtech

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    27 would be a good age to start having them..... I'm 30 with my 4..... started early but at least i'll be able to keep up with them until they're grown and gone.... And I think your "we need an IHOP" topic has turned into your IHOP topic..... lol
  4. altoncustomtech

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    its my fault.... should've pre ordered earlier.... lol that's what I get for not being able to make up my mind...
  5. altoncustomtech

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    Yeah.... my hat off to you...... I thought 4 were a challenge...
  6. altoncustomtech

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    Christ, 4 girls.... i have one (11) who drives me nuts..... though by herself she's probably not as bad as the three boys individually who are 9, 6 and 5..... but still..... that's WWWAAYYYY too much estrogen under one roof...
  7. altoncustomtech

    3 Sa-8s Vs 1 15 btl

    There's nothing wrong with running unusual impedances if you're doing it for a specific purpose. For example, I'll be running 3 SA-8's on my SAZ-1500. I ordered D2, voice coils in series, subs in parallel will give the amp a 1.333 ohm load. Now, those subs are rated 400wrms, the amp at 1 ohm delivers a RATED 1500wrms. That .3 won't give a noticable drop in power to the 8's and each will recieve right around 500wrms. Also, with the amps reputable ability to produce more than rated power it will be MORE than enough power to get the 8's going quite well. OP, if you would like to go with the three 8's then go for it. They'll be happy in about 3cuft net space and they'll give a MUCH better wow factor than the 15". Just my .02
  8. altoncustomtech

    Fi BL12

    what about width?
  9. altoncustomtech

    Fi BL12

    There's an absolute TON of information on enclosure design and building practices on the interwebz, search is your friend on that one. Problem is no one can help you design a box without first knowing some very important information. We need the maximum dimensions you have available for the enclosure, an idea as to how you'd like to have the sub and port located on the enclosure (i.e. sub up/port back, sub up/port up, sub forwad/port up, etc.). A little bit of info like that will go a long way in helping you to design and get the PROPER enclosure for that sub built.
  10. altoncustomtech

    Sundown SA-8 Pre-Sale

  11. altoncustomtech

    Chat room

    I watch for people to be in there all the time, then when I go in and try to start a chat, I NEVER get an answer. I'd love to chat live with someone sometime.
  12. altoncustomtech

    Sundown SA-8 Pre-Sale

    Try this again, little more detail this time.
  13. altoncustomtech

    Subwoofer problems

    ^^^ this in both the working and non-working states. It will tell you what's up.
  14. altoncustomtech

    Sundown SA-8 Pre-Sale

    Well, since I'll be waiting awhile figured I'd post the design idea for the rear of the Jimmy. It's VERY basic though as I'm not very good with the 3D modeling, but it should give an idea of the layout. I'm not looking forward to the work involved however, too many angles for the tools I have but I'll make the best of it. Here goes nothin': The amps are the boxes on the right, only way I could figure out how to get them both on the same side was to mount them on an 11º angle slightly overlapped to make it fit in the short span that makes up the rear of the truck. There's not enough width to put one on each side and not ideal for a false floor since I haul everything from my dogs, to firewood, to whatever in the back of the truck. I'll be using Neutrik Speak-on connectors to make the box removable for hauling such items as well.
  15. altoncustomtech

    lil man

    That's great man, it's always a blast to watch the kids learn and grow. I just hope he doesn't do to you what my first boy did. Starting crawling at about 5 months like yours, then at 6.5~7 months he was up and running!!! Absolutely impossible to keep up with, lol.
  16. altoncustomtech

    A little build

    This is another reason I wish I had a GOOD table saw. That will be one GREAT looking flared port when its done, and the air flow will be so nice and smooth through that curve.
  17. altoncustomtech

    Sundown SA-8 Pre-Sale

    Can't wait to see it finished. I also hope mine go out soon so I can join in the fun!
  18. altoncustomtech

    Sundown SA-8 Pre-Sale

    So, how do they sound? How loud do they get? DETAILS man DETAILS!!! lol, c'mon dude, spill the beans. and BTW HOLY CRAP that's a lot of port area... How much port area did you give them? Glad you got yours man, can't wait to hear some feedback on them from you guys who ordered early.
  19. altoncustomtech

    Sundown SA-8 Pre-Sale

    I'm glad you got yours fan, can't wait to see the end results! I ordered mine in February, knowing my luck it will be two weeks before they ship out, which would probably actually be helpful since I have so much to get done already. I'm just waiting for the day of glory.
  20. Finally, someone who noticed the same thing I did when it comes to the sound of the Hifonics amps. The sound is just not clean, muddy and slightly distorted, and not just at high volume levels. I would recommend going ahead and spending the extra $$$ on the Sundown. Being that Maxxsonics makes both, and with my experience thus far with Maxxsonics built amps I have to recommend the Sundown, Audiopipe, or something other than the Maxxsonics built products.
  21. altoncustomtech

    Is it just me?

    Is it just me or has the website been running REALLY slowly lately? I'm on here and CA.com at the same time most days and suddenly about a week ago I've had a hard time with this site loading completely and being EXTREMELY slow... the little green box in the top center of the page that says "Loading..." never goes away anymore either.... I've been through everything in explorer and its just as slow in FireFox and on my other two computers.... just wondering if it's my going crazy or if anyone else has had problems....
  22. altoncustomtech

    need help got a debate going on with alton

    No. No. I think you understand the difference, you're just using confusing and unnecessary phrasing to attempt to describe them. From what I can gather, we're saying; Gross - displacement = Net You're trying to say; Net + displacement = Gross Looks like the same thing to me..... paychecks for example.... your net pay is your gross minus the taxes and other deductions...... your gross pay is simply your pay before those deductions or if you know exactly what the deductions are, with them added back to your net pay..... each one is still the same thing
  23. altoncustomtech

    need help got a debate going on with alton

    Man, I though I got away from this immature bull when I graduated from high school. Dude, you're gonna do whatever you wanna do, I have no control over it or any care to. I didn't call any single person on this forum any name including noob throughout our entire pm conversation. Post the entire thing up here for everyone to see, go ahead. I've been nothing but civil with you throughout the entire thing and I will continue to be no matter what you say or do.
  24. altoncustomtech

    need help got a debate going on with alton

    yes.... net..... AFTER deductions OR before displacments....... gross meaning the full amount........ BEFORE deductions OR after displacments added when talking about an enclosure
  25. Why not put the amp in the trunk since the subs are in/taken place of, the back seat?