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Everything posted by basshead601

  1. well like i said im not the best at setting em up, im still in the learning stage. just hope i can get it right with my xcon setup and if i can get good enough at it i want to get one more xcon and another sundown 1500 if i can ever hear back from one of the builders about a box
  2. just going by my systems back in the day( yeah im old lol) i started out with 2 kicker 15's and a majestic 400w then went to a 500w and it was a good bit louder, then moved up again to the majestic 800w and it was a good bit louder over the 500. then i got away from majestic and went to us amps and had a us 150 at first and moved up to a us 200, same 15's and box, same car and it was considerably louder. i have the jl hooked up im my truck and have a sundown 1500 in the closet. if i was the best at setting up amps n stuff i would do a comparison to help the debate lol. speaking of which will the sundown accept 2 gauge wire or only 0?
  3. hey what size would you recommend for 2 xcon 15s and 2 sundown 1500s going in the back of a 2005 dodge quad cab truck. my MAX measurement on width is 57" and on depth is 24". height is flexible but i dont want it blocking the window lol
  4. basshead601

    dodge quad cab sub box/ 2 xcon 15's

    Florence, MS 39073
  5. basshead601

    dodge quad cab sub box/ 2 xcon 15's

    can ya build me one within those measurements?
  6. hey all, im in the process of trying to possibly put a xcon 12"/sundown 1500 setup in my car. its a 95 camaro. well my charging system is shot i need a battery and alternator ANYWAY. can someone steer me in the right direction as to what battery and alternator i would need to power the stereo and car. ive heard a lot of bad things about the optima batteries so are there any other options?
  7. basshead601

    camaro charging system

    what exactly does the xs power vcm controller do?
  8. basshead601

    camaro charging system

    well i have had charging problems in the car for years and it gets old having to rev up at stop lights when you got the lights and windshield wipers on lol so i wanna do a full upgrade. i figured since i have to buy an alternator anyway i might as well get the HO. now that im deciding to put the stereo in it imma need it anyway. battery i want something that will do good all around, stereo as well as powering the car. idle voltage isnt the best as it is cause of the cam n stuff but i know it can be better.
  9. basshead601

    From Icon to Xcon

    i can agree about the icon. i went from kicker comp vr 15s powered by a us amp to a fosgate T1 powered by a jl 1000/v2 in a ported box to an icon on the same amp and in the same box and it was a trememdous difference. the box was tuned a lil high for the icon tho but it would still get really low and played really clear. now i have an xcon on order and have a 4cu 33hz box waiting for it and trying to decide if i wanna leave the jl in my truck or put the sundown in it
  10. basshead601

    camaro charging system

    aww come on somebody help me out please lol
  11. basshead601

    camaro 12" sub box

    ok thanks, email sent
  12. basshead601

    camaro 12" sub box

    got a 95 camaro and would like to put a xcon 12 in it. can ya make it happen i would like to go ported but if thats not possible just lemme know. i know its probably kinda hard to do without having a car to go by since the trunk is jacked up. just let me know what ya can do for me buddy. thanks in advance
  13. I just figured it would be a good deal of difference goin from the jl 1000 to the Sundown 1500 but I have been wrong before.500 watts just seemed like it would be a big enuff difference to hear
  14. well the aux has a volume too ranging from -8 to +18db which i usually play it around +13
  15. i was reading the tutorial and i see where i did a few things wrong, mainly setting the gain where i usually listen to my music n stuff. what i wanna ask is as far as using the test tone to set it i NEVER play cd's in my radio i always use my mp3 player via aux port. it plays WAY louder then my cd's do so should i set it that way or only do it by cd? next as far as setting up the bass boost before setting the gain i see it says use the center of 45hz( thats the center on my amp) do i use a 45 hz test tone too or still use the 50? also WTF do i set "Q" at?
  16. i actually like my jl it plays clean and i like the fact that you get the max and whatever ohm load and at a broad range of voltage. only bad thing for me is it is kinda hard to set up. i was just wandering if it would be a big difference in the extra 500 watts but that got answered earlier. as far as the voltage it might not be a problem anyway since i have a diesel with 2 batteries. my voltage barely moves n when it does its right back to 14. if i was just now buying an amp or knew about sundown before hand ya can get the sundown 3500 for the price of the jl
  17. what are you trying to gain? you wont notice an audible difference between the two amps, even if it is another 500 watts. your ears shouldnt be able to tell much, if any, difference. Well I guess what I was looking for lol, thanks
  18. I was wanting to post something similar today cause I wanna know if the sundowns are that much better? I have a jl 1000/v2 and wondered if it would be worth goin thru selling it to get the sundown 1500
  19. basshead601

    quick sub ohm question

    bout to order a xcon n need to know something real quick...D1 can be wired for 2 ohms right?
  20. basshead601

    quick sub ohm question

    ok thanks ,,,got it on order n gonna get everything tuned right hopefully this time so i cant wait
  21. basshead601

    Sub Comparison pics

    fosgate t1, ssa icon
  22. basshead601

    setup wrong or upgrade to xcon?

    I guess Imma try the xcon but I still wanna get everything set up right. I would love to go with 2 xcons and a sundown 3500 but I don't seem to know enuff about setting up amps n stuff just for the record i read the gain setting tutorials on this site and the one on jl audio's site and went by pretty strict guidlines. the gain was set up right far as i know but the other stuff was off i guess. as far as my listening volume i played it pretty loud but thought i was in a safe range since i never even turned the radio as high as i did for setting the gain( volume goes from 0-50 when i played it loud it was ALWAYS on 28)
  23. hello, i have a 15" icon powered by a jl 1000 amp. its in a pro box ported enclosure. i set the amp up according to the jl tech's instructions and when i really crank on it sometimes the speaker gives off a burning smell. it did it twice so i dont crank it that hard anymore. i purchased my sub during the free sub box deal was going on and got it with a 4 cu 33hz box and when i would turn the sub volume all the way on the head unit is when i first smelled the burning so i took it back out of that box and put it back in the pro box. my question is am i clipping the sub or do i need to step up to the xcon. i have my settings on the amp at the recommended settings and only have 4db of bass boost. please let me know what i should do
  24. basshead601

    setup wrong or upgrade to xcon?

    No the sub volume for the preouts were all the way up. The radio was 3/4 full volume when I set my gain.
  25. basshead601

    setup wrong or upgrade to xcon?

    more like coil