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Everything posted by carguy83

  1. carguy83

    I almost forgot about posting pics

    that looks quiet....*hides* jk, looks good!
  2. I was cleaning out my room, and found some literature that came with my DLS components. I didn't notice this bit of info when I was doing the install. But DLS recommends a chamfered baffle for the midbass. I simply made 1/2" birch rings with no chamfer. My question is, will I notice a big difference in midbass response by going the chamfered route? The rings are fairly thin being only 1/2", I don't think the backwaves are really hitting it. But I want to get some second opinions before I take my doors apart to redo the rings. http://www.dls.se/files/701/2/baffle_installation.pdf Pics of my baffles: passenger side driver side
  3. carguy83

    Chamfered Midbass Baffles

    ok cool, that's what i figured. thanks for the input. the midbass response is pretty good as is. i didn't really want to redo the rings if i didn't need to.
  4. Took advantage of some free time and the nice weather to get started on my box for the DLS sub. let's get some wood cut eh? pieces all cut out and ready for assembly one more piece to go! ready to start marking and cutting out the hole for the flared port opening. the port on the inside. excuse the huge glare from the sun :\ covering the mounting area so the spray won't get on it. a peek inside through the port opening. lots of clearance between the motor and port tune. done! it's 1.62 cubic feet ported and tuned to 35Hz. i haven't installed it into the car yet...ran out of daylight and the mosquitos are out in full force. i'll get it into the car as soon as i can and then snap some more pics.
  5. carguy83

    Houston people please read this!!!!

    thanks chris for the referral i'd build you one, but finals are coming up. check out stereofx on 45 north near west rd. and tell them gordon sent ya.
  6. carguy83

    Box build for my DLS Nobelium 12 (large pics)

    a little bit, the stuff is fairly thick when it sprays out. and thanks chris
  7. carguy83

    Box build for my DLS Nobelium 12 (large pics)

    yep, it's black fleckstone.
  8. carguy83

    Box build for my DLS Nobelium 12 (large pics)

    thanks guys! i used this stone textured spray paint. you can get them at home depot. it comes in various colors/textures.
  9. carguy83

    Single Orphan 8" Ported Box build.

    beefy looking 8. it reminds me of the SS RLi 8's. great looking box!
  10. carguy83

    97 Maxima Build Log

    make SURE those T nuts are secured/glued into that box. i had several instances where i was unmounting a sub, and the damn nut broke free from the baffle. the bolts that was holding the sub onto the box just kept spinning freely. i ended up breaking the box to get the sub out. it's no fun...
  11. carguy83

    97 Maxima Build Log

    looks pretty cramped in there. what's the net airspace after port and sub displacement?
  12. carguy83

    97 Maxima Build Log

    looks good man! glad to see another maxima getting worked on.
  13. carguy83

    My new sub! *pics*

    yep, definately looking forward on putting her in. the sub looks gorgeous. but work and school owns me though, so i don't know when exactly i can get the new box fab'ed up. soon i hope...
  14. carguy83

    My new sub! *pics*

    Finally got my sub from the UPS guy. I can't wait til I fab up a box for this baby. Anyhow...onto some pics! i'm loving the look of that motor! multiple vents for cooling. more cooling all around the top plate... next to my RL-p 15 More pics will follow as I construct the box sometime this weekend.
  15. carguy83

    My new sub! *pics*

    wow, that's a big sealed box for a 12. i have plans drawn for my enclosure...going the ported route. yeah i too have a dls 3-way front stage. this dls sub should compliment them very well.
  16. carguy83

    My new sub! *pics*

    cool, that's very nice to hear. were they sealed up or ported in that demo car? and chris...i'll get to it soon!
  17. carguy83

    My new sub! *pics*

    I bought it used from a member off of this maxima forum I'm on.
  18. carguy83

    DLS Nobelium 12

    I was wondering for those of you who own this particular sub, what kind of enclosure do you have it installed in? I'm considering porting it. DLS recommends sort of a high tuning. I'm thinking tuning it to the low 30s. I don't want to have any peaks in the response, so I want it to tune a bit lower than what DLS recommends (or should I just stick with their suggestion?)
  19. I had some kick panels made for my car a few months ago to house my 8" midbass. I had some issues fitting them into the door so I went this route. Even with only a 3/4" spacer, the door panel would not fit back on. Anyhow, the kicks look great, but I think are a bit too small, causing a peak in certain frequency bands. This problem is most noticable with male vocals. I tried filling the kick panels with polyfill...it helped a bit...but did not totally fix the problem. Other than that the system sounds awesome. Staging is fairly high and centered in the driver seat. So I'm opted to try once again to put the midbass back into the doors, and the 3" dome midranges back into the kick panel area that was original plan. Anyone have any inputs on what I can do to the kick panels to essentially free air them while maintaining proper front and rear wave seperation?
  20. carguy83

    Kick panels made too small

    1/2" birch rings time to cut! my new favorite toy getting there... done! will do driver side soon...driving with only rear fill sucks.
  21. carguy83

    Kick panels made too small

    I ended up taking out the custom kicks. got me replacement kicks from the dealer.
  22. carguy83

    Kick panels made too small

    I'll try that thanks. The way the kicks are actually open in the back. So when the drivers are removed, you'll see the carpet. But the fitment is very snug. I can try to loosen the metal strap holding it down to let it breathe a little better. Hehe I don't frequent this forum much, but my spider senses tells me you're quite knowledgable in this area, so your thoughts are very much appreciated. Do you have a similar setup in your vehicle where you vented the kicks through the floorboard?
  23. carguy83

    Kick panels made too small

    It's just the carpet, etc behind it. There's no opening behind the kicks. Will a "vent" on the top help it much...if any?
  24. carguy83

    Box build for my 12" Fi Q

    Almost forgot to post the build over here lol. Started the build on sunday. Anyhow, on to the pics. The design: started construction on the box. it's going to be a little smaller than initially planned at 2.1 cu ft. it's really my first enclosure with kerf'ed panels. i reallllllly need to get some big clamps. that would have made things MUCH easier. yes i'm using screws just to mess with Don :gapteeth: no clamps, so i had to ghetto rig it somehow. it works. a tiny crack started to form. i put some glue on it. seems to help it from spreading. starting to kerf the other port piece... waiting to get bent into shape. a few days went by. sub came. got myself a clamp and more glue.... worked on the box a bit more today while there was still some light out. pick up a clamp at home depot. works rather nice. in the process of filling in the gaps with a paste of wood glue and MDF dust. And here's the sub. Looks pretty nice. Only complaint is the CA glue was running over the edge of the spider landing, but it's no biggie. flat leads that goes under the spider. the ass shot. midterms are kicking my ass, so i don't know when i'll have it done. but plans are to put black carpet around the top, sides, and back of the box. then fleckstone the front piece all the way into the port.
  25. carguy83

    Small system for the wife

    nice build man. simple and space saving.