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Everything posted by eman88

  1. What is the warranty on refurbished amps?
  2. eman88

    Spring Cleaning X series 12's!

    What amp would you suggest matching with one of this subs? Also, ballpark, how many do you have left?
  3. eman88

    New in NJ/TX: 96 Accord

    Are you suggesting that for the X 12 sub? Correct me if I'm wrong (probably ) but that amp would be underpowered for the Q (or BL) series subs, right?
  4. eman88

    New in NJ/TX: 96 Accord

    I want to retain most of my trunk space, and I don't want to do anything too crazy. I'm also planning on retaining the stock speakers, so I don't want the bass to be overwhelming, which is why I was leaning towards a 10 (or maybe a 12). Thanks for the welcome!! Why do you suggest the BL over the Q? I've just read a lot of good things about the Q series on other forums so thats why I was thinking about it.